If you are looking for scholarships around the world, Save these links:
Searching for PhD and Master/MPhil scholarships/grants/fellowships?
Here are curated list of 35 websites to find opportunities:
1. findaphd.com
2. gradschools.com
3. phdportal.com
4. scholarships.com
5. scholarship-positions.com
6. daad.de
7. studyincanada.ca
8. scholarshipportal.com
9. studyindenmark.dk
10. studyinnorway.no
11. phdstudies.com
12. profellow.com
13. researchgate.net
14. researchcouncils.org.uk
15. fulbright.org
16. euroscholars.eu
17. euraxess.ec.europa.eu
18. chevening.org