
10 Habits to Implement to Become Highly Valuable in Your 20s and 30s

10 Habits to Implement to Become Highly Valuable in Your 20s and 30s:


 ยฐ Visualizing Your Future

Life is surprisingly simple.
If you know where you want to go, your brain will start figuring out ways to get there.

ยฐ Learning to Say NO
Success means putting your work on a pedestal.
It never gets easy saying NO to my friends or family...
Nevertheless It's the sacrifice I have to make.

ยฐ Avoiding Negative Environments
Our surroundings dictate the habits we partake in
It makes more sense to stop going to bars than to go and resist the urge to drink.
Your environment either works with you or against you.

ยฐ Neglecting Dating Life
Dating takes a lot of time and practice. Even if itโ€™s mostly Tinder.
Instead, you should always focus on yourself:
โ€ข Get fit
โ€ข Make money
โ€ข Help your family
And when the right girl arrives, you'll have every tool to secure her.

ยฐ Fasting
Food is the enemy of focus. (mostly carbs)
And lack of focus is detrimental to succeed in any field.
Fasting for as little as 3-5 hours in the morning will significantly improve your output.

ยฐ Habit Stacking
Time is scarce.
And you canโ€™t do everything in a 16 hour period.
Habit stacking is combing 2 or more tasks together
- like walking and listening to an audiobook.
You free up time for other things whilst accomplishing multiple objectives at once.

ยฐ Strategic Friction
Managing habits is simple
And the best way to do so is to play around with friction.
If you want to adopt a new habit โ€” decrease friction
If you want to remove an old habit โ€” increase friction
go to the gym? โ†’ pack your gym bag the night before
stop snacking? โ†’ remove snacks from your house
Simple yet extremely powerful.

ยฐ No Phone whilst Working
Have you ever received a notification and instantly glanced at your phone?
Like outrageously fast.
Thatโ€™s how addicted your brain is to that signal.
And having your phone in the room whilst working is simply a battle you are destined to lose.
Leave your phone outside next time you sit down for work.

ยฐ Short Work Blocks
Working non-stop for long hours is ludicrous
Our brains get tired like muscles do after working out
It needs time to recover
15- 30 minutes at the bare minimum.
Shorter, purposeful work sessions yield greater results than longer, tedious ones.

ยฐ Buzzing my Hair
When you spend so much time and energy on developing yourself
The last thing youโ€™d want to worry about is whether or not you are having a bad hair day.

How to remove ants and mites at home forever?

How to remove ants and mites at home forever?

It is easy to remove ants and mites at home forever with the toothpaste hack: it's the most powerful and it's applied like this.

3 tablespoons of sugar
4 tablespoons of flour
3 tablespoons of toothpaste
3 tablespoons of water
1. Prepare the Mixture: In a bowl, combine the sugar, flour, toothpaste, and water. Mix thoroughly until you achieve a smooth consistency.
2. Form Balls: Take small amounts of the mixture and roll them into small balls. These balls will serve as bait for the cockroaches.
3. Strategic Placement: Position the balls in the corners of your home that are frequented by cockroaches. Focus on areas like the kitchen, pantry, and behind appliances.
4. Attract and Eliminate: Cockroaches will be drawn to the sugar in the mixture and will ingest parts of the balls. The toothpaste acts similarly to poison, effectively eliminating the pests.
5. Repeat Regularly: Repeat this process two to three times a week until you no longer spot any cockroaches. Consistency is key to ensuring their complete eradication.

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