
Top 10 ChatGPT prompts

Top 10 ChatGPT Prompts Every Job Seeker Should Know:


1. Networking on LinkedIn for Job Opportunity:
Create a message to connect with a professional at [Company] on LinkedIn, discussing my interest in the [Title] position and how my background in [Specific Field/Technology] makes me a strong candidate.

2. Write a Resume from Scratch:
Prompt -
Write resume for [Title] at [company], [X] years of experience, 3-5 bullet points per role and include 10 key job description keywords. Past titles: [Company A-Y years, Company B-Z years].
<Copy/paste job description>.

3. Write a Cover Letter:
Write a cover letter for the role of [Title] at [Company], emphasizing my experience in [Specific Field/Technology]. Mention how my contributions at [Previous Company] align with the job requirements: <Copy/paste job description>.

4. Check if Resume match with Job Description
Prompt -
Review if my skills and the job description for the [Title] position at [Company] match? Tell mismatch percentage.
Job description: [paste text/link]
My Skills: [Add your Skills]

5. Update Resume
Prompt -
Update my resume for the [Title] role at [Company] by focusing on relevant skills mentioned in the job description.
Job Description: [copy/paste job description]
Current Resume: [copy/ paste current resume]

6. Email to send Resume and Cover Letter
Prompt -
Compose an email to send my resume and cover letter for the [Title] position at [Company] to an employer: [employer email], highlight my key achievements at [Previous Company] and express my enthusiasm for the role.

7. Prepare for Interview
Prompt -
Provide me a list of [number] interview questions based on job description. Job description: [paste text/link]

8. Conduct a Mock Interview
Prompt -
Conduct a technical mock interview for the [Job Role]. I am applying for this position. Ask me 15 questions related to [Specific Field/Technology], one after the other, gauging my expertise.

9. In9. Introduce Yourself
Prompt -
Prepare a brief introduction about myself focusing on my experiences in [Specific Field/Technology] for the [Title] interview at [Company].
10. Follow-up Email
Prompt -
Craft a follow-up email to inquire about the status of your application for the [Title] role at [Company].


Dhagawuun dadhabe

Dhagawuun dadhabe

. . .
Innis… natti himuu jalqabe
Anis…gurran itti qabe…..
* * * * *
“…..Attam ture wantisaa….., attam turee laataa?
Bishaan harkaa baadheen nan muge fakkaata
Irriba fokkistuu; irribi kaleessaa
Dhagaa gubbaa taa’ee abjuu natti odeessa
Marga gubbaa taa’een gurrakoo itti qeensa;
Huurrii fi aara woyii mataatti na aguugaa
Haadhakoo gudeedee abbaakoo ajjeese; wabiif harki dhiiga
Utuman kana arguu saamunaa dhaaf bishaan baadheen jala fiiga
Hoo abbaa kootii…jedheen baqachuu dhaaf fiiga
Nan fachisan jedhaa, irreetu na laafaa, hantuutootu na muga
Kan akka koo hin jiru, namni qalbiin deegaa.
Yammuun rafee ka’u, narra ijaajjee kolfa
Haadhakoo gudeedee abbaakoo ajjeesee inno ammayyuu inkolfa
Isanni natti kolfu, anis duukaan kolfa
Uggum yaa anaa kanaa, nama qalbiin hoffaa!”
* * * * *
Maali hin qaanawuu maalo, kana yeroo natti himu
Du’ee biyyoo hanyaatu qileen haa dhidhimu
Dhagawuun dadhabe
Iddoosaan qaanayee, mataan gad-nacabe
Maal namni hin qaanofne…kana natti odeessaa?
Du’ee biyyoo ha nyaatu salgan namaa keessaa.



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Yaadannoo Goototaa


(Gaaffii qalbiinkoo jalaa hinbaane, ilmoon namaa ilmoo namaaf waan gochuun itti ulfaatu garuu muraasni raawwatanii sammuu namaa keessatti gaaffii guyyuu kan uuman, yaadannoo irra ce'ee gaaffiiwwan uumaman keessaas waggoottan kurnan darbaniif gola miirakoo keessa kan naanna'e, gatiin ba'e tasa akka hin taaneef luugama yookaan mil'annaa adeemsakoo ittiin akeeku gaaffii namoomaa, walaloo ‘maaliin ija si guutu?’ jedhu kanaanin tuquuf yaale. Gatiin Oromoomaaf ba'e, ba'aa jiru guddaadha.)
Maaliin ija si guutu!?
Maqaakoo dhahattee,
fiigdee baate manaa
Of hin mararsifanne,
aarsaa taate anaa!
'Guduunfaakee furu malee,
an takka hin gammadu'
Inni ati naan jette,
garaa kootii hin badu.
Addunyaa na kabajju,
na badhaasuuf jettee
Osuma ifaajjuu,
kichummaan hiddamte
Namummaaf miidhamte
Saanduqatti hidhamte.
Mil'uukee achi fagoo,
dhugaa si dammaqse
Harki sammuun dhiphoo,
dhiibee afaan si maqse
Kaayyoo si hanqise
Kaachookee hambise.
Akkuma warra kaanii
Jettee dhimma isaanii
Hin cufanne afaani!
Jiruukee achi haatee,
Quuqqaa lammiif kaatee,
Rirmi qorqee si nyaate.
Lapheen nama gaddeef,
harki haatee sin fuutuu
An karaatti ati hafteef,
maaliin ija si guutuu?
* * *
Guyyaa yaadannoo goototaa

Do not force people to like you

Do not force people to like you
Instead, remember these:

✓ Prioritizing Self-Health and Growth: Self-care and personal development are vital. Prioritizing your health—both mental and physical—ensures that you are at your best. This not only enhances your quality of life but also enables you to engage more fully with others.

✓ Unwavering Honesty: Honesty builds trust and respect. By being truthful in your interactions, you lay a strong foundation for relationships that are based on transparency and authenticity. This integrity attracts those who value sincerity, creating deeper and more meaningful connections.

✓ Prioritizing Self-Health and Growth: Self-care and personal development are vital. Prioritizing your health—both mental and physical—ensures that you are at your best. This not only enhances your quality of life but also enables you to engage more fully with others.

✓ Emotional Intelligence: Part of being kind and honest involves understanding and managing your emotions. Developing emotional intelligence allows you to communicate more effectively and navigate social interactions with empathy and awareness.

✓ Respect for Differences: Authentic interactions are rooted in respect for individual differences. By accepting and celebrating the uniqueness of others, you contribute to a more inclusive and supportive community.

✓ Continuous Learning: Commit to learning about yourself and the world around you. This commitment fuels your growth and helps you adapt to life’s changes and challenges with resilience.

✓ Sharing Your Journey: As you focus on self-care and personal growth, share your journey. This can inspire others to prioritize their well-being and foster a community of support and encouragement.

✓ Attract the Right People: By being yourself, you attract people who genuinely appreciate and value your true personality. This leads to healthier, more supportive relationships.

Source: Bashar Gulumbe


Be smart, sharp and intelligent

How do I become the smartest, sharpest and most intelligent version of myself?

  1. Look into people’s eyes no matter who they are.
  2. Never appear stressed, always act calm.
  3. Don't show your weakness, don't let people use it against you.
  4. Dress classy, always wear a watch.
  5. Never respond immediately, wait a few seconds, then respond coldly and briefly.
  6. Speak slowly, it shows your self confidence in what you are saying.

Abubakar Siddiqui
  from Quora digest


    Never Stop Being A Student

    At 30, you should be grown up enough to understand the following:


    • You are not entitled to anything
    Nothing will be handed to you, no matter who you are or where you are.
    You do not deserve anything until you work for it.
    Everything is earned, not given.
    Until you understand this, your life will never see any growth.

    • Take personal responsibility
    Success in life is impossible unless you accept responsibility for your actions.
    You have no control over the external circumstances that affect your life, but you do have control over yourself.
    Own your actions and take control of your life.

    • Life is a one-time offer
    You only have one life, so make the most of it.
    Use your time wisely. Create memories and experiences.
    Spend it with loved ones and do the things that make you happy.
    You think you always have time until you realize you don't.

    • Tomorrow is not guaranteed
    You procrastinate on a lot of things and think that you will always have another opportunity.
    The younger you are, the less you value time.
    As you get older, you realize that time is a valuable resource, but it gets scarcer by the day.
    Every successful person has made some sacrifices and invested time and effort.
    Success is achieved through slow and steady progress that is long-lasting.
    You must learn to be patient and consistent if you want to be successful.

    • Learn how to manage your money
    You are the best person to manage your finances.
    Learn how to save, invest, and understand how money works.
    Many people over the age of 30 don't know how to budget, invest, or balance their books.

    • Do not seek validation from others
    Be confident in who you are.
    People will always have something to say about you, whether or not you are successful.
    Focusing on what makes you happy is the best thing you can do for yourself.

    • Never stop being a student
    Learning is a journey that lasts a lifetime and does not end with college.
    You must be a lifelong learner because knowledge provides relevance and great opportunities.
    Continue to read and educate yourself at all times.

    • Comparison is not good
    Comparison is the enemy of joy.
    You will never be happy when you compare your journey to other people's.
    Remember that no one can play your role better than you, and this is the only game that you can win.

    • Invest in yourself
    Knowledge, skills, and health are assets that you will serve your entire life.
    They are assets that you must accumulate in order to grow and progress in life.
    Investing in yourself yields the greatest return.

    • Upgrade your circle of friends
    The quality of your surroundings has a big impact on your success.
    Surround yourself with people who talk about business, investments, and personal development.
    Too many people's lives are stagnant because they are in the wrong circle.

    • Never take things for granted
    Life is too short to postpone what you can do today.
    Learn to value your life and appreciate the things that you have.
    There is someone out there who wishes to have the things that you neglect.


    A skill is 10x more valuable than a degree

    If you are from age 18-35, Normalize These:


    1. Eat the right diet.
    Poor diet leads to low level of vitamins and minerals crucial in brain development.
    Invest in your health by eating;
    - Enough proteins
    - Carbohydrates
    - Right fats
    - Vitamins
    Include these in your diet;
    • Meat
    • Fruits
    • Cereals
    • Vegetables

    2. Fix your sleeping schedule.
    Schedule to sleep and awake at the same hour.
    Recharge yourself 7+ hours with sleep a day.
    You'll boost your;
    • Energy
    • Memory
    • Mood and body recovery

    3. Manage your emotions.
    To understand how you feel, spend time alone and learn;
    • How to take nothing personally
    • How to control expectations
    • How to let go with ease
    Master your feelings to understand yourself.

    4. Prioritize work out.
    Physical exercise is therapy to your mind.
    Spend atleast 40 minutes of acute workout a day.
    Endorphins and serotonin; chemicals produced by the brain help you;
    • Build self esteem
    • Improve your sleep
    • Boost your mood

    5. Spend time with nature.
    Spending hours behind a screen weaken your mental health.
    Allocate 1 hour a day to;
    • Walk
    • Bask in the sun
    This'll help you fight burnout and stressful life situations.
    6. Avoid toxic environments.
    What you feed your mind creates who you're.
    Stay miles away from;
    - Toxic relationships
    - Toxic music
    - The news
    Your mind will be at peace when you learn;
    • What to tolerate
    • What to listen
    • How to respond to life problems.

    7. Be in the moment
    Worry less about what you can't control.
    This will;
    • Relieve anxiety
    • Reduce stress level
    • Lower blood pressure
    Be in the "now" and you'll control your mind.
    Wild thoughts create problems that never existed.
    Tame them to be in the present.

    8. Learn a high income skill.
    Set 4 hours a day
    No distraction
    Build on a specific knowledge you can leverage
    Here's how;
    • Choose a skill
    • Select 10-20 Youtube channel teaching the skill
    • Binge watch it for 100 days
    Master the basics then build up on the knowledge.
    I recommend these 4 skills.
    Pick one skill and develop it for 3 months;
    • Sales
    • Coding
    • Copywriting
    • Forex trading
    Fact: A skill is 10x more valuable than a degree.




    1. Tamiiriin madda annisaa sirrii dha. Tamiiriin giddu galeessaa takkichi anniisaa haga kilookaalorii 20 (20 kcal) of keessaa qaba. Anniisaan kilookalaorii digdamni, anniisaa namni tokko deemsa daqiiqaa shanii yokaan ammoo fiigicha daqiiqaa 2f fayyadamutti madaalama.
    2. Annisaan tamiirii keessatti kuufamee jiru, akka annisaa maddeen biroo osoo hin taane, anniisaa ariitiidhaan altakkaatti (instantly) qaamni keenya fayyadamuu danda’uudha. Kun ammoo yoo hatattamaan annisaa argachuun barbaachisutti nyaata filatamaa isa taasisaa.
    3. Qabiyyee nyaata faayiberii (fibers) jedhamu kan gogiinsa garaa (constipation) ittisuu fi bullaa’insa soorataafis hedduu gargaaruu baay’inaan of keessaa qaba.
    4. Elementii ayirenii (iron) kan qaama keenyaaf hedduu barbaachisu (keessumaa seelii dhiigaa diimaa hojjachuuf) hedduu of keessatti qabata.
    5. Pootaasiyeemii qaamni keenya hedduu barbaadu, sooratoota biroo hedduu caalaa kan qabudha.
    6. Elementoota fi vaayitaaminoota biroo akka: Kaalsiyeemii, maangaaniis, koopperii fi vaayitamin B6 of keessaa qaba.
    7. Keemikaalota qaama namaaf hedduu fayyadan polyphenols jedhaman kan akka qaamni keenya hin kulkulle (inflammation) ittisu hedduu of keessaa qaba.
    Walumaa galatti, tamiiriin hangi isaa giddu galeessa ta'e tokkichi, kanneen armaangadii kana of keessaa qaba:
    ■ Anniisaa: 20 (kcal)
    ■ Cooma walii galaa: 0.03 grams
    ■ Karboohaayidiretii: 5.33 g
    ■ Faayiberii: 0.6 g
    ■ Pirootina: 0.17 g
    ■ Vaayitaamin B6: 0.012 mg
    ■ Ayireenii: 0.07 mg
    ■ Maagniisiyeemii: 3 mg
    ■ Pootaasiyeemii: 47 mg
    Tamiiriin qabiyyee sukkaaraa hedduu of keessaa kan qabuudha. Kun ammoo namoonni dhukkuba sukkaaraa qaban yoo baay’isanii nyaatan sukkaaraa qaama isaanii keessaa to’annaa alatti olkaasuu waan danda’uuf, tamiirii yoo kan nyaatan ta’e xiqqeessanii nyaachuun diraqama.
    Fayyaan Faaya
    Dr. Gurmeessaa

    Oofan (Sirna boo'ichaa)

    Oofan: Sirna boo'icha hawaasa Oromoo dhiichisaan dabaalame Madda suuraa, Olaanii Ita'aa Oofaniin aadaa sirna boo’ichaa giddugala Oro...

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