
Makmaaksa #01

Mimmiliqxuu jechoota dubbiifi Makmaaksa

Manni kee karaa duraa bira darbarreef malee, Malli kee dhagaa uraa situ hin hubanneef malee!
Gabaa kaleessaa Shureen maal odeessaa? Nama alagaa keessaa, nama lammii hin qabneef cupheetu obbolleessa.🗡️
Kan jaalalli ajjeesse duuni maqaa fuudhe. Warra Jiloo keessaa situ caala yaa garbii, waanuma qaban keessa situ caala yaa qalbii.
Iji jaarsaa durba ilaaluu, ija durbaa immoo qara ilaaluu, mee hubadhaa kana ilaalaa!😁
Tulluun lafaa wajjin, toluun walii wajjin, kofoon sirbaa wajjin, niitiin dhirsaa wajjin, kittaan qomaa wajjin, haasaan yeroo wajjin, kooraan fardaa wajjin, kooruun qomoo wajjin...
𝖬𝖺𝖽𝖽𝗂: Manguddootaa 𝖮𝗋𝗈𝗆𝗈𝗈 𝗍𝗂!
* * * * *
Kan caaluttan ba'a jettee mancaatuutti baate, kan waaq namaaf kaa'e cululleen hin fuudhattu!
Jaartii dhibeen mataa murachiise ormi misirroo se'a!
Jiguu gufuutii fi du'a hiyyeessa namni hin dhaga'u!
Indaaqoon yaada malee nyaatan yaadatan baallee qabdi!
Ijoolleen jaldeessaa amalaan hin bultuu fuulaan hin heerumtu!
Hiyyeessa yeroo iddoo dhowwaatu dhuufuu itti buusa!
Harmatu lama malee aannan tokkichuma!
Harki waaqni kute hin latu!
Hin qabnu hin haaddannu jette qaaqeen!
Gurri biqila jette niitiin!
Keessummaan goorduuba argatte diinqa kajeelti!
Lafa nama dhibe ammaa amma qaqqabatu!
Lafa beekanitti saawwa yaasu!
𝖬𝖺𝗊𝖺𝖺𝗇 𝖻𝖺𝗋𝖺𝗇𝖺 𝖻𝖺𝖺𝗍𝗂, 𝖫𝗎𝖻𝖻𝗎𝗎𝗇 𝖻𝖺𝗋𝖺-𝖾𝗀𝖾𝗋 𝖻𝖺𝖺𝗍𝗂!
G͟a͟r͟a͟a͟n͟ T͟a͟a͟j͟j͟a͟b͟a͟ h͟i͟n͟ q͟a͟b͟n͟e͟ H͟e͟e͟x͟o͟o͟ b͟a͟l͟a͟q͟q͟a͟m͟t͟i͟!👌


Wonderful Message

Wonderful Message

The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. (Romans 16:20)
The Lord God said to the serpent....."I will make enemies of you and the woman,
and of your offspring and her Descendant. He shall bruise your head,
and you shall bruise His heel." (Genesis 3:15)
And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan,
and bound him for a thousand years (Revelation 20:2)


Intalli maal jette?

Sirba Durbi naqatamte warra ishee ittiin garaa laaffifachuuf sirbitu
Yaa aayyoolee koo,
Laanni koo hingeenyee, Yaa aayyoolee koo,
na quufte malee,
ulee geeshee muruu,
maaf na laatta haadha koo, anoo beekee hinbuluu.
𖣔 Yaa abbaayyee koo,yaa aayyolee koo,
Maaltu maal ta’ee, kan badii ta’ee,
Cabaawoo hintuffannee,
Darbaawoo hindubbanne,
Yaa ayyoolee koo iddoo ciisakoo
gumbii dhaabbadhuu
Cabaa irbaatakoo dilbii kaawwadhuu,
Dibaa mataakoo samaa kaawwadhu.
𖣔Yaa obbolee koo,
Gadi bahaati, gorbatti siiksaa,
Guyyaa kennaa koo torbeetti hiiksaa,
Gaafa torbee koo kurnootti hiiksaa
Gaafa kurnookoo malli funyoo koo...
Awwaaree jalli awwaara’ee,
Abdiisaa situ ayyaana’e,
Kan mutaan lilma sii ta’e,
Kan mucaan ilma sii ta’e🙈😀


Education Vs Money Vs Girls

 Education, Money, and Girls

Education, money, and girls are three very different things that are not directly related to each other. However, they can all play important roles in a person's life.

Education is essential for personal and professional growth. It provides you with knowledge, skills, and opportunities that can help you succeed in life. A good education can also lead to better job prospects and higher earning potential.

Money is also important, as it enables you to meet your basic needs and live comfortably. It can provide you with financial security and the ability to achieve your goals and dreams.

Girls, on the other hand, are individuals who can bring joy, companionship, and love into your life. While they are not essential to your success and happiness in life, they can certainly enhance it.

In summary, education, money, and girls are all important in their own ways and can contribute to a fulfilling life.  It is up to each individual to find the right balance among these three aspects and prioritize them according to their own values and goals. Ultimately, it is important to remember that material possessions and relationships can bring temporary happiness, but true fulfillment comes from within, through personal growth, self-awareness, and a sense of purpose.


Unlocking the Power of Focus💪

💡The Impact of Concentration on Specialization: Unlocking the Power of Focus💪

Introduction: In the realm of human knowledge and expertise, concentration plays a vital role in achieving success and pushing boundaries. It involves channeling focus, energy, and intellect into a specific field of specialization. By exploring deep into a particular area, individuals can acquire unparalleled expertise, insights, and capabilities. This article explores the profound impact of concentration, drawing analogies from physics formulas to highlight the advantages of specialization over general knowledge.
I. The Formula of Mastery:
Just as physics formulas encapsulate fundamental laws of nature, concentration encapsulates the essence of mastery. Let's consider the formula:
💡 #Concentration = (Knowledge + Experience) × Focus 🎯
#Knowledge: The foundation of concentration is deep understanding, acquired through dedicated efforts in a chosen field. It forms the basis for specialization.
#Experience: Practical applications and real-world scenarios complement knowledge, enhancing concentration and providing valuable insights.
#Focus: Concentrating mental faculties and efforts on a specific area allows for deeper exploration, and making valuable connections.
II. The Penetrating Power of #Specialization:
To understand the concept of concentration better, let's consider an #analogy from #physics#Pressure = Force/Area. Similarly, specialization enables individuals to dig deeper into their chosen field.🦒 The feet of a #goat and an #elephant differ greatly in their ability to penetrate the ground. Just as the pointed hooves of a goat allow it to penetrate the soil effortlessly, specialization enables individuals to dig deeper into their chosen domain.
🧠 #Psychiatrist vs. #Psychologist: A psychiatrist's specialization in understanding the complexities of the human mind surpasses that of a psychologist. Their concentrated knowledge allows for more targeted and effective therapeutic interventions.
III. The Advantage of Concentrated Effort:
Concentration offers distinct advantages:
✨ Enhanced Problem-Solving: Concentrated individuals approach problems with unique perspectives, finding innovative solutions.
⏰ Efficient Time Utilization: Concentration minimizes time wasted on peripheral information, allowing specialists to focus on mastering key elements.
🌟 Increased Recognition: Expertise in a specialized field leads to recognition, career advancements, and collaboration opportunities..
💡 Concentration is a powerful means for success and excellence. Embracing concentration allows us to leverage our knowledge, experience, and focus, transcending boundaries and making significant contributions to the world.
📚 Note to my dear followers:
In all my articles(what I post on LinkedIn), unless I mention the reference materials, it is from my own experiences, the way I think, understand, analyze and interpret concepts and ideas.


Yaadannoo Baadiyyaa

Baadiyyaatti dhalatteettaa?
Baadiyyaatti guddatteettaa?
Baadiyyaadhaa maatii/fira qabdaa?

Ciroowwan armaan gadii akka sitti tolan hin shakku.
  • irra dibaa bixxillee xaafii diimaa....
  • bokkaa aduu keessaa...
  • obonbolleettii mana citaa diigu...
  • buqqee seexanaa...
  • baala adaamii...
  • miila qamaaca’e...
  • laga guute...
  • harree ba’aa jigfatte...
  • daboo xaafii haamaa...
  • mulluu taffagoo....
  • qircaa ayyaanaa....
  • eelee siilessuu...
  • akaayii xaaxoo boqqolloo...
  • waamicha buna dhugaa....
  • calleensa bosona walakkaa....
  • bishaan daakuu....
  • waatii mar’attu....
  • siiqsa qonnaan bulaa...
  • okkotee bishaanii kokoru......
  • Daabboo kobootan tolfamu...
  • aannan okolee keessaa dhugamu...
  • buna aananitti jige...
  • ifa ibidda galgalaa...
  • ijoo jedhani wal waamuu...
  • Tulluu irra dhaabbatanii qe'eetti sagaleessuu...
  • akaayii, daabboo fi farsoo oogdii keessa...
  • finxira gaafa gammachuu... 
  • marqaa fi dinnicha okkotee keessaa...
  • waaddi eelee sibilaa...
  • haara mana citaa keessa muldhatu
  • Yeroo xaafiin dha'amu sangoonni kara karaa baatee fiiguu.....
  • xaafii haamamee lafa jirutti bokkaan roobuu......
  • ganama barii ka'anii sangoota yaasuu.......
  • ganama barii ka'anii dallaa horii diddiiruu.......
  • sangaan jinjanaadhaaf sa'a namaa faana galee deebi'uu diduu......
  • horiin midhaan namaa nyaattee maatiitti himachuu......
  • maroo boqqolloo...
  • Caafaqoo buddeena ho'aa....
  • Ashuuqqii baqqalaa.... 
  • bassoo garbuu....
  • Sa'a foolatte dhaltuu...
  • Korma lafa haadhee bookkisu......
  • Mulluu odongoraa/Abbaa coomaa...
  • Raadiyooniin sirkatti tabalaasha'ee maatiidhaan tumamuu...
  • Madda: Fuulbarruu Moti

Suuraa: Google


Ati'n duune!

Ati'n duune!

Abukaatoo qabsoo haqaa

Soroorsituu seenaa dabee

Sagalee kee dhaggeeffadheen

Fuula keemmoo argaa dhabe
Qaqawweessa sagaleen kee

Halaala irraa nama waama

Yaa gameessa haati deesse

Sabboonticha qaalii namaa
Shirri shiraan dabaalamee

Gootummaa kee hin awwaalu

Seenaan kan kees boollaa oli

Ati hin duune yaa Haacaaluu!

...........................................June 29


Common Web Errors

What are the top 20 common web errors?

Here are the list of the top 20 common web errors. These errors often occur when there is a problem with the server or the website's code. Here are some of the most common web errors:

  1. 400 Bad Request
  2. 401 Unauthorized
  3. 403 Forbidden
  4. 404 Not Found
  5. 408 Request Timeout
  6. 500 Internal Server Error
  7. 502 Bad Gateway
  8. 503 Service Unavailable
  9. 504 Gateway Timeout
  10. DNS Server Not Found
  11. Connection Timed Out
  12. Connection Refused
  13. Connection Reset
  14. Server Not Found
  15. Too Many Requests
  16. Invalid URL
  17. Invalid Hostname
  18. SSL Certificate Error
  19. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Error
  20. Buffer Overflow Error

These errors can be frustrating for website visitors, but they can usually be resolved by the website's developers or server administrators.

Oofan (Sirna boo'ichaa)

Oofan: Sirna boo'icha hawaasa Oromoo dhiichisaan dabaalame Madda suuraa, Olaanii Ita'aa Oofaniin aadaa sirna boo’ichaa giddugala Oro...

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