


1. Tamiiriin madda annisaa sirrii dha. Tamiiriin giddu galeessaa takkichi anniisaa haga kilookaalorii 20 (20 kcal) of keessaa qaba. Anniisaan kilookalaorii digdamni, anniisaa namni tokko deemsa daqiiqaa shanii yokaan ammoo fiigicha daqiiqaa 2f fayyadamutti madaalama.
2. Annisaan tamiirii keessatti kuufamee jiru, akka annisaa maddeen biroo osoo hin taane, anniisaa ariitiidhaan altakkaatti (instantly) qaamni keenya fayyadamuu dandaโ€™uudha. Kun ammoo yoo hatattamaan annisaa argachuun barbaachisutti nyaata filatamaa isa taasisaa.
3. Qabiyyee nyaata faayiberii (fibers) jedhamu kan gogiinsa garaa (constipation) ittisuu fi bullaaโ€™insa soorataafis hedduu gargaaruu baayโ€™inaan of keessaa qaba.
4. Elementii ayirenii (iron) kan qaama keenyaaf hedduu barbaachisu (keessumaa seelii dhiigaa diimaa hojjachuuf) hedduu of keessatti qabata.
5. Pootaasiyeemii qaamni keenya hedduu barbaadu, sooratoota biroo hedduu caalaa kan qabudha.
6. Elementoota fi vaayitaaminoota biroo akka: Kaalsiyeemii, maangaaniis, koopperii fi vaayitamin B6 of keessaa qaba.
7. Keemikaalota qaama namaaf hedduu fayyadan polyphenols jedhaman kan akka qaamni keenya hin kulkulle (inflammation) ittisu hedduu of keessaa qaba.
Walumaa galatti, tamiiriin hangi isaa giddu galeessa ta'e tokkichi, kanneen armaangadii kana of keessaa qaba:
โ–  Anniisaa: 20 (kcal)
โ–  Cooma walii galaa: 0.03 grams
โ–  Karboohaayidiretii: 5.33 g
โ–  Faayiberii: 0.6 g
โ–  Pirootina: 0.17 g
โ–  Vaayitaamin B6: 0.012 mg
โ–  Ayireenii: 0.07 mg
โ–  Maagniisiyeemii: 3 mg
โ–  Pootaasiyeemii: 47 mg
Tamiiriin qabiyyee sukkaaraa hedduu of keessaa kan qabuudha. Kun ammoo namoonni dhukkuba sukkaaraa qaban yoo baayโ€™isanii nyaatan sukkaaraa qaama isaanii keessaa toโ€™annaa alatti olkaasuu waan dandaโ€™uuf, tamiirii yoo kan nyaatan taโ€™e xiqqeessanii nyaachuun diraqama.
Fayyaan Faaya
Dr. Gurmeessaa

If you're still single...

 A wrong partner can ruin your life. 

If you're still single or dating, read this...


1. Be single until you attract the right person. Life gets kinky. Arm yourself first. Be in a position of safety.

2. The worst thing in life is ending up with the wrong partner not being alone. So choose who will complement your life.

3. Choose to marry a teammate not a soulmate. Love is never enough to longer and committed relationships.

4. Build strong connections with people before you settle to marry.

5. Don't date if your life is chaotic. First build yourself physically, mentally and financially.

6. Learn how to deal with your emotions and heal your childhood traumas before you make someone's life miserable.

7. Invest in a good wardrobe and always mind your appearance because you'll always attract someone of your level.

8. Date and get heartbroken. You'll learn how to deal with losses, be less attached and identify the right people.

9. If you're in your 20s, move out of your parents care. You'll learn how to be independent and comfortable alone๐Ÿ˜‚

10. Give yourself a break and do something nice for yourself. Make yourself happy first before you commit to anyone.

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