
Top 10 ChatGPT prompts

Top 10 ChatGPT Prompts Every Job Seeker Should Know:


1. Networking on LinkedIn for Job Opportunity:
Create a message to connect with a professional at [Company] on LinkedIn, discussing my interest in the [Title] position and how my background in [Specific Field/Technology] makes me a strong candidate.

2. Write a Resume from Scratch:
Prompt -
Write resume for [Title] at [company], [X] years of experience, 3-5 bullet points per role and include 10 key job description keywords. Past titles: [Company A-Y years, Company B-Z years].
<Copy/paste job description>.

3. Write a Cover Letter:
Write a cover letter for the role of [Title] at [Company], emphasizing my experience in [Specific Field/Technology]. Mention how my contributions at [Previous Company] align with the job requirements: <Copy/paste job description>.

4. Check if Resume match with Job Description
Prompt -
Review if my skills and the job description for the [Title] position at [Company] match? Tell mismatch percentage.
Job description: [paste text/link]
My Skills: [Add your Skills]

5. Update Resume
Prompt -
Update my resume for the [Title] role at [Company] by focusing on relevant skills mentioned in the job description.
Job Description: [copy/paste job description]
Current Resume: [copy/ paste current resume]

6. Email to send Resume and Cover Letter
Prompt -
Compose an email to send my resume and cover letter for the [Title] position at [Company] to an employer: [employer email], highlight my key achievements at [Previous Company] and express my enthusiasm for the role.

7. Prepare for Interview
Prompt -
Provide me a list of [number] interview questions based on job description. Job description: [paste text/link]

8. Conduct a Mock Interview
Prompt -
Conduct a technical mock interview for the [Job Role]. I am applying for this position. Ask me 15 questions related to [Specific Field/Technology], one after the other, gauging my expertise.

9. In9. Introduce Yourself
Prompt -
Prepare a brief introduction about myself focusing on my experiences in [Specific Field/Technology] for the [Title] interview at [Company].
10. Follow-up Email
Prompt -
Craft a follow-up email to inquire about the status of your application for the [Title] role at [Company].


Dhagawuun dadhabe

Dhagawuun dadhabe

. . .
Innis… natti himuu jalqabe
Anis…gurran itti qabe…..
* * * * *
“…..Attam ture wantisaa….., attam turee laataa?
Bishaan harkaa baadheen nan muge fakkaata
Irriba fokkistuu; irribi kaleessaa
Dhagaa gubbaa taa’ee abjuu natti odeessa
Marga gubbaa taa’een gurrakoo itti qeensa;
Huurrii fi aara woyii mataatti na aguugaa
Haadhakoo gudeedee abbaakoo ajjeese; wabiif harki dhiiga
Utuman kana arguu saamunaa dhaaf bishaan baadheen jala fiiga
Hoo abbaa kootii…jedheen baqachuu dhaaf fiiga
Nan fachisan jedhaa, irreetu na laafaa, hantuutootu na muga
Kan akka koo hin jiru, namni qalbiin deegaa.
Yammuun rafee ka’u, narra ijaajjee kolfa
Haadhakoo gudeedee abbaakoo ajjeesee inno ammayyuu inkolfa
Isanni natti kolfu, anis duukaan kolfa
Uggum yaa anaa kanaa, nama qalbiin hoffaa!”
* * * * *
Maali hin qaanawuu maalo, kana yeroo natti himu
Du’ee biyyoo hanyaatu qileen haa dhidhimu
Dhagawuun dadhabe
Iddoosaan qaanayee, mataan gad-nacabe
Maal namni hin qaanofne…kana natti odeessaa?
Du’ee biyyoo ha nyaatu salgan namaa keessaa.


So funny

 What a meme?

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