

1) Kennamaa:

-Lafti ofiisheerra altokko naannaโ€™uuf saโ€™atii 23, daqiiqaa 56 fi sekondii 4.1 itti fudhata. (23.993 Hr). Kanaafis guyyaan tokko saโ€™atii 24 jedhamee waamame walitti siqfamee jechuu dha.
-Marsaan lafaa ammoo = 2ฯ€R = 2x3.14x6,378 KM= gara KM 40,075ti.
- Kanaafuu, saffisni ofirra naannaโ€™uu lafaa naannoo mudhii lafaatti(Rotational Speed)= 40,057 KM รท 23.993 HR= 1,670.3 KM/HR.
โ‡’ Kana jechuun, lafti naannoo mudhii isheetiitti, saโ€™atii tokko keessatti, KM 1,670.3 ofirra naannofti jechuu dha. Ykn ammoo, lafti sekondii tokko keessatti, gara meetira 464 saffisti jechaa dha.
- Lakkoobsi_Maakii_Lafaa= saffisa marsaa dachee รท saffisa sagelee= 464 m/sรท 330 m/s = 1.4
โ‡’ Kana jechuun lafti yemmuu ofirra naannoftu, xiyyaara caalaa saffisti jechuu dha. Barreeffamakoo yeroo darbee keessatti hiikoo Lakkoobsa_Maakii fi lakkoobsi Maakii guddaan xiyyaarota keenyaa 0.9 ykn ammoo saโ€™a tokko keessatti gara KM 1,000 akka isaan furguggifamuu dandaโ€™an isiniif barreesseen ture.
-Xiyyaarri inni ittiin kara-deemaa hedduun imalu, inni abbaa_baallee_dhaabbataa qilleensa keessa callisee dhaabbachuu hin dandaโ€™u yoo fiige malee. Sababasaa yeroo biraan isiniif Ibsa. Dhaabbatni keenyi DQI kan inni qabus, guutummaadhumatti xiyyaarota akkasiiti.
-Xiyyaarri abbaan_baallee_murxuxxee (#helicopter) garuu qilleensa keessa kaโ€™ee bakka tokko dhaabbachuu dandaโ€™a.
2) Barbaadamaa:
Ergii akkas taโ€™ee, xiyyaara seennee biyya tokko dhaquuf jennee hamma yeroo dheeraa imallu, Heelikooptara yaabbannee dacheerraa ol kaanee, biyyi nuti dhaquu barbaadnu sun karanni dhufee nu jala darbutti butannee, qilleensuma keessa dhaabbannee eegnee gaafa dacheen naannoftu yemmuu inni dhufee nu jala gaโ€™u asii gadi deebinee maaf irra hin qubannuuu, fakkeenyaaf Ameerikaa?
3) Deebii:

Deebiiwwan fudhataman sadeen kunooti.

  • Nardos E Belina
    Telila Gutema , irra qubachuu hin dandeenyu, fakkeenyaaf Ameerikaa irra. Sababni isa harkisi dachee (gravitational force) fi air frictionin akka Heelikooptarrin sun lafa faana naannofttu ishe godha sababa tahef. Kayyoon Heelikooptaraas humna engine power fi body shape isa fayyadame humnoota akka gravitational force fi air force kana mo'ateeti kan bakka barbadnetti nu geessuuf.

    • Girma Alex
      Qillensii lafa haguugee jiruu qaama lafatii. Laftii yoo naannooftuu qillensii lafa marsee jiruus wajjiin naanna'aa. Sababbiin isaa immoo gravitational forcidhaa. Kanaaf Xiyyarattinis wajjumaan naannoofti relative to the sun.
      Kanaaf akka gaffii irrattii ka'ee xiyyarrii helicopter tokko lafarraa olka'ee yoo dhabbatee qillensaa naannaawa lafa keessaa jiraa waan ta'eef atmosphere wajjiin naannaawaa. Kana jechuun osoo hin beekiin lafa wajjiin naanna'aa jiraa jechuudha. Kanaaf keessaa buunee American yoo dhuftee america irraattii gad bu'uu hin dandenyuu. Yaada koo ibsee jedheen yaada.
    • Amanti Nigatu
      Irra qubachuun illee haa hafuu dachee naannoftu iyyuu akkamiin arguu danddeenyaa Telila keenyaa si'uma tokko utuu isheen deemtuu arginaan na gaha anaan...
      • Girma Alex
        Qillensii lafa haguugee jiruu qaama lafatii. Laftii yoo naannooftuu qillensii lafa marsee jiruus wajjiin naanna'aa. Sababbiin isaa immoo gravitational forcidhaa. Kanaaf Xiyyarattinis wajjumaan naannoofti relative to the sun.
        Kanaaf akka gaffii irrattii ka'ee xiyyarrii helicopter tokko lafarraa olka'ee yoo dhabbatee qillensaa naannaawa lafa keessaa jiraa waan ta'eef atmosphere wajjiin naannaawaa. Kana jechuun osoo hin beekiin lafa wajjiin naanna'aa jiraa jechuudha. Kanaaf keessaa buunee American yoo dhuftee america irraattii gad bu'uu hin dandenyuu. Yaada koo ibsee jedheen yaada.

  • Lemi Tesfaye
    An object in our lower atmosphere obeys the same basic laws of physics as a person who simply jumps up off the ground, then realights but one whole second later. That said:
    For a simpler question, how does such a person jumping up not suddenly find themselves coming down in a position that is nearly 1500 feet away from where they jumped up from, because the earth below them moved that far away while they were above it, because they were off the ground, so could not keep up. (Yes 1000 miles per hour approximately equals 1500 feet per second.)
    It all has to do with Newtonโ€™s law of momentum: an object in motion remains in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. Meaning that two objects, whether in contact or not, moving with the same speed & direction (aka velocity) will remain in the same relative positions to each other, unless one of them changes its velocity. Itโ€™s why you can simply jump up to go over a low bar with a skateboard, yet still land right back on the skateboard right after.
    Just as the surface of the earth in the populated regions (where most planes fly) is moving about 1000 mph, so are all the objects on its surface, be they planes or people. The planes required motion in the air wrt to the ground is simply added to the 1000 mph, or subtracted, or some portion thereof if flying in a direction other than east or west.
    So if the plane were flying 400 mph in still air to the east, then it would be flying 1400 mph around earthโ€™s axis. And if going west it would only be moving 600 mph arojnd that axis. So when going 1600 mph it gets ahead of earthโ€™s rotation, thus making ground that way. And when only going 600 mph wrt to the axis, it falls behind earthโ€™s rotation, but that means it actually gains ground the other way๐Ÿ™‚.
    Plus we can't observe while earth is rotating, also earth atmosphere in the same reference ๐Ÿ˜ž
    Engineer Telila Assume as Earth surface is flat in such a perspective, This is all I can say ๐Ÿ˜

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