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Yaadannoo Goototaa


(Gaaffii qalbiinkoo jalaa hinbaane, ilmoon namaa ilmoo namaaf waan gochuun itti ulfaatu garuu muraasni raawwatanii sammuu namaa keessatti gaaffii guyyuu kan uuman, yaadannoo irra ce'ee gaaffiiwwan uumaman keessaas waggoottan kurnan darbaniif gola miirakoo keessa kan naanna'e, gatiin ba'e tasa akka hin taaneef luugama yookaan mil'annaa adeemsakoo ittiin akeeku gaaffii namoomaa, walaloo ‘maaliin ija si guutu?’ jedhu kanaanin tuquuf yaale. Gatiin Oromoomaaf ba'e, ba'aa jiru guddaadha.)
Maaliin ija si guutu!?
Maqaakoo dhahattee,
fiigdee baate manaa
Of hin mararsifanne,
aarsaa taate anaa!
'Guduunfaakee furu malee,
an takka hin gammadu'
Inni ati naan jette,
garaa kootii hin badu.
Addunyaa na kabajju,
na badhaasuuf jettee
Osuma ifaajjuu,
kichummaan hiddamte
Namummaaf miidhamte
Saanduqatti hidhamte.
Mil'uukee achi fagoo,
dhugaa si dammaqse
Harki sammuun dhiphoo,
dhiibee afaan si maqse
Kaayyoo si hanqise
Kaachookee hambise.
Akkuma warra kaanii
Jettee dhimma isaanii
Hin cufanne afaani!
Jiruukee achi haatee,
Quuqqaa lammiif kaatee,
Rirmi qorqee si nyaate.
Lapheen nama gaddeef,
harki haatee sin fuutuu
An karaatti ati hafteef,
maaliin ija si guutuu?
* * *
Guyyaa yaadannoo goototaa

Do not force people to like you

Do not force people to like you
Instead, remember these:

✓ Prioritizing Self-Health and Growth: Self-care and personal development are vital. Prioritizing your health—both mental and physical—ensures that you are at your best. This not only enhances your quality of life but also enables you to engage more fully with others.

✓ Unwavering Honesty: Honesty builds trust and respect. By being truthful in your interactions, you lay a strong foundation for relationships that are based on transparency and authenticity. This integrity attracts those who value sincerity, creating deeper and more meaningful connections.

✓ Prioritizing Self-Health and Growth: Self-care and personal development are vital. Prioritizing your health—both mental and physical—ensures that you are at your best. This not only enhances your quality of life but also enables you to engage more fully with others.

✓ Emotional Intelligence: Part of being kind and honest involves understanding and managing your emotions. Developing emotional intelligence allows you to communicate more effectively and navigate social interactions with empathy and awareness.

✓ Respect for Differences: Authentic interactions are rooted in respect for individual differences. By accepting and celebrating the uniqueness of others, you contribute to a more inclusive and supportive community.

✓ Continuous Learning: Commit to learning about yourself and the world around you. This commitment fuels your growth and helps you adapt to life’s changes and challenges with resilience.

✓ Sharing Your Journey: As you focus on self-care and personal growth, share your journey. This can inspire others to prioritize their well-being and foster a community of support and encouragement.

✓ Attract the Right People: By being yourself, you attract people who genuinely appreciate and value your true personality. This leads to healthier, more supportive relationships.

Source: Bashar Gulumbe

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