


It is said that there was once a strong relationship between the Frogs and the Birds. One day, Frog told them that she wished to fly in the sky with the birds. They assured her they would do what they could to help her.

"So, as you two hold this stick on either side, I'll bite the middle of it, and we'll continue flying," she said. As soon as they agreed, they took off. After a few minutes, Frog looked down and felt very happy.

Very surprised to see a frog in the sky, other birds came flying and asked, "How did this happen? Who came up with the idea?" They directed their question to the two birds.

Frog, unable to resist her pride, interrupted the two birds and said, "It was me!" The moment she spoke, she lost her grip and fell to the ground.

Moral: Over-Pride leads to failure!

Source: Tales from an old man's speech.

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Anummaa/Of-tuulummaa (Over-Pride)

Bartokko allaattiiwwaniifi Raacha gidduutti hariiroo cimaan uumamee ture jedhu. Gaaf tokko Raachi Risaawwan waliin samii keessa balali'uuf akka hawwite isaanitti himte. Isaanis waan danda'aniin akka ishee gargaaran itti himan. "Egaa isin lamaan ulee qalloo kana garanaa garasiin qabdanii akka jirtanitti, animmoo gidduu isaa ciniineen balalii itti fufna" ittiin jette. Akkuma walii galanitti balalii eegalan. Daqiiqaa muraasa booddee Raachis samii keessa ol fagaatttee waan hunda gadi ilaaluun miira inni namaaf kennu ilaaltee hedduu gammadde. Raacha samii keessatti arguu isaaniitti baay'ee kan dinqisiifatan allaattiiwwan biroo balali'aa dhufanii  "Akkamitti waanti kun isiniif milkaa'e? Eenyutu yaada kana fide?" jedhanii gaafatan. Raachis allaattota lamaan ishee baatanii jiran dubbii saamtee "Anadha" jette. Battaluma sanattis lafatti kufte.

Safuu: Anummaan kufaatii fida.
Madda: Oduu durii haasawaa Jaarsaa irraa

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