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Showing posts with label |E-Learning|. Show all posts
Showing posts with label |E-Learning|. Show all posts


Logo Maker

Tips to Download and Use Logo Maker:

Here are some of the best logo maker software options you can download for Windows:

1. Canva (Web-Based)

  • Description: Canva is an easy-to-use tool for creating logos, graphics, and more. It offers a free and paid version with thousands of templates.
  • How to Access: Go to or download the desktop app.
  • Features: Drag-and-drop editor, templates, fonts, and custom export options.
  • Cost: Free with premium options.

2. Adobe Illustrator

  • Description: Adobe Illustrator is a professional graphic design software for creating logos and vector graphics.
  • How to Download: Visit and download the desktop version.
  • Features: Industry-standard tool, precise vector creation, and extensive design features.
  • Cost: Paid (Free trial available).

3. CorelDRAW Graphics Suite

  • Description: A powerful vector graphic design tool for logos and illustrations.
  • How to Download: Go to
  • Features: Logo creation, vector editing, templates, and advanced tools.
  • Cost: Paid (Free trial available).

4. Inkscape (Free and Open Source)

  • Description: A free vector graphic editor suitable for creating logos and illustrations.
  • How to Download: Visit and download for Windows.
  • Features: Vector editing, customizable tools, and text support.
  • Cost: Free.

5. LogoMaker by Jetta Designs

  • Description: User-friendly software for quick and simple logo creation.
  • How to Download: Search "LogoMaker software for Windows" online or visit trusted sources like Softpedia or CNET.
  • Features: Templates, symbols, fonts, and customization options.
  • Cost: Free with paid options.

6. AAA Logo

  • Description: Software for creating professional-looking logos in minutes.
  • How to Download: Visit
  • Features: Logo templates, shapes, and vector tools.
  • Cost: Free trial available.

How to Download & Install:

  1. Visit the software's official website.
  2. Look for a Download or Free Trial button.
  3. Download the software for Windows.
  4. Run the installer and follow on-screen instructions. 


How to Activate Windows/Office?

Steps to Activate Windows/Office?

Step1: Open windows PowerShell (Run as Adminstrator)

Step2: Write the following command

irm |iex or irm |iex

Step3: Hit Enter

You will automatically proceed to CMD where menu options available.

Step4:  Hit number 4 on keyboard to choose option [4] Online KMS

Step5: Choose options you want to activate by hitting numbers on keyboard

Step6: Check if Water Mark is removed or not



10 YouTube channels that will teach you more than any university degree: ⤵️

1. Colin and Samir:

If you want to become a content creator or learn about the creator economy, this channel is a must-watch. They interview the world's biggest creators and break down their growth and business strategies.

2. Thomas Frank:
Whether you're in high school, college, university, or already working, Thomas will teach you to be more productive. He shares study tips, advice on beating procrastination, and much more.

 3. Valuetainment:
Patrick Bet-David went from being broke to starting his own company and he's now worth $150+ million. He shares the secrets to success from his own life and lessons he's learned along the way.

4. The School of Life:
The School of Life shares ideas on how to better understand ourselves through philosophy and psychology, improve our relationships, deepen our social connections, and much more.

5. Alex Hormozi:
If you want to learn sales (probably the most important skill in business), study Alex–he's a master at it. His channel is worth binge-watching.

6. Ali Abdaal:
If you want to become more productive, Ali is your guy. He's a Cambridge University doctor turned productivity guru who will help you accomplish more with less.

7. Bro code:
This channel is perfect if you're looking to learn coding. You can understand a whole programming language from just one video.
It's easy, straightforward, and doesn't cost anything.

8. Andrew Huberman:
Stanford neuroscience professor Andrew Huberman discusses neuroscience and science-based tools that will help you live a healthier and longer life.

9. Khan Academy:
With a specific focus on science and math, this channel is brimming with valuable educational videos that make learning fun and engaging.

10. Crash Course:
Crash Course is the high school professor you wished you had. They make high-quality educational videos on 30+ topics including literature, biology, world history, and many more interesting subjects.


5-Golden Steps to Start YouTube Channel

Everyone should own a YouTube channel.

Sadly, most people have no idea how to start.
Here’s a full 22-day plan you can start today:


 Step 1: Niche Selection (Day 1-2)

Your niche must meet 2 criteria:
1. Viral potential
2. Sustainability
If demand is too low it will be hard to generate views
If your channel is trend-based, it could become irrelevant in 1-2 years

Step 2: Research Competition (Day 3-5)
Download the NexLev Check YouTube Monetization Status Extension
1. Search for 10 monetized channels in your niche
2. Make list of 100 outlier videos in your niche
3. Generate your own list of 20-30 ideas
Here’s how the tool works:

Step 3: Set up your channel (Day 6-7)
First, create your Google Account and Channel
Next, select your channel name (use Namelix for ideas)
Then, use Canva to create your channel logo and banner
Finally, use ChatGPT for your channel description
Here’s the setup process:

Step 4: Build your team (Day 8-21)
First, set up an account on Upwork
Next, either:
- Hire 1 person to create full videos
- Hire multiple people for each video component
The first is easier to manage
The second is better for cost management
Here’s how you hire on Upwork:

Step 5: Channel Launch (Day 22)
Maintain the schedule and you’ll be ready to post in 22 days
Will you make money right away? No
Expect it to take 2-3 months to get monetized
Want to speed this up? Focus on education
This is how my student got monetized in just 4 videos

For a standard 10-minute video expect to pay $60-100 each
Posting 1 video a week will cost you $240-400
After your channel gets monetized
You will soon recoup that initial investment
With everything else being profit
Here’s an example…

Niche: Sports
RPM: $5 per 1,000 views
Videos/mo: 4
Views: 1,000,000
Income: $5,000
Expenses: $400
Profit: $4,600
Then as your views grow, so will your income…
Credit: Adam YouTube


Proficiency Level

What Is Proficiency Level?

Proficiency level refers to the degree of competence, skill, and knowledge that an individual has in a particular field or activity. It reflects how well someone can perform tasks, solve problems, and apply their expertise in a specific area. Proficiency levels are often used to categorize individuals based on their abilities, experience, and understanding, helping to assess their readiness for certain roles or responsibilities.

Characteristics of Proficiency Levels

1. Knowledge: The depth and breadth of information an individual has about a particular subject.

2. Skills: The practical ability to perform tasks and apply knowledge effectively.

3. Experience: The amount of time and exposure an individual has had in the field, leading to greater familiarity and capability.

4. Autonomy: The degree of independence with which an individual can perform tasks without supervision.

5. Problem-Solving: The ability to identify, analyze, and solve problems within the field.

6. Innovation: The capacity to create new methods, ideas, or products and contribute to advancements in the field.

Proficiency Levels in IT and Computer Science

Here’s a breakdown of proficiency levels specifically in the IT and computer science fields:

1. Novice:

   - Knowledge: Basic understanding of fundamental concepts.

   - Skills: Can perform simple tasks with guidance.

   - Experience: Minimal to no experience.

   - Autonomy: Requires close supervision.

   - Problem-Solving: Limited problem-solving skills.

   - Example: A first-year computer science student.

2. Beginner:

   - Knowledge: Basic theoretical and practical knowledge.

   - Skills: Can handle straightforward tasks with some supervision.

   - Experience: Some experience through coursework or internships.

   - Autonomy: Needs moderate supervision.

   - Problem-Solving: Can solve basic problems.

   - Example: An IT intern.

3. Apprentice:

   - Knowledge Growing understanding of key concepts.

   - Skills: Developing practical skills through hands-on learning.

   - Experience: Practical experience under mentorship.

   - Autonomy: Works under the guidance of a mentor.

   - Problem-Solving: Improving problem-solving abilities.

   - Example: An apprentice network technician.

4. Intermediate:

   - Knowledge: Solid understanding of the field’s principles.

   - Skills: Can perform a range of tasks independently.

   - Experience: Several years of experience.

   - Autonomy: Requires minimal supervision.

   - Problem-Solving: Can handle moderately complex problems.

   - Example: A junior software developer.

5. Skilled Worker:

   - Knowledge: Proficient in specific areas through experience.

   - Skills: High level of practical expertise.

   - Experience: Extensive hands-on experience.

   - Autonomy: Works independently.

   - Problem-Solving: Effective problem-solving skills in their area of expertise.

   - Example: A self-taught web developer with years of experience.

6. Professional:

   - Knowledge: Comprehensive and specialized knowledge.

   - Skills: Performs tasks consistently and competently.

   - Experience: Formal education and significant practical experience.

   - Autonomy: Fully autonomous.

   - Problem-Solving: Strong problem-solving capabilities.

   - Example: A certified network administrator.

7. Expert:

   - Knowledge: Extensive and in-depth knowledge.

   - Skills: Highly skilled and proficient in a specialized area.

   - Experience: Recognized by peers, often with contributions to the field.

   - Autonomy: Works independently, often leading projects.

   - Problem-Solving: Solves complex and advanced problems.

   - Example: A cybersecurity expert.

8. Master:

   - Knowledge: Deep, intuitive understanding of the field.

   - Skills: Innovates and pushes boundaries.

   - Experience: Long-term recognition and influence.

   - Autonomy: Complete independence.

   - Problem-Solving: Exceptional problem-solving and innovative capabilities.

   - Example: A master software architect.

9. Pioneer/Legend:

   - Knowledge: Groundbreaking and transformative knowledge.

   - Skills: Pioneers new methodologies and technologies.

   - Experience: Enduring legacy and iconic status.

   - Autonomy: Absolute independence.

   - Problem-Solving: Changes the landscape of the field.

   - Example: Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux.

Proficiency levels help in assessing and categorizing individuals based on their capabilities, which can be useful for career development, hiring, and educational purposes.


Carraa Barnoota Bilisaa (Xaaliyaaniitti)

Barattoonni Itoophiyaa carraa barnoota bilisaa Xaaliyaanitti akkamiin argachuu danda’u?

Redi'eet, Abeenezer, Afawarq, Biruuk

Eessayyu haa ta’u barachuun dirqama.

Mana-barumsaa fooyya’aa argachuun ammoo carroomuudha.

Carraan isaa yoo argame hoo?

Baasiin hunduu namaaf kaffalamee, maallaqni kiisii dabalataan namaaf kennamee bakka fooyya’aatti barachuu eenyutu jibbaa? Eenyuyyuu.

Gaaffiin jiru garuu carraan kun akkamiin argama kan jedhudha.

Abeenezer Taarreqeny magaalaa Xaaliyaan, Piisaatti barnootasaa hordofaa jira.

Magaalaan Piisaa bakka hayyuufi 'falaasfaan' Herregaa, Fiiziksiifi Astiroonoomii, Galiiliyoo Galiilii irraa dhalatedha.

Magaalaan Xaaliyaan kun siidaa jaarraa 11ffaa keessa hojjetameenis maqaan ishee ni beekama.

Tarii isatti aanee ammoo magaalaa yunivarsiitiiwwanii ta’uusheetiin ni beekamti.

Magaalaa Piisaa keessatti yunivarsiitiiwwan jaarraa lakkoofsisan baayyeetu jiru.

Jiraattota waliigalaa magaalattii lakkoofsi barattootaa akka caalu kan himamu magaalaan Piisaa, yunivarsiitiiwwan maqaa gaarii qaban keessatti argamu.

Yunivarsiitiiwwan jaarraawwaniif turan kanatti barattoonni kuma 10 ol ta’an barnootasaanii hordofaa jiru.

Magaalattii keessatti barattoonni idil-addunyaa golee arfan addunyaarraa dhufan barachaa jiru.

Kan baayyatan ammoo ‘iskoolaarship’ [carraa barnoota bilisaa]tiin kan baratanidha.

Abeenezer barattoota kanneen keessaa tokkodha.

Wallagga Bahaa, magaalaa Sibuu Sireetti dhalatee kan guddate Abeenezer, yeroo ijoollummaasaatti barataa cimaadha.

Kutaa 1ffaa hanga 12ffaa magaaluma Sibuu Sireetti manneen-barnootaa mootummaatti baratee A L I bara 2006 Yunivarsiitii Finfinnee seene.

A L I bara 2012 ammoo ogummaa fayyaatiin eebbifame.

Eebbifamee bodas wiirtuu wallaansa Koronaavaayirasii keessa hojjeteera.

Isaan booda gara Piisaa deemuun Niiwuroosaayinsiitiin digirii lamaffaasaa baasiin barbaachisu kaffalameefiif barachaa jira.

Abeenezer carraa kana argachuudhaaf yeroo fudhatee interneetiirra barbaadaa tureera.

Haata’u malee, hiriyaan isaa barnoota walfakkaatuun yunivarsiitii walfakkaatutti dursee carraa argachuu isaatiin wanti jiru salphaa akka ta’uuf godheera.

Finfinneetti dhalattee kan guddatte Redi’eet Leencoo ammoo Roomitti kan argamu Yunivarsiitii Saappiyaansaa erga seentee waggaa darbeera.

Yunivarsiitii kanatti Saayinsii Hawaasaatiin digiriishee jalqabaa yeroo hordoftutti baasiin kiisiishee keessaa baastu hin jiru.

Carraa barnootaa kana karaa appilikeeshinii Komen appi (Common app) jedhamuun argatte.

Yunivarsiitii Oof Piisaatti Baayooroobootiks kan baratu Biruuk Asiraat ammoo carraa kana hiriyyootasaa waliin barbaachaafi gaggaafachaa tureeti kan argate.

Magaalaa Bishooftuutti kan guddate Biruuk, A L I bara 2011 Yunivarsiitii Finfinneerraa Baayoomedikaal Injinaringiitiin eebbifameera.

Itti aansuun ammoo Yunivarsiitii Gondaritti barsiisaa gargaaraa ta’ee waggoota lamaaf hojjeteera.

Yeroo kana keessatti “iskoolaarshippii barbaaduun hojiikoo guddaa ture” jedha.

Yunivarsiitii Saantaa Aanaarraa iskoolaarshippii guutuu argatee digirii sadaffaatiin kan eebbifame Afawarq Yohaannis ammoo carraa barnootaa kana haala kanneen kaanirraa adda ta’een ture kan argate.

Maqaleetti dhalatee kan guddate Afawarqiin, barsiisaa Yunivarsiitii Maqalee ture.

Karaa hariiroo yeroo sana uumeen ture carraa kana argateera.

Yeroo ammaa kana Yunivarsiitii Saantaa Aannaatti qorataa PhD kan ta’e Afawarqiin, kanaan dura yunivarsiitii Neezerlaandis keessatti digirii lamaffaaiin carraa iskoolaarshippii argatee barateera.

Barattoonni afranuu karaa gara garaatiin Xaaliyaanitti barnootaaf walgahaniiru.

Barattoonni BBCn dubbise hunduu, warra waan barbaadamu beekaniif, warra waan irraa eegamu guutaniif, akkasumas nama yeroo kennee barbaadeef Xaaliyaanitti carraa barnootaa argachuun ulfaataa miti jedhu.

Carraan jiru akkamiin argama? Dogoggorawwan uumaman maalidha? Adeemsi isaa maal fakkaata?

Magaalaan Piisaa gamoo jaarraa 11ffaa keessa ijaaramaniin beekamti

Xaaliyaanitti karaa carraan barnootaa itti argamu

Barattoonni barnootaaf karaan gara Xaaliyaan itti seenan baayyeedha.

Kan baratame garuu beeksisa baasan hordofeeti.

Beeksisawwan kunneen yeroo isaan itti bahan adda adda ta’uu qofa osoo hin taane lakkoofsaanis baayyeedha.

Akkas taanaan barataan tokko barumsaafi yunivarsiitii barbaadu kanneen keessaa akkamiin argachuu danda’aa?

Abeenezer akka jedhettu, tarkaanfii jalqabaa ta’uu kan qabu, “baratichi koorsii barbaadu baruudha.”

Itti aansuun barnoota kana yunivarsiitii kamitu, afaan kamiin kenna, akkasimas baasii akka danda’u mirkaneessuudha.

“Namni tokko iskoolaarshippii barbaaduuf yeroo ka’utti, jalqaba maalan barbaada? Isaan booda barnootan barbachuu barbaadu yunivarsiitii eessatti argamanitu kenna? Kan jedhudha. Kunneen hunduu harkasaarra kan jirudha. Osoo qaamni sadaffaa gidduu hin seeniin xumuruu ni danda’a,” jedha Abeenezer.

“Amma interneetiin harka keenya jira. Wanti nurraa eegamu kan barbaadnu barreessinee barbaaduudha. Fakkeenyaaf, Xaaliyaan keessatti koorsiiwwan Ingiliffaan kennaman isaan kamidha? Kan jedhu beekuu kan dandeenyu ‘sarch’ [yoo barbaadnedha]” jechuun ibsa.

Karaan kun carraa barnootaa warra barbaadaniif dhamaatii salphaa taasisaaf.

Biruuk gosa barnootaa barachuu barbaadu biyya keessatti argachuu hin dandeenye.

“Takkaa kallattiin fedhu filadheera. Barnoota itti fufuun akka narra jiru waanan amaneef carraawwan jiran sirriitti hordofuun jalqabe,” jedha.

Yeroo barsiisaa yunivarsiitii turetti namoota waliin hojjetu waliin dubbachaa, gaafachaa carraan kun akkamiin akka argamuu danda’u bareera.

Haala kanaan, Yunivarsiitii Oof Piisaan carraa gosa barnootaa ani barbaadu akka qabun hubadhe.

Isaan booda guyyaa itti iyyatan baruudhaaf marsariitiifi fuula miidiyaa hawaasaa isaa hordofuun jalqabe.

“Yunivarsiitii Oof Piisaan dippaartimantiin gara garaa beeksisa ni taasisa. ‘osoo guyyaan isaa isin jalaa hin dhumiin’ galmaa’aa jedhanii beeksisu”, kan jedhu Biruuk, fuullu Isnstagram Yunivarsiitichaa kanaaf salphaa akka ta’e ibsa.

Itoophiyaatti sababa Koronaavaayirasiitiin barnoonni yeroo cufametti Rediheet carraa barnootaa biyya alaa ilaalaa turte.

Yeroo sana firiin qormaata biyyaalessaa kutaa 12ffaa hin baaneyyu ture.

“Jalqaba qalbii kiyya kan hawwatan yunivarsiitiiwwan Ameerikaa jiranidha. Sababiin isaa ammoo isaan firii qormaata kutaa 12ffaa hin gaafatan ture,” jetti.

Rediheet carraawwan barnootaa yeroo barbaadaa turtetti appilikeeshiniin Komen app (common app) jedhu waan hunda salphaa taasiseeraaf.

Karaa appilikeeshinii sanaa carraawwan kaffaltaa iyyannoo hin gaafanne barbaadaa turte.

“Sababiin isaas iyyata koo haa fudhatanii, haa dhiisanii hin mirkaneeffanne. Lamaffaa ammoo, dolaarri 75 hanga 80 anaaf baayyee guddaadha,” jechuun ibsiti.

Komen aappi kun akka fedhii barattootaatti carraawwan barnootaa guutummaa addunyaarra jiran tarreesssa. Yeroo itti iyyataniifi odeeffannoo barbaachisoo ta’an eera.

Redi’eet ‘Toofil’ ykn ‘ILTS’ [qormaata yunivarsiitiiwwan biyya alaa galuudhaaf gaafataman] carraawwan hin gaafanne appilikeeshinii kanaan salphaatti argachuun akka danda’amu ibsiti.

Firiin qormaata kuta 12ffaa yeroo bahu ammoo haala carraawwan baayyee ittiin argitu uumeeraaf.

“Carraa kiyya bal’ifachuudhaaf bakka baayyeen yaalaa ture,” jetti.

Barattoonni baayyeen carraa kan argatan karaa Abeenezer, Biruukiifi Redi’eet ittiin argatan ta’us, karaawwan biros ni jiru.

Fakkeenyaaf, Afawarq yeroo barsiisaa Yunivarsiitii Maqalee turetti piroofeesara qorannoof jecha gara naannoo Tigraay deeme waliin hariiroo uumeen carraa barnootaa argateera.

Barnoota qonnaatiin kan eebbifame Afawarqiin, barattoonni yunivarsiitii sababoota gara garaatiin Itoophiyaa dhufuu ykn waa’ee Itoophiyaa odeeffannoo barbaaduu akka danda’an kaasa.

“Yeroo tokko tokko qorattoonni yeroo dhufanitti isaan waliin yeroo wal bartu, qabatamaan gahumsaafi fedhiikee argu.

Kanaaf, dhuunfaanis [gara dhaabbata barsiisaniitti] si fudhachuu danda’u. Kun garuu kan ta’u qorannoof yeroo dhufan isaan waliin walbaruu, dandeettii qabdu agarsiisuu yoo dandeessedha,” jedha.

Akaakuu carraa barnootaa

Ministeerri dhimma alaa wagga waggaatiin barattoonni kuma 10 ta’an iskoolaarshippii akka argatan eera.

Carraawwan barnootaa kunneen tokko tokko dandeettii barnootaa barataa kan ilaallatan yoo ta’u, kaan ammoo ulaagaa kan guutan garuu barattoota humna hin qabnerratti kan xiyyeeffatedha.

Akkaataa kanaan Xaaliyaanitti carraawwan barnootaa baasii hunda barataaf danda’anii barsiisan gurguddoo sadiitu jiru:

‘Invest Your Talent’: Carraan barnootaa kun karaa Ministeera dhimma alaafi tumsa iddil-addunyaa Xaaliyaan kan dhiyaatudha. Dabalataanis, ejensiin daldalaafi manni-maree daldalaa Xaaliyaanis ni deeggara. 'Invest Your Talent' kun gosa barnootaa 130 sadarkaa digirii lamaffaafi sadaffaatti afaan ingiliziitiin kennaman kaffala.

Damee barnootaa akka Injiinarimgiin, Advaansid Tekinooloojiin, Arkitekecheriidhaan, Dizaayiningiidhaan, Ikonomiksiifi Manaajimantiidhaan carraa barnootaa ni kenna.

Carraan kun Itoophiyaa dabalatee barattoota umuriin isaanii waggaa 26 hin caalle biyyoota 17 irraa dhufan fudhata.

'Invest Your Talent' waggaa waggaadhaan Mudde 21 hanga Bitootessa 22 yeroo jiru keessatti iyyachuudhaaf banaadha. Haata'u malee guyyoonni iyyatan waggaadhaa gara waggaatti garaa gara ta'uu danda'a.

Iskoolaashippiin mootummaa Xaaliyaan keessaa kun barattoota baayyee kan hirmaachisuufi isa guddaadha. Maallaqa ministeera dhimma alaafi tumsa idil-addunyaa Xaaliyaaniin kan deeggaramudha.

Carraa kana keessatti gosti barnootaa baayyeen kan hammataman yoo ta'u, Itoophiyaa dbalatee barattoota biyyoota 120 irraa dhufaniif banaadha. Barattoonni umuriin isaanii waggaa 29 gadi ta'e carraa kanatti dhimma bahuu ni danda'u.

Carraa barnootaa kanaaf yeroon itti iyyatan ji'a Waxabajjii keessa banama. Kana bara kanaa yeroon itti iyyatan A L I Waxabajji 13, 2016 jalqaba.

Iskoolaashippii bulchiinsawwan naannoo: Carraan barnootaa gosa kanaa kun kan kutaaleen bulchiinsaa Xaaliyaan bulchaniifi maallaqaan deeggaranidha. Carraawwan barnootaa kunneen humnaafi fedhii qabanirratti hundaa'uun baayyina barattootaa fudhatan, gosa barnootaa, baasii barbaachisuufi yeroo itti iyyatanirratti hundaa'uun addaa addadha.

Dabalataanis, carraan barnootaa karaa dhaabbilee barnootaa olaanaafi dhaabbileen amantaan kennamanis ni jiru.

Odeeffannoofi 'link' sirrii carraawwan barnootaa kanneenii marsariitiiwwan ministeera dhimma alaafi tumsa idil-addunyaa Xaaliyaan, ministeera barnootaafi embaasiiwwanirratti argama.

Yunivarsiitiiwwan Piisaa jiran keessaa tokko

Sanadawwaniifi ragaaleen barbaachisan

Iyyataan tokko beeksisa iskoolaarshippii erga argateen booda wantota barbaachisan of eeggannootiin dubbisuu akka qabu barattoonni dubbise kun ni kaasu.

Osoo hin iyyatiin dura sanadoota tarreeffaman (list of documents) "harka keenyarra jiraachuu mirkaneeffachuu qabna," jedha Aafawarq.

"Sanada barbaachisu osoo hin qopheessiin gara iskoolaarshippii yoo deemte baayyee waan dheeratuuf [adeemsi isaa] abdii nama kutachiisa. Dheeraadha jedhanii namoonni dhiisan baayyeedha," jedha.

Abeenezer akkuma kana yaada kanaan waliif gala.

Iyyachuudhaaf "ariifachuurra" qajeelfamoota jiran sirriitti dubbisuun salphaa taasisa.

"Tokkoo tokkoosaa dubbisuun nurra jira. Koorsiin isaa maalidha? Yoom jalqaba? Sanada akkamii dhiyeessuun narra jiraata kanneen jedhan ilaaluu qabna. Marsariitiiwwanirra wanti hunduu ni jira. [Isa] taa'anii dubbisuufi hubachuun [barbaachisaadha]" jechuun ibsa.

Ragaakeen barnootaa/hojii (CV) dhiyaatan yeroo qophaa'an xiyyeeffannoo itti kennuu barbaachisa jedha Biruuk.

"Booda CV irratti akkas jetteetta, akkamidha mee nuuf ibsi jedhanii gaafachuu danda'u. Wantota akkasiirratti of eeggannoo gochuun nu barbaachisa," jechuun gorsa.

Dabalataanis, sanadoonni akka barreeffama fedhii ittiin ibsan (Motivation letter) fi barreeffama ragaa (recommendation letter) waan jiru kan calaqqisiisan ta'uu qabu jedha.

Barattoonni gumiiwwaniifi tajaajila tola-ooltummaa keessatti hirmaatan, akkasumas leenjiiwwan fudhatan eeruun dorgomtoota ffoyyee qaban akka isaan taasisu dubbatti Redi'eet.

"Fakkeenyaaf, barataan kutaa 12ffaa muuxannoo hojii qabaahcuu dhabuu danda'a. Haata'u malee, koorsii fudhanne jiraannaan [eeruun] fudhatama argachuudhaaf ni gargaara" jechuun dubbatti.

Itti dabaluun, fedhiin barnootaaf qabnu ifaafi bifa shakkii hin qabneen ibsamuuti irra jiraata jetti Redi'eet.

Yunivarsiitiitti fudhatama argachuufi iskoolaarshippii

Yunivarsiitiin tokko tokko fudhachuu waliin carraa barnootaa bilisaa dhiyeessa. Kanaaf, iyyatawwan gara garaa lama dhiyeessuun hin eegamu. Tokko tokko ammoo akka fudhatan ibsanii baasii akka hin dandeenye beeksisu.

Redi'eet carraa barnoota Xaaliyaan bifa kanaan ture kan argatte.

Yunivarsiitii ishee fudhatu erga argatteen booda carraa kaffaltaa ishee danda'u ammoo naannoo yunivarsiitichi keessatti argamu keessaa barbaaddee argatte.

Yeroo yunivarsitiiwwan barattoota fudhataniifi iskoolaarshippiin itti dhiyaatu gargar ta'uu hin qabu. Abeenezer wanti mudate fakkeenya gaariidha.

Osoo gara Piisaa barnootaaf hin deemiin dura gosa barnootaa wal fakkaatuun yunivarsiitiin Jarman isa fudhatee ture.

Abeenezer carraa inni Piisaatti argate maallaqa kiisiif isaaf kennu dabalatee waggaatti Yuroo kuma 9 fi 200 kaffalaaf.

"Qormaata darbee yunivarsiitichi na simatee ture. Haata'u malee, ani hin fudhanne sababiin isaa ammoo iskoolaarship hin qabu ture. Ofiin barachuuf ammoo humna isaa hin qabu," jedheera.

Biruuk barattoonni iyyatan yeroo itti fudhataniifi iskoolaaship waliin walbira qabanii ilaaluun barbaaduu akka qaban eera.

"Adimiishinii argadhe jechuun nan dhufe jechuu miti. Wanti guddaan iskoolaashippii isaati," jedha.

Kanaaf, barattoonni yeroo carraa barnootaa barbaadanitti, kan baasii isaan danda'u ta'uu isaa mirkaneeffachuun isaanirra jiraata.

Kana ta'uu baannaan ammoo yeroo iyyatanitti iskoolaarshippiiwwan idil-addunyaa barattoota simatan jiraachuu qulqulleeffachuun barbaachisaa akka ta'e gorsu.

Yunivarsiitiiwwan sadarkaa idil-addunyaatti sadarkaa ykn 'Rank' isaan qaban adeemsa kana keessatti murteessaadha.

Sababiin isaas dhaabbileen barnootaa olaanoo sadarkaa gadi aanaa ta'an barattoota salphaamaan simatu.

Simachuun isaanii gaariidha. Rakkoon isaa garuu dhaabbileen kanaaf iskoolaarshippii kan kaffalu argachuudha.

Iskoolarshippiin sababa maaliitiin milkaa'uu dhabuu danda'a?

Gaaffiin kun deebii gabaabaa hin qabu.

Yunivarsitiiwwan ulaagaalee gara garaatiin barattoota iyyatan filatu.

Ta'us garuu sanadoonniifi qormaanni afaanii barattoonni iyyatan dhiyeessan iskoolaashippii argachuufi dhabuu akka murteessu barattoonni BBCn dubbisee kun ni dubbatu.

Biruuk yeroo gara qormaata afaaniitti seenu wanta eegaan alatti kan isa mudate tureera.

"Af-gaaffiin Xaaliyaan jiru isa Itoophiyaa jirurraa addadha. Yeroo sana odeeffannoo isaa hin qabu ture. Ani qophaa'ee kanan ture gaaffilee baramaniif ture. [yeroon dhiyaadhu garuu] Piroofeesaroota ja'a ta'anitu ture. Jalqaba ofan barsiise.

Isaan booda waa'ee qorannoon ittiin eebbifamuu gara na gaafachuutti kallattiin seenan. Waan digirii jalqabaarratti baranne waliin walqabatu na gaafataniiru. Kan baayyee irratti xiyyeeffatan dhimma barnoota waliin walqabatudha," jechuun ibsa.

Barattoonni waan baratan, waraqaa qorannoo ittiin eebbifaman sirriitti hubatan adeemsa kana keessatti salphaatti akka mo'atan dubbata Biruuk.

Dhimmi biraan ragaafi sanada barnootaa dhiyaatudha.

Barattoonni yeroo iyyatan kutaa barnoota yunivarsiitii itti iyyatan bu'uura kan godhate barreeffama osoo qopheessanii fooyyaa'aa ta'a jedha Biruuk.

"Namoonni tokko tokko xalayaa fedhii ittiin ibsatan (Motivation letter) tokkichuma iyyatawwan bakka gara garaaf galchu. Dippaartimantii itti iyyannu waliin kan walqabate osoo ta'ee gaariidha," jedha.

Fudhatamuu dhabuun ykn 'Rejection' abdii nu kutachiisuu hin qabu jetti Redi'eet ammoo.

Carraaquu keessatti wanti baayyee barameeru fudhatama dhabuudha jetti.

Itti dabaluun carraa tokko qofarratti xiyyeeffachuurra yeroo walfakkaatutti filannoowwan biroo ilaaluun "carraa ittiin milkaa'u ni bal'isa" jetti.

Yaada kanaan Afawarqiinis itti waliigala.

Digiriisaa lamaffaa Neezerlaadisitti barachuuf yeroo filatametti, yaaliiwwan baayyeen booda akka ta'e dubbata.

"Ani [iskoolaashiippii] baayyeen yaalan ture. Yunivarsiitii tokko qofarratti hin xiyyeeffadhu, waggaatti hanga shaniitti nan yaalan ture," jedha.

Abeenezer "namni dhugaatti barnooticha barbaadu" dhimmichaaf xiyyeeffannoo kennuun barbaachisaadha jedha.

"Yeroo yerootti imeelii bananii deebii kennuu, sadarkaa irra gahe hordofuu, sanadoota barbaachisan dhiyeessuu barbaachisa. Iskoolaashippiin dhufeefii iimeelii ilaaluu dhabuusheetiin shamarree carraan jala darbe nan beeka," jedha.

Itti fufuun, "namoota naannookoo jiranirraa ka'ee yeroon dubbadhu, namoonni baayyeen ofii isaaniitiin yaaluu hin barbaadan. Waan jiru tokko tokkoon ilaalanii, dubbisaa hojjechuu hin barbaadan.

Wanti hunduu takkaa qofa cuqaasanii taa'anii xumuruu warri barbaadan jiru. Osoo hin dhama'iin wanti dhufu hin jiru," jechuun dubbata.

Madda: BBC Afaan Oromoo

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