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Showing posts with label |Hafuurawaa/Spritual|. Show all posts
Showing posts with label |Hafuurawaa/Spritual|. Show all posts


Dhiifama (Forgiveness)

"Dhiifama gochuun mo'amuudha" jetti barruun asii gadii:

Yuunivarsitii tokko keessatti guyyaa tokko barsiistuun saayikooloojii barattoota isheetiif assaayimentii kenniteef. Assaayimentichis akkas jedha. "Dinnicha/moosee irratti maqaa nama jibbitanii barreessitanii fiddu. Hubachiisa, "Baay'ina hamma nama jibbituu nama tokkoof dinnicha tokko" jettee itti himte. Barattoonnis guyyaa itti aanutti, warri kaan 1, warri kaan 3, warri kaan 6-10'tti fidanii maqaa namootaas tokkoon tokkoon isaa irratti barreessan. Barsiistuunis "Hunda isaa boorsaa keessan keessa kaa'aa, hanga torbee tokkoottis keessaa hin fuutani. Boorsicha yeroo ciistanis, mana fincaaniittis, ofirraa hin buuftan" jettee ajajje. Gaafa guyyaa sadii fi afur bulu dinnichichi tortoree foolii kennuu jalqabe. Gaafa shanii fi ja'a ga'u garmalee ajaa'uu jalqabe, keessaayyuu abbaan dinnicha kudhanii baay'ee rakkate, ulfaatinnis ni jira.

Torban tokko booda fidanii barsiistuutti himan. Torban xumurreerra jedhan. Barsiistuunis "Akkam ture ba'aan torbee?" jettee gaafatte. Hundumtuu guungumanii "Baay'ee nu rakkise barsiistuu keenyaa, baayee rakkanne ba'aan isaas nu rakkise, fooliin isaas baayee nu miidhe" jedhan. "Agartan mitii? Jibba boorsaa keessan keessatti torban tokko baachuunuu isinitti cime, lapheefi sammuu keessan keessatti umurii keessan guutuu baachuun hammam haa cimuree? Kan torbee tokkotti hangana isinitti ajaa'e laphee keessan keessatti immoo hagam ajaa'aree?" jetteen.

"Dhiifama gochuun mo'amuu miti; boqonnaa sammuuti"

Via: Mo'aa Kudhama


Abboommiiwwan Kurnan

 Abboommiiwwan Kurnan Amantaa Kiristaanummaa


1. Ana malee waaqa biroo hin waaqessin

2. Maqaa Waaqayyoo garmalee hin waamin

3. Guyyaa Sanbataa Kabaji

4. Abbaaf haadha kee kabaji

5. Hin Ajjeesin

6. Hin Sagaagalin

7. Hin hatin

8. Namarratti soba ragaa hin bahin

9. Maallaqa namaa hin hawwin

10. Nama akka mataa keetii jaaladhu 


How to Identify FAKE Prophets?

How to Identify FAKE Prophets?

1. They preached heavily about wealth, richest, and blessings.
2. they only tell you the good things God can do for you. Theyโ€™ll never condemn sins and immorality.
3. They brainwashed their followers to questions Science, evidence, and facts.
4. They preached mostly about how God would fight your wars. So, they like to turn you against everybody in your life.
5. All they care is to increase the number of congregations in their churches so as to raise more tithes.
6. They sell miracle water and miracle relics.
7. They preached forcefully, loudly and with lots of vigor to blind fool their flocks about their greatness in Christ. But this is just a deception. Theyโ€™re pure evil behind the scenes.
8. They date women and men on their churches with impunity.
9. They claimed everything must happen through miracles.
10. You would always find their congregation crying and rolling on the floor in the name of the Holy Spirit. This is guaranteed evidence about fake prophets.
11. They claimed that through their powerful prayers all kinds of problems can be solved. In fact, they will claim to heal people from depression, lack of money, barrenness, HIV/AIDS, impotency, evil spirits amongst all kinds of wild claims.
So, ladies and gentlemen, by going to their churches, you are going to suffer a lot. You will lose money through so many church contributions without you knowing.



Brian Deacon

Biraayyan Diyaakoon jedhama. Fulbaana 13 bara 1949 dhalate. Artistii beekamaa Biriteen yoo ta'u, bara 1979 fiilmii Yesus jedhamu kan dhaabbatni wangeelaa Pirojektii Fiilmii Yesuus qopheesse keessatti Yesusiin fakkeessuun beekama. Dorgomtoota artistoota 900 keessaa Daarektara Heeyman jedhamuun tokkoffaa ta'uun filatamee fiilmii kana irratti hirmaate.

Biraayyan Diyaakoon yeroo amma kana umriin isaa waggaa 74 yoo ta'u Umrii isaa irra caalaa fiilmii hojjachuun dabarse jechuun ni danda'ama.
Diyaakoon Oksifoorditti kan dhalate, boodarra achuma Tiyaatira Dargaggoota Oksifoorditti leenji'e.Yeroo lama fuudheera.Tokkoffaa Rula Lenska (1977-1987) waliin intala Lara Parker Diyaakoon jedhamtu qaba ture. Gaa'ila isaa kan duraa erga diigee booda Bara 1998 Naataalii Bilooch jedhamtu wajjiin gaa'ila ijaarate.
Kitaaba kakuu Moofaa, Seera Baโ€™uu 20:3-6 irratti
Waaqayyo akkana jedha,โ€ana bukkeettiโ€yookiin โ€œana durattiโ€ bifa qirixame, fakkeenya wanta ol waaqa irra jiru, gad lafa irra jiru,yookiin bishaan keessa lafa jala jiru hin tolfatin! Ati bifa fakkeenya kanaaf hin sagadin, isaafis hin hojjatin! Ani waaqayyo gooftaan kee waaqayyo hinaafaadha"โ€ฆ.
Warri Suuraa isaa Manaa Qabdan Yasuusiin hin se'inaa jechamaaf isinii barreesse.Nagaa fi Buna hin dhabinaa!
Maddi: Wikipedia


Wonderful Message

Wonderful Message

The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. (Romans 16:20)
The Lord God said to the serpent....."I will make enemies of you and the woman,
and of your offspring and her Descendant. He shall bruise your head,
and you shall bruise His heel." (Genesis 3:15)
And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan,
and bound him for a thousand years (Revelation 20:2)


Kadhata Bartootaa (The Prayer of the Disciples)

Kadhata Bartootaa

(The Prayer of the Disciples)

Yaa abbaa keenyaa; 

Waaqarra kan jiraattu,

Maqaan kee haa qulqullaa'u; 

Mootummaan kee haa dhufu.

Jaalalti kee waaqa irra akkuma ta'e, 

lafa irrattis haa ta'u.

Kan nu gahu buddeena keenya har'aa nuuf kenni.

Yakkaa keenya nuuf dhiisi; 

Nus warra nu yakkaniif akkuma dhiifnu.

Gidiraatti nu hin galchiin; 

Hamaa nu oolchi malee.

Mootummaan kan keeti hoo; 

Humnis, galannis, bara baraan siif haa ta'u. 


Wabii: Luqaas 11

(The Prayer of the Disciples)

O our father;

You who dwell in heaven,

Blessed be thy name;

Let your kingdom come.

As your love is in the heavens,

and let it be on the earth.

Give us this day our daily bread.

Forgive us our trespasses;

Just as we forgive those who have wronged us.

Do not bring us into trouble;

But save us from evil.

The kingdom is yours;

Power and praise be to you forever.


Reference: Luke 11


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