
Scholarships around the world

If you are looking for scholarships around the world, Save these links:


Searching for PhD and Master/MPhil scholarships/grants/fellowships?

Here are curated list of 35 websites to find opportunities:

1. findaphd.com

2. gradschools.com

3. phdportal.com

4. scholarships.com

5. scholarship-positions.com

6. daad.de

7. studyincanada.ca

8. scholarshipportal.com

9. studyindenmark.dk

10. studyinnorway.no

11. phdstudies.com

12. profellow.com

13. researchgate.net

14. researchcouncils.org.uk

15. fulbright.org

16. euroscholars.eu

17. euraxess.ec.europa.eu

18. chevening.org


Kanaa'ol (Walaloo)

Gaaf heddu,

Kobbeen buta waraqaan fida

Jechi na dida

Gaaf heddu,

Waliinan gaha kobbeef waraqata

Kanin barreesse garaa na hanqata

Gaaf gaaf,

Jecha qaba

Humnan dhaba

Gaaf gaaf,

Fedha qaba

Jechan dhaba


(Kana dura dhimmeera)

Eessumarraa eegalee eessattimee goolabu?

Maal faโ€™aa tatarreessee dhugaakee katabu? 

(Kana booda dhiiseera)

Waanan jedhee hinfixne kankee hin jalqabu!


hin akkeeffamtu 

hin fakkeeffamtu 

hin barreeffamtu

Jechaan ni dhibamta

Jireenyaan himamta!

Kanaa'ol (Walaloo)

Vocabulary (IT-Context)

Glossary [IT-Contex] 802.1 x protocol [ noun ] A network authentication protocol that opens ports for network access when an organization au...

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