
Top 13 cleanest cities

  • Here are the top 13 cleanest cities in the world:

  1. Calgary, Canada
  2. Honolulu, USA
  3. Helsinki, Finland
  4. Wellington, New Zealand
  5. Kobe, Japan
  6. Adelaide, Australia
  7. Oslo, Norway
  8. Minneapolis, USA
  9. Copenhagen, Denmark
  10. Stockholm, Sweden
  11. Zurich, Switzerland
  12. Vancouver, Canada
  13. Kobe, Japan


  • Here are 100 new vocabularies with their meanings:

  1. Vexillology - the study of flags
  2. Aquiver - quivering or trembling
  3. Lollygag - to spend time aimlessly or to dawdle
  4. Nudiustertian - the day before yesterday
  5. Serendipity - a fortunate accident or discovery
  6. Selenophile - a person who loves the moon
  7. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine silica particles
  8. Mellifluous - sweet or musical sounding
  9. Ephemeral - lasting for a very short time
  10. Obfuscate - to make something unclear or confusing
  11. Visceral - relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect
  12. Soporific - causing drowsiness or sleepiness
  13. Querulous - complaining in a whining manner
  14. Mellifluent - smooth and sweet-sounding
  15. Pneumatic - containing or operated by air or gas under pressure
  16. Limerence - the state of being infatuated with someone
  17. Discordant - lacking in harmony or agreement
  18. Idiosyncrasy - a distinctive or peculiar feature or characteristic
  19. Equanimity - mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation
  20. Euphony - the quality of being pleasant to the ear
  21. Mellifluousness - the quality of being sweet and musical
  22. Obsequious - obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree
  23. Perfidious - deceitful and untrustworthy
  24. Quotidian - occurring daily or commonplace
  25. Sagacious - having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment
  1. Xeriscape - a style of landscaping that uses plants adapted to arid conditions and requires little or no irrigation
  2. Ylem - the primordial matter of the universe, according to some ancient cosmologies
  3. Zephyr - a gentle breeze from the west
  4. Abhorrent - inspiring disgust and loathing
  5. Bellicose - demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight
  6. Capricious - given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior
  7. Desultory - lacking a plan, purpose or enthusiasm
  8. Ebullient - cheerful and full of energy
  9. Fastidious - very attentive to detail and cleanliness
  10. Gregarious - fond of company; sociable
  11. Hapless - unfortunate; unlucky
  12. Inscrutable - impossible to understand or interpret
  13. Jocose - playful or humorous
  14. Kowtow - show servile deference; grovel
  15. Loquacious - tending to talk a great deal; talkative
  16. Maverick - an unorthodox or independent-minded person
  17. Nebulous - hazy, vague, or indistinct
  18. Opaque - not able to be seen through; not transparent
  19. Pensive - engaged in deep or serious thought
  20. Quixotic - exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical
  21. Reticent - not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily
  22. Salubrious - health-giving; healthy
  23. Taciturn - reserved or uncommunicative in speech
  24. Umbrage - offense or annoyance
  25. Vicarious - experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person.
  1. Wistful - having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing
  2. Xenophobia - intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries
  3. Yearning - a feeling of intense longing for something
  4. Zealot - a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals
  5. Ameliorate - make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better
  6. Benevolent - well meaning and kindly
  7. Circumspect - wary and unwilling to take risks
  8. Discombobulate - disconcert or confuse (someone)
  9. Egregious - outstandingly bad; shocking
  10. Facetious - treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor
  11. Grandiloquent - pompous or extravagant in language, style, or manner, especially in a way that is intended to impress
  12. Histrionic - overly theatrical or melodramatic in character or style
  13. Impetuous - acting or done quickly and without thought or care
  14. Juxtapose - place or deal with close together for contrasting effect
  15. Kindle - light or set on fire
  16. Languid - displaying or having a disinclination for physical exertion or effort; slow and relaxed
  17. Magnanimous - very generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or someone less powerful than oneself
  18. Nefarious - wicked or criminal
  19. Obtuse - annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand
  20. Paucity - the presence of something only in small or insufficient quantities or amounts
  21. Quandary - a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation
  22. Recalcitrant - having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline
  23. Sycophant - a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage
  24. Trepidation - a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen
  25. Ubiquitous - present, appearing, or found everywhere.
  1. Viscid - having a glutinous consistency; sticky
  2. Wanton - deliberate and unprovoked; sexually immodest or promiscuous
  3. Xenial - relating to hospitality, especially that of a host towards a guest
  4. Yare - quick, agile, and lively
  5. Zestful - full of energy and enthusiasm for life
  6. Abstemious - not self-indulgent, especially when eating and drinking
  7. Bombastic - high-sounding but with little meaning; inflated
  8. Cacophony - a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds
  9. Didactic - intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive
  10. Ersatz - not genuine; fake or artificial
  11. Fatuous - silly and pointless
  12. Glib - fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow
  13. Harbinger - a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another
  14. Insouciant - showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent
  15. Jingoism - extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy
  16. Kismet - destiny; fate
  17. Lachrymose - tearful or given to weeping
  18. Maelstrom - a powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river
  19. Nebula - a cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter
  20. Ostentatious - characterized by pretentious or showy display; designed to impress or attract notice
  21. Pernicious - having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way
  22. Quell - put an end to (a rebellion or other disorder), typically by the use of force
  23. Rancorous - characterized by bitterness or resentment
  24. Sagacity - having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; shrewd
  25. Unctuous - excessively or ingratiatingly flattering; oily.

Animals with their babies

  • Here are top 100 animals with their babies

  1. Cat - Kitten
  2. Dog - Puppy
  3. Lion - Cub
  4. Tiger - Cub
  5. Bear - Cub
  6. Elephant - Calf
  7. Giraffe - Calf
  8. Zebra - Foal
  9. Horse - Foal
  10. Deer - Fawn
  11. Kangaroo - Joey
  12. Koala - Joey
  13. Sheep - Lamb
  14. Goat - Kid
  15. Cow - Calf
  16. Pig - Piglet
  17. Rabbit - Bunny
  18. Fox - Kit
  19. Wolf - Pup
  20. Squirrel - Pup
  21. Bat - Pup
  22. Penguin - Chick
  23. Duck - Duckling
  24. Swan - Cygnet
  25. Chicken - Chick

  1. Fish - Fry
  2. Dolphin - Calf
  3. Whale - Calf
  4. Crocodile - Hatchling
  5. Turtle - Hatchling
  6. Snake - Snakelet
  7. Lizard - Hatchling
  8. Spider - Spiderling
  9. Scorpion - Scorpling
  10. Bee - Larva
  11. Butterfly - Caterpillar
  12. Moth - Caterpillar
  13. Ant - Larva
  14. Grasshopper - Nymph
  15. Ladybug - Larva
  16. Fly - Maggot
  17. Mosquito - Larva
  18. Grasshopper - Nymph
  19. Lobster - Larva
  20. Crab - Larva
  21. Octopus - Larva
  22. Jellyfish - Ephyra
  23. Starfish - Larva
  24. Snail - Snaillet
  25. Slug - Sluglet
  1. Seahorse - Fry
  2. Platypus - Puggle
  3. Otter - Pup
  4. Beaver - Kit
  5. Raccoon - Kit
  6. Skunk - Kit
  7. Opossum - Joey
  8. Bat - Pup
  9. Hedgehog - Hoglet
  10. Armadillo - Pup
  11. Sloth - Pup
  12. Chimpanzee - Infant
  13. Gorilla - Infant
  14. Orangutan - Infant
  15. Lemur - Infant
  16. Koala - Joey
  17. Kangaroo - Joey
  18. Tasmanian Devil - Joey
  19. Emu - Chick
  20. Ostrich - Chick
  21. Flamingo - Chick
  22. Pelican - Chick
  23. Seagull - Chick
  24. Albatross - Chick
  25. Eagle - Eaglet

  1. Hawk - Eyas
  2. Falcon - Eyas
  3. Penguin - Chick
  4. Swan - Cygnet
  5. Goose - Gosling
  6. Duck - Duckling
  7. Pigeon - Squab
  8. Parrot - Chick
  9. Canary - Chick
  10. Cockatiel - Chick
  11. Peacock - Peachick
  12. Turkey - Poult
  13. Quail - Chick
  14. Grouse - Chick
  15. Pheasant - Chick
  16. Mouse - Pinky
  17. Rat - Pinky
  18. Hamster - Pup
  19. Guinea Pig - Pup
  20. Ferret - Kit
  21. Weasel - Kit
  22. Badger - Cub
  23. Hyena - Pup
  24. Meerkat - Pup
  25. Mongoose - Pup

Eat That Frog

Eat That Frog

 “Eat That Frog" kitaaba beekamaa bulchiinsa yeroo fi oomishtummaa irratti Brian Tracy barreessedha.

Kitaabni kun barnootaafi tooftaalee hedduu bu’a qabeessa ta’uu fi galma kee galmaan ga’uuf si gargaaruu danda’an qaba.

Kitaabicha keessaa wantoota ijoo 7 fudhataman kunooti:

1. Hojiiwwan barbaachisoo ta’an irratti xiyyeeffadhu:

Yaad-rimeen giddu galeessaa kitaabichaa "saree" dha. "Frog" jechuun hojii ati yeroo biraatti tursiisaa turte yoo ta'u, garuu hojii hunda caalaa barbaachisaa ta'ee fi kaayyoo kee galmaan ga'uuf xumuruu qabdudha. Barumsi jiru guyyaa kee dursa kennuu fi hojiiwwan baay’ee barbaachisoo ta’an irratti xiyyeeffachuudha, yeroo baay’ee hojiiwwan baay’ee qormaata ta’an.

2. Guyyaa kee dursii karoorfadhu:

Kitaabni kun halkan duraa ykn ganama jalqaba guyyaa keessan dursitanii karoorfachuun barbaachisaa taʼuu isaa cimsee ibsa. Guyyaa kee karoorfachuudhaan hojiiwwan kee baay’ee barbaachisoo ta’an adda baasuun yeroo fi qabeenya kee haala kanaan ramaduu dandeessa.

3. Hojiiwwan gurguddoo xixiqqootti qooduun:

Hojiiwwan gurguddaan baayʼee namatti ulfaachuu kan dandaʼan siʼa taʼu, yeroo baayʼee immoo yeroo tursiisuuf kan nama geessanidha. Kitaabni kun hojiiwwan gurguddoo gara xixiqqoo fi to’annoo jala ooluu danda’anii fi raawwachuuf salphaa ta’anitti qooduun gorsa.

4. Seera 80/20 fayyadamuu:

Seerri 80/20 bu'aan kee %80 carraaqqii kee %20 irraa akka argamu ibsa. Barumsi isaas hojiiwwan bu’aa guddaa argamsiisan %20 irratti xiyyeeffachuun kanneen hafan dhabamsiisuu ykn dabarsee kennuudha.

5. Yeroo ugguruu shaakalu:

Yeroo ugguruun tooftaa hojii murtaa’eef guyyaa kee keessatti yeroo murtaa’e ugguruu of keessaa qabuudha. Kana gochuudhaan miira caasaa uumuu fi hojii harka kee jiru irratti xiyyeeffachuu dandeessa osoo yaada namaa hin jeeqne.

6. Hojii baay’ee hojjechuu irraa fagaachuu:

Hojii baay’ee hojjechuun sheekkoo yoo ta’u, yeroo baay’ee oomishtummaa hir’isuu fi dhiphina dabaluu fida. Kitaabni kun yeroo tokkotti hojii tokko irratti xiyyeeffatanii gara isa itti aanutti osoo hin ce’iin dura xumuruu akka qabdan gorsa.

7. Kufaatii hammachuu:

Kufaatiin adeemsa barumsaa keessatti waan hin oolle yoo ta’u, kitaabni kun barbaachisummaa kufaatii hammachuu fi irraa barachuu cimsee ibsa. Kana gochuudhaan dandeettii kee guddachuu fi fooyyessuu dandeessa.

Gabaabumatti, "Eat That Frog" kitaaba gargaaraa ta'ee fi gorsa qabatamaa fi tooftaalee yeroo kee bulchuu fi caalaatti bu'a qabeessa ta'uuf gargaarudha. Barumsa kitaabicha keessatti argamu hordofuudhaan, yeroo tursiisuu moʼuu, xiyyeeffannaa kee dabaluu fi galma kee gahumsaan galmaan gaʼuu dandeessa.

Waan dubbiftaniif Galatoomaa!


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