
How to Install & Activate Office 2021 for Windows? (Very Easy)

How to install and activate Office 2021 for Windows? 
(Very Easy)


#Step1: Uninstall previous versions of Microsoft Office: (https://pureinfotech.com/uninstall-office-365-2016-2013-pc)

#Step2: Office Customization Tool: (https://config.office.com/deploymentsettings)

#Step3: Office Deployment Tool: ((https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=49117)

#Step4: Command Prompt Script:  setup /configure configuration.xml

#Step1: Uninstall previous versions of Microsoft Office: https://pureinfotech.com/uninstall-of...

Go to: 

How to uninstall Microsoft 365, Office 2021, 2019 on Windows 10 - Pureinfotech



#Step2: Office Customization Tool:

Go to: 

Office Customization Tool - Microsoft 365 Apps admin center



Set up the following settings:

1. Product and Releases

architecture: *64 bit

- Office suites: Office LTS Professional Plus 2021 -Volume License

- Additinal Products: Language Pack

2. Language: 

- Primary language: English

- Additional languages: Amharic (under partial column)

3. Installation

-Just leave it.

4. Update and Upgrade

-Deployment Options: Office Content Delivery Network

*Upgrade Options: Uninstall any MSI Version (make it off)

5. Licensing and Activation

- Product Key: KMS

6. General

- Leave it

7. Application Preferences

- Leave it



*Sellect: Office Open XML formats

*Hit: Ok

*Click: I accept the terms in the license agreement

*Click: Export

Result: The 'Office Customization Tool' will be downloaded named 'Confuguration.xml'

*Create new folder named 'Office 2021' on desktop and move the downloaded file to it.

#Step3: Office Deployment Tool:

Go to: 

Download Office Deployment Tool from Official Microsoft Download Center





*Select the file named 'Setup.exe' from extracted file and move it to the newly created folder in #Step1 (Office 2021)

#Step4: Command Prompt Script - setup /configure configuration.xml

*Run CMD prompt as an adminstrator

- Go to Start WindowsStartButton, enter Command Prompt, right-click Command Prompt, and then select Run as administrator.

*Coppy the path of newly created folder,

           -Eg: C:\Users\HP\Desktop\Office 2021

*Change the cmd directory to the folder path you copied above:

Write:  cd coppied path (Eg: cd C:\Users\HP\Desktop\Office 2021) then Hit Enter.

*Write the following command on cmd and hit enter.

setup /configure configuration.xml

*Hit Enter

Office is being downloaded...Be patient and stay connected to the internet till the end.


Thank You!

By: Woluman Urgesa (https://waliin-tech-space.blogspot.com)

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