
Dhiifama (Forgiveness)

"Dhiifama gochuun mo'amuudha" jetti barruun asii gadii:

Yuunivarsitii tokko keessatti guyyaa tokko barsiistuun saayikooloojii barattoota isheetiif assaayimentii kenniteef. Assaayimentichis akkas jedha. "Dinnicha/moosee irratti maqaa nama jibbitanii barreessitanii fiddu. Hubachiisa, "Baay'ina hamma nama jibbituu nama tokkoof dinnicha tokko" jettee itti himte. Barattoonnis guyyaa itti aanutti, warri kaan 1, warri kaan 3, warri kaan 6-10'tti fidanii maqaa namootaas tokkoon tokkoon isaa irratti barreessan. Barsiistuunis "Hunda isaa boorsaa keessan keessa kaa'aa, hanga torbee tokkoottis keessaa hin fuutani. Boorsicha yeroo ciistanis, mana fincaaniittis, ofirraa hin buuftan" jettee ajajje. Gaafa guyyaa sadii fi afur bulu dinnichichi tortoree foolii kennuu jalqabe. Gaafa shanii fi ja'a ga'u garmalee ajaa'uu jalqabe, keessaayyuu abbaan dinnicha kudhanii baay'ee rakkate, ulfaatinnis ni jira.

Torban tokko booda fidanii barsiistuutti himan. Torban xumurreerra jedhan. Barsiistuunis "Akkam ture ba'aan torbee?" jettee gaafatte. Hundumtuu guungumanii "Baay'ee nu rakkise barsiistuu keenyaa, baayee rakkanne ba'aan isaas nu rakkise, fooliin isaas baayee nu miidhe" jedhan. "Agartan mitii? Jibba boorsaa keessan keessatti torban tokko baachuunuu isinitti cime, lapheefi sammuu keessan keessatti umurii keessan guutuu baachuun hammam haa cimuree? Kan torbee tokkotti hangana isinitti ajaa'e laphee keessan keessatti immoo hagam ajaa'aree?" jetteen.

"Dhiifama gochuun mo'amuu miti; boqonnaa sammuuti"

Via: Mo'aa Kudhama

Just START and you will be surprised with the result

Just START and you will be surprised with the result.

The only thing expected from you is being patient and ready to accept risk.

10 YouTube channels that will teach you more than any university degree: โคต๏ธ

1. Colin and Samir:

If you want to become a content creator or learn about the creator economy, this channel is a must-watch. They interview the world's biggest creators and break down their growth and business strategies.

2. Thomas Frank:
Whether you're in high school, college, university, or already working, Thomas will teach you to be more productive. He shares study tips, advice on beating procrastination, and much more.

 3. Valuetainment:
Patrick Bet-David went from being broke to starting his own company and he's now worth $150+ million. He shares the secrets to success from his own life and lessons he's learned along the way.

4. The School of Life:
The School of Life shares ideas on how to better understand ourselves through philosophy and psychology, improve our relationships, deepen our social connections, and much more.

5. Alex Hormozi:
If you want to learn sales (probably the most important skill in business), study Alexโ€“he's a master at it. His channel is worth binge-watching.

6. Ali Abdaal:
If you want to become more productive, Ali is your guy. He's a Cambridge University doctor turned productivity guru who will help you accomplish more with less.

7. Bro code:
This channel is perfect if you're looking to learn coding. You can understand a whole programming language from just one video.
It's easy, straightforward, and doesn't cost anything.

8. Andrew Huberman:
Stanford neuroscience professor Andrew Huberman discusses neuroscience and science-based tools that will help you live a healthier and longer life.

9. Khan Academy:
With a specific focus on science and math, this channel is brimming with valuable educational videos that make learning fun and engaging.

10. Crash Course:
Crash Course is the high school professor you wished you had. They make high-quality educational videos on 30+ topics including literature, biology, world history, and many more interesting subjects.

15 Golden Rules for WO/MEN

Here are 15 golden rules for both men and women to follow in various aspects of life:


1. Respect Others: 

Treat everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of their background or status.

2. Practice Integrity: 

Be honest and uphold strong moral principles in all your dealings.

3. Pursue Education: 

Continuously seek knowledge and self-improvement, both personally and professionally.

4. Maintain Healthy Relationships: 

Foster positive, supportive relationships and communicate openly and honestly.

5. Stay Fit: 

Prioritize physical health through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate rest.

6. Be Financially Responsible: 

Manage your finances wisely, save for the future, and avoid unnecessary debt.

7. Embrace Diversity: 

Appreciate and respect cultural, ethnic, and individual differences.

8. Practice Self-Care: 

Take time to care for your mental and emotional well-being through relaxation, hobbies, and mindfulness.

9. Set Goals: 

Define clear, achievable goals and work diligently towards them.

10. Give Back: 

Engage in community service and help those in need, contributing positively to society.

11. Cultivate Patience: 

Practice patience in all areas of life, understanding that good things often take time.

12. Be Adaptable:

Stay open to change and be willing to adjust to new circumstances and challenges.

13. Show Gratitude: 

Regularly express appreciation for the people and opportunities in your life.

14. Live Authentically: 

Be true to yourself and your values and strive to live a life that reflects who you are.

15. Seek Balance: 

Strive for a balanced life, giving appropriate time and energy to work, family, friends, and personal interests.

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