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Showing posts with label |Qoosaa(Comedy)|. Show all posts
Showing posts with label |Qoosaa(Comedy)|. Show all posts



Anummaa/Of-tuulummaa (Over-Pride)

Bartokko allaattiiwwaniifi Raacha gidduutti hariiroo cimaan uumamee ture jedhu. Gaaf tokko Raachi Risaawwan waliin samii keessa balali'uuf akka hawwite isaanitti himte. Isaanis waan danda'aniin akka ishee gargaaran itti himan. "Egaa isin lamaan ulee qalloo kana garanaa garasiin qabdanii akka jirtanitti, animmoo gidduu isaa ciniineen balalii itti fufna" ittiin jette. Akkuma walii galanitti balalii eegalan. Daqiiqaa muraasa booddee Raachis samii keessa ol fagaatttee waan hunda gadi ilaaluun miira inni namaaf kennu ilaaltee hedduu gammadde. Raacha samii keessatti arguu isaaniitti baay'ee kan dinqisiifatan allaattiiwwan biroo balali'aa dhufanii  "Akkamitti waanti kun isiniif milkaa'e? Eenyutu yaada kana fide?" jedhanii gaafatan. Raachis allaattota lamaan ishee baatanii jiran dubbii saamtee "Anadha" jette. Battaluma sanattis lafatti kufte.

Safuu: Anummaan kufaatii fida.
Madda: Oduu durii haasawaa Jaarsaa irraa

Image: Generated by AI 


Uzurrii Generation

My wife took my phone and deleted my girlfriend, Naomi's number and saved her own number as Naomi.l didnt know that someone had told my wife about Naomi,I then got an SMS From Naomi asking for money 2,000 R .I rushed to my wife and lied to her that I need 2,000 R for an emergency. I told her that my brother is sick and he needs the money urgently.

My wife gave me the money and I rushed to send it to the account number written in the message. When I was relaxing at home after work, I kept wondering if Naomi had received the money. I sent her an SMS to find out if she had received the money. Her response was, "Call me now." I went outside behind the house to make a call. Eee! You can imagine my horror face when i heard my wife's voice instead of Naomi, It's been three days am still standing outside. I don't know how to get back into my own house!!!
Any advice plz....

Source: CSAFU

Vocabulary (IT-Context)

Glossary [IT-Contex] 802.1 x protocol [ noun ] A network authentication protocol that opens ports for network access when an organization au...

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