

 Happy Mothers Day 
 May 14

Be calm


The best is yet to come


Kadhata Bartootaa (The Prayer of the Disciples)

Kadhata Bartootaa

(The Prayer of the Disciples)

Yaa abbaa keenyaa; 

Waaqarra kan jiraattu,

Maqaan kee haa qulqullaa'u; 

Mootummaan kee haa dhufu.

Jaalalti kee waaqa irra akkuma ta'e, 

lafa irrattis haa ta'u.

Kan nu gahu buddeena keenya har'aa nuuf kenni.

Yakkaa keenya nuuf dhiisi; 

Nus warra nu yakkaniif akkuma dhiifnu.

Gidiraatti nu hin galchiin; 

Hamaa nu oolchi malee.

Mootummaan kan keeti hoo; 

Humnis, galannis, bara baraan siif haa ta'u. 


Wabii: Luqaas 11

(The Prayer of the Disciples)

O our father;

You who dwell in heaven,

Blessed be thy name;

Let your kingdom come.

As your love is in the heavens,

and let it be on the earth.

Give us this day our daily bread.

Forgive us our trespasses;

Just as we forgive those who have wronged us.

Do not bring us into trouble;

But save us from evil.

The kingdom is yours;

Power and praise be to you forever.


Reference: Luke 11


የደቀመዛሙርት ጸሎት

አባታችን ሆይ;

በሰማይ የምትኖር ሆይ!

ስምህ የተባረከ ይሁን;

መንግሥትህ ይምጣ።

ፍቅርህ በሰማይ እንዳለ ሁሉ

እና በምድር ላይ ይሁን.

የዕለት እንጀራችንን ዛሬ ስጠን።

በደላችንን ይቅር በለን;

የበደሉንን ይቅር እንደምንል ሁሉ።

ወደ ችግር አታግባን;

ግን ከክፉ አድነን።

መንግሥቱ ያንተ ነው ሆ;

ኃይልና ምስጋና ለዘለዓለም ላንተ ይሁን።


ዋቢ፡ ሉቃ 11

Get out of your comfort zone

Get out of your comfort zone

In your comfort zone, everything is predictable, which makes you feel safe. When you think of leaving or expanding your comfort zone, you’re met with uncertainty. Yet staying there also means never moving forward and growing. 
Self-confidence and comfort zones are directly correlated. This means that the smaller the comfort zone is, the less confidence you have in yourself and your abilities.
Self-confidence and comfort zones are directly correlated. This means that the smaller the comfort zone is, the less confidence you have in yourself and your abilities.



Bilbiloonni nookiyaa addunyaa irraa baduu isaaniif sababni kunooti

Namni tokko magaalaa Thane, Mumbaayi irraa jaalala bilbilootaaf qabu sadarkaa biraatti kan ol guddise yoo ta'u, kuusaa isaa keessaa bilbiloota harkaa 2,300 ol qaba.Jayesh Kale waggoota 5 oliin dura bilbila walitti qabuu kan jalqabe yoo ta'u, amma bilbiloota harkaa 2,371 kan qabu yoo ta'u, irra caalaan isaanii Nookiyaadha. Bilbiloota haala hojii irra jiran walitti qabuun galmee Giinis galmee addunyaa irratti galmaa'uuf kaayyeffateera. Viidiyoon YouTube chaanaalii Great Big Story irratti argamu mana Kale kan bilbiloota golee hunda irratti qabu daawwannaa kenna.

Kutaa jireenyaa, kutaa ciisichaa, baafata kushiinaa keessa, kaabineetii uffata haadha warraa isaa keessa illee, siree keessaa bilbilli ni jira. "Kun daa'imman kooti," jechuun Kaalee viidiyoo kanarratti kan himu yoo ta'u, bilbiloota addunyaa maraa akka qabu dubbata.Jaalala bilbilootaaf qabu maaltu akka kakaase kan ibsu Kale, bara kolleejjii isaa yeroo bilbila Nookiyaa 3310 kan qabu yoo ta'u, kunis kutaa lammaffaa irraa kufuun fayyaa hafe jedheera. Yeroo dheeraa turuu isaanii kan dinqisiifate Kaleen bilbiloota akkanaa walitti qabuu jalqabe. Viidiyoo kanarratti akkas jedha: "Hiriyyoonni koo fi maatiin koo yaada wal makaa qabu. Gariin kun gurbaa baay'ee maraataadha jedhu. Gariin ammoo boonuun itti dhagahama. Akkasumas, gariin maallaqa guddaa invastimantii du'e keessa galcheera" jedhu. Garuu faallaa kanaa ta'uu isaa hin beekan." 

Here is the reason why Nokia phones disappear from the world

One man from Thane, Mumbai, has taken his love for phones to another level and has over 2,300 handsets in his collection. Jayesh Kale began collecting phones over 5 years ago and now he owns 2,371 handsets, mostly Nokia. He aims to make it to the Guinness Book of World Records for the largest collection of phones in working condition. A video on the YouTube channel of Great Big Story gives a tour of Kale's house which has phones in every corner.

There are phones in the living room, bedroom, kitchen drawers, even in his wife's wardrobe, and inside beds. "These are my babies," Kale says in the video, adding he has phones from all over the world. Revealing what triggered his love for phones, Kale said it began during his college years when he owned a Nokia 3310 phone which survived a fall from the second floor. Impressed by the durability, Kale began collecting phones. He says in the video: "My friends and family have mixed opinions. Some say this is a very crazy guy. "Some feel proud. And, some say I have put so much money into a dead investment but they don't know the fact that it's the other way around."


Quba harka koo✋

Quba harka koo✋ 

Nii hajoofte jedhee
kamiin keessaa kutu
yaa quba harka koo
hedduu na marartu
Oggaa baay'attanii
wal maddii gortani
nyaapha kabaltanii
biyya'rraa qoltani
Hardha maal taatanii
wal ilaaltu cookkoo
ormi'yyuu ni beeka
hundeen keessan tokko
Qubeellaa yoo ta'e 💍
kan abbaa carraati
gaarii waliif yaadaa
wal gaaduu dhiisaatii!

October 24, 2019G.C

Duratti tarkaanfadhu!

Duratti tarkaanfadhu!

Yaaddee yaadaan hin cabiin

mudannoo kee kaleessaa

Guyyaan har'aa bor miti

waanta haaraa dhageessa


"Kan darbe hin darbatan"

Kan dhufuuf aggaammadhu

Galma yaada kee gahuuf

duratti tarkaanfadhu!


© Woluman #the_traveler...✍️

Kana Beektuu Laata?

Kana Beektuu Laata? 

Imala Hawaa

Saffisni_ifaa sekondii tokko keessatti naqa 25 ol dacheetti marsa.(mudhii lafaarra). Diyaameetirri lafaa naannoo mudhii lafaatti 12,756 KM qofa yemmuu ta’u ifni ammoo sekondii tokko keessatti gara 300,000 KM saffisuu danda’a. Bara_ifaa tokko jechuun ammoo fageenya ifni waggaa tokko keessatti haxiixuu danda’u jechuu dha. Ifni fageenya inni waggaa tokko keessatti imaluu danda’u, dimshaashumatti yemmuu shallagamu: gara KM 9,461,000,000,000(Tiriiliyoona_Sagalii_fi_Biiliyoona_dhibba_afurii_fi_Jaatamii_tokkoo)ti.
Amma ituu kaatanii xiyyaara hawaa kana keessa saffisa_sekondii_tokkotti_bara_ifaa_tokko eegee dhaabee furguggifamuu danda’u qabaattanii jennaan konkontanii yaabbattanii, silaa: > Sekondii 1 keessatti Sirna_Soolaarii (Biiftuu fi pilaanetotashee salgan) keessaa baatanii lafasaa wal’aaltu. Sekondii 20 keessatti urjii guddichaa fi baay’ee calaqqisaa Siiriyees jedhamu kan ifni isaa Biiftuu keenyatti dachaa 25 ol naanna’uufi guddinaanis gara dhibbeentaa 170% olii kan Biiftuu keenya caalu ceequu keessan irratti ilaaltu. >Daqiiqaa 30 ituu hin guutin, urjii Kaansar_99e jedhamee beekamu, kan guddinnisaa dachee keenyatti naqa lama ta’uu fi Daaymandii irraa hojjetametu fuula keessan duraa achii as isinitti calaqqisa. Achi geenyaan Biiliyeenerummaan xaba ta’eetu hiyyoomuun ulfaataa ta’a.😊 Dadhabdanimoo imala itti fufnu….?

Kaansar_99e- Urjii_Daayimandii irraa akkuma nama dhiyoo ga’ee deebi’uu Doonii_Hawaa keessan sekondii tokkotti bara ifaa tokko deemu yoo yaabbattanii kaatan, daqiiqaa 10 keessatti, urjii Keepler_22b jedhamuu fi jireenyaaf mijataa ta’uu mala kan saayintistoonni jedhanii tilmaamanitti baatu. Dubbii keenyarratti, teknooloojii amma qabnuun, urjii kana bira imallee ga’uuf waggaa kitila 10 ol nutti fudhata. Lafarraa ennaa sa’a 6 ituu addaan hin kutin xiyyaara keessan saffisa isaarraa kan ka’e, sagaleesaa malee bifti isaa hin argamneen ximbriirtan, Gaalaaksii keenya Milkii_Weey jedhamee waamamu keessaa baatu. Gaafa gara-galtanii ilaaltanis, “Bakka dhalootakoo, qe’eekoo, manakoo, mandarakoo lafa hiddi handhuuraakoo itti awwaalame!” jettanii mararteen Milki_Weyii ilaaluun garaan isin raafama. Hammuma ol-fagaachaa deemtan, qe’een keessan isinitti xiqqaataa deema waan ta’eef.😊
Imala wal irraa hin cinne ji’a tokkoo booda, Gaalaaksii ollaa keenyaa Andiroo_meedaa_gaalaaksii kan jedhamutti baatu. Waa’een nama “Karaa dheeraa deemtee dhuftee, gorii taa’ii buna dhugi!” isiniin jedhu argachuu, moojiree! Gaalaaksiin kun gaalaaksii keenya caalaa baay’ee guddaafi urjiiwwan triiliyoonaan lakka’aman qaba. Yoo ijibbaattaniima imala itti fuftan, guyyaa 120 gidduutti, gaalaksiiwwan shantama qaariyuun sirna-gaalaaksii, gaalaaksiin keenyi Milki_Weyiinii fi Andiroo_meedaan keessatti argaman keessaa calaatu. 
Waggaa 3 ituu hin dhaabbatin ennaama balalii itti fuftan, gaalaksonni shantamaa ol isin bira kuttanii dhuftan, tuutowwan gaalaaksii Virgoo_Suupper_Kilaaster jedhamu keessaa tuqaa xinnoo tokko qofa ta’uusaa argitanii ajaa’ibsiifannaa fi rifannaan harka keessan afaan keessan irra kaawwattu. 

Source: Telila Deressa Gutema -The Billionnaire (Fb_Page)


Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

1.1. Introduction

Virtual Reality (VR) is when a simulated environment is created with the use of computer technology and gives a 3D experience to the viewer, complete with enhanced and realistic interaction ability of the viewer with the artificially projected environment displayed [1]. VR benefits many industries with its user engagement. VR is an excellent vehicle for training, conferencing, convenience, and communication [2]. There are 3 primary categories of virtual reality simulations used today: non-immersive, semi-immersive, and fully immersive simulations [2]. Applications of virtual reality include entertainment (particularly video games), education (such as medical or military training), and business (such as virtual meetings). Other distinct types of VR-style technology include augmented reality and mixed reality, sometimes referred to as extended reality or XR [3].

1.1. Virtual Reality (Definition)

The word ‘virtual’ means something that is conceptual and does not exist physically and the word ‘reality’ means the state of being real. So the term ‘virtual reality’ is itself conflicting. It means something that is almost real [5].
Virtual reality is the use of computer technology to create simulated environments. Virtual reality places the user inside a three-dimensional experience. Instead of viewing a screen in front of them, users are immersed in and interact with 3D worlds [2].

1.2. History of Virtual Reality

The exact origins of virtual reality are disputed, partly because of how difficult it has been to formulate a definition for the concept of an alternative existence. The development of perspective in Renaissance Europe created convincing depictions of spaces that did not exist, in what has been referred to as the "multiplying of artificial worlds". Other elements of virtual reality appeared as early as the 1860s. Antonin Artaud took the view that illusion was not distinct from reality, advocating that spectators at a play should suspend disbelief and regard the drama on stage as reality. The first references to the more modern concept of virtual reality came from science fiction [4].

1.3. Types of Virtual Reality

There are 3 primary categories of virtual reality simulations used today: non-immersive, semi-immersive, and fully-immersive simulations [3]. Three types of virtual reality experiences provide different levels of computer-generated simulation [2]. The three main category of VR are illustrated below:

1.3.1. Non-Immersive Virtual Reality

This category is often overlooked as VR simply because it’s so common. Non-immersive VR technology features a computer-generated virtual environment where the user simultaneously remains aware and controlled by their physical environment. Video games are a prime example of non-immersive VR.

1.3.2. Semi-Immersive Virtual Reality

This type of VR provides an experience partially based in a virtual environment. This type of VR makes sense for educational and training purposes with graphical computing and large projector systems, such as flight simulators for pilot trainees.

1.3.3. Fully Immersive Virtual Reality

This type of VR generates the most realistic simulation experience, from sight to sound to sometimes even olfactory sensations. Car racing games are an example of immersive virtual reality that gives the user the sensation of speed and driving skills. Developed for gaming and other entertainment purposes, VR use in other sectors is increasing.

1.4. How Does Virtual Reality Technology Work?

The VR process combines hardware and software to create immersive experiences that “fool” the eye and brain. Hardware supports sensory stimulation and simulation such as sounds, touch, smell or heat intensity, while software creates the rendered virtual environment [2].
Immersive experience creation mimics how the eye and brain form visuals. Human eyes are about three inches apart and therefore form two slightly different views. The brain fuses those views to create a sense of depth or stereoscopic display [2].

1.5. Technology used in Virtual Reality

VR technology commonly consists of headsets and accessories such as controllers and motion trackers. Driven by proprietary downloadable apps or web-based VR, the technology is accessible via a web browser.

1.5.1. Hardware Used in Virtual Reality

Virtual reality hardware includes sensory accessories such as controllers, as well as headsets, hand trackers, treadmills and, for creators, 3D cameras.
A VR headset is a head-mounted device, such as goggles. A VR headset is a visual screen or display. Headsets often include state-of-the-art sound, eye or head motion-tracking sensors or cameras.
There are three main types of headsets:
PC-Based VR Headsets: PC headsets tend to be the highest-priced devices because they offer the most immersive experiences. These headsets are usually cable-tethered from the headset and powered by external hardware. The dedicated display, built-in motion sensors and an external camera tracker offer high-quality sound and image and head tracking for greater realism.
Standalone VR Headsets: All-in-one or standalone VR headsets are wireless, integrated pieces of hardware, such as tablets or phones. Wireless VR headsets are not always standalone. Some systems transmit information wirelessly from consoles or PCs in proximity, and others use wired packs carried in a pocket or clipped to clothing.
Mobile Headsets: These shell devices use lenses that cover a smartphone. The lenses separate the screen to create a stereoscopic image that transforms a smartphone into a VR device. Mobile headsets are relatively inexpensive. Wires are not needed because the phone does the processing. Phones don’t offer the best visual experiences and are underpowered by game console- or PC-based VR. They provide no positional tracking. The generated environment displays from a single point, and it is not possible to look around objects in a scene.
VR Accessories: VR accessories are hardware products that facilitate VR technology. New devices are always in development to improve the immersive experience. Today’s accessories include the 3D mouse, optical trackers, wired gloves, motion controllers, bodysuits, treadmills, and even smelling devices.
These are some of the accessories used today in VR:
3D Mouse: A 3D mouse is a control and pointing device designed for movement in virtual 3D spaces. 3D mice employ several methods to control 3D movement and 2D pointing, including accelerometers, multi-axis sensors, IR sensors and lights.
Optical Trackers: Visual devices monitors the user’s position. The most common method for VR systems is to use one or multiple fixed video cameras to follow the tracked object or person.
Wired Gloves: This type of device, worn on the hands, is also known as cyber gloves or data gloves. Various sensor technologies capture physical movement data. Like an inertial or magnetic tracking device, a motion tracker attaches to capture the glove’s rotation and global position data. The glove software interprets movement. High-end versions provide haptic feedback or tactile stimulation, allowing a wired glove to be an output device.
Motion Controllers: These accessories allow users to act in mixed reality. Controllers allow for fine-grained interaction with digital objects because they have a precise position in space.
Omnidirectional Treadmills (ODTs): This accessory machine gives users the ability to move in any direction physically. ODTs allow users to move freely for a fully immersive experience in VR environments.
Smelling Devices: Smell devices are one of the newer accessories in the VR world. Vaqso, a Tokyo-based company, offers a headset attachment that emits odors to convey the size and shape of a candy bar. The fan-equipped device holds several different smells that can change intensity based on the screen action.

1.5.2. Software Used in Virtual Reality

Developers use various software to build VR. They include VR software development kits, visualization software, content management, game engines, social platforms, and training simulators.
VR Content Management Systems Software: Companies use this workplace tool to collect, store and analyze VR content in a centralized location.
  • VR Game Engine Software: Developers use the tools to create a VR video game experience.
  • VR Software Development Kit (SDK): SDKs offer a base to design, build and test VR experiences.
  • VR Social Platforms Software: Users collaborate from remote locations in VR with these tools.
  • VR Training Simulator Software: This software works for almost any industry for employee training in immersive environments.
  • VR Visualization Software: Users experience aggregated data in a virtual environment. to fully understand what data means.

Napster’s Trudgian points out another software technology that may someday disrupt headsets as a standard in VR: “Non-headset VR is coming, as demonstrated by the likes of Spatial, VR Chat and Rec Room.

“These apps allow users or players without headsets to connect to the same environment and interact with one another. Adding support for non-headset users serves virtual worlds well by adding a user base on universally accessible devices and platforms. In theory, if a virtual world is not reliant on headset-only users, it can expand in size tremendously; the amount of people who have access to a web browser or smartphone is far greater than that of any headset.”

1.6. Importance of Audio in Virtual Reality

VR strives to emulate reality, so audio is vital role to creating credible experiences. Audio and visuals work together to add presence and space to the environment. Audio cues are also crucial for guiding users through their digital experience.

1.6.1. Binaural or Spatial Audio in Virtual Reality Experience

People hear in three dimensions. They can discern the direction sound comes from and the rough distance from the sound source. Simulation of aural sense delivers a more authentic multi-dimensional experience and is known as biaural or spatial audio [2].

1.8. Benefits of Virtual Reality

VR benefits many industries with its user engagement. VR is an excellent vehicle for training, conferencing, convenience, and communication [2].
Here are some of the benefits of VR:
  • Practical Training: VR is a safe way to simulate dangerous situations for training purposes. Firefighters, pilots, astronauts and police can learn in a controlled environment before going into the field. Immersive experience narrows timeframes so trainees can more quickly become professionals.
  • Engagement and Connection: VR is an engaging and entertaining experience for its users.
  • Convenient Conferences: Virtual meetings save time and money, yet help maintain a sense of collegiality.
  • “Tryout” Capability: Shoppers’ remorse may become a thing of the past with VR. You can use virtual reality to furnish your home, test-drive a car or try on wedding bands without leaving home.

1.9. Challenges of Virtual Reality

VR has some disadvantages despite its appealing sense of engagement, including technical issues, the potential for addiction, loss of human connection, and expense. It’s possible to mitigate some problems, but others are a fixed part of the VR experience [2].
Here are some VR disadvantages:
  • Addiction: Some people become addicted to the VR experience in gaming and social media applications. People can assume different identifies, which can be addictive and cause social, psychological and biological issues.
  • Health Problems: Extensive use of VR can create a loss of spatial awareness, nausea, dizziness, disorientation and nausea, also known as simulator sickness.
  • Screen Door Effect: When you use a headset, the display is within inches of your eyes. That means you see pixels or the spaces between them, no matter how excellent the display resolution may be. This mesh-like effect can irritate some users. Newer headsets have improved but not eliminated the issue.
  • Loss of Human Connections: When you rely on virtual connections rather than real-life social interactions, trouble may result. Over-reliance on VR can lead to disassociation or depression.
  • Training Doesn’t Translate in the Real World: People trained in virtual reality may do well in the app or platform but can’t perform to the necessary standard in real-world situations.
  • Expense: While prices are coming down, VR systems are not affordable for everyone.

1.10. The Difference Between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

The distinctions between VR and AR come down to the devices they require and the experience itself [6]:
  • AR uses a real-world setting while VR is completely virtual
  • AR users can control their presence in the real world; VR users are controlled by the system
  • VR requires a headset device, but AR can be accessed with a smartphone
  • AR enhances both the virtual and real world while VR only enhances a fictional reality

1.11. Major Players in Virtual Reality and Latest Entries

VR is always improving due to technology refinements, and the latest “category killers” change rapidly. Top-of-the-pack players include ongoing favorites from Oculus, HTC, Sony, and Valve.

1.11. Future of VR Technology

In five to ten years, today’s headsets will look like first-generation cell phones or boxy CRT TVs.
“This change will be driven by the significant opportunity ahead of a VR creator economy. New tools created for developers and anyone interested in creating VR content are necessary. Remember when YouTube started? Most people weren’t making and sharing videos, and now anyone can quickly become a video creator.”
“Today, most people don’t have a VR headset. Once the hardware is simplified and usage is more widespread, we’ll see the same phenomenon. Eventually, wearables like smart glasses of some type will replace smartphones. These wearables will allow even more uses for both VR and AR because users won’t need specialized hardware but will take advantage of the same device they use to communicate, search and interact with the world around them.”
AR and VR have a decidedly bright future, and the years to come will bring many new capabilities and more widespread usage. Improvements in video quality, processing power, mobile bandwidth, and AR/VR hardware will drive more mainstream acceptance, and falling development costs and complexity will provide more options for creators to explore. Systems that track eye movement and facial expressions will slowly make clunky joysticks and other controllers obsolete [7].
While video gaming and entertainment will continue to drive this market, AR and VR will also see emerging practical applications. In the world of virtual reality, these include fully virtual surgery, in which surgeons perform their jobs only in a simulated environment and robotic systems do the actual work. In the world of AR, the ability to virtually travel anywhere is made possible by an emerging tech platform called Mirror world, which aims to replicate the physical universe on a 1:1 scale. Education will likely continue to shift to a virtual model on AR and VR platforms both in academia and in the corporate world. And finally, retailers will continue to rely on AR applications to upgrade virtual shopping applications, slowly rendering the need for physical storefronts obsolete [7].


[2]" https://www.marxentlabs.com/what-is-virtual-reality/,".
[5]"https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/virtual-reality-augmented-reality-and-mixed-reality/," [Online].
Woluman Urgesa Feyisa

Oofan (Sirna boo'ichaa)

Oofan: Sirna boo'icha hawaasa Oromoo dhiichisaan dabaalame Madda suuraa, Olaanii Ita'aa Oofaniin aadaa sirna boo’ichaa giddugala Oro...

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