
Common Web Errors

What are the top 20 common web errors?

Here are the list of the top 20 common web errors. These errors often occur when there is a problem with the server or the website's code. Here are some of the most common web errors:

  1. 400 Bad Request
  2. 401 Unauthorized
  3. 403 Forbidden
  4. 404 Not Found
  5. 408 Request Timeout
  6. 500 Internal Server Error
  7. 502 Bad Gateway
  8. 503 Service Unavailable
  9. 504 Gateway Timeout
  10. DNS Server Not Found
  11. Connection Timed Out
  12. Connection Refused
  13. Connection Reset
  14. Server Not Found
  15. Too Many Requests
  16. Invalid URL
  17. Invalid Hostname
  18. SSL Certificate Error
  19. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Error
  20. Buffer Overflow Error

These errors can be frustrating for website visitors, but they can usually be resolved by the website's developers or server administrators.

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