
Boss Vs Leader

Boss Vs Leader
The main difference between a boss and a leader is their approach to managing people. A boss tends to use their authority to control and direct their subordinates, while a leader inspires and guides their team towards a common goal. A boss typically focuses on short-term results and may prioritize their own interests over their team's, whereas a leader prioritizes the success and growth of their team and organization in the long run. Leaders are also more likely to delegate tasks and empower their team members, while bosses may micromanage and make all the decisions themselves.

🔥🔥Leadership FREE Courses 👌

1. Principles of Leadership: Leading Technical Organizations Specialization

2. Inspired Leadership Specialization

3. Agile Leadership Specialization

4. Leadership Out of the Box Specialization

5. Leadership Style and Building a High-Performance Team

6. Stepping Up: Preparing Yourself for Leadership

7. Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence

8. Improving Leadership & Governance in Nonprofit Organizations Specialization


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Adawaafi Oromoo

Maaruu fardeen qilleensaa 
yaabbataan hunda miti
beekaa dhoksan maleessaa
seenaan hiyyeessa miti
Warri osoo'n hojjatiin
seenaa hatuu fedhu
sa'a maseensaniitu
“sangaan dhale” jedhu
“Halluun sabbata Waaqaa
sadii” kan jedhus jira
ilaalchi kottoonfannaan
hin diriiru yaa firaa
Kan fardaan lole tokko
kan dheesse maaf saadama?
daaraan daakuu jedhamuun
yoomiyyuu ni yaadamaa?
March 2/2023
© Woluman Urgesa... ✍️

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