
Remember: (Charlie Chaplin's Advice)


Charlie Chaplin died aged 88.
He left us 4 statements:
(1) Nothing is eternal in this world, not even our problems.
(2) I like to walk in the rain, because no one can see my tears.
(3) The most wasted day in life is the day we don't laugh.
(4) The six best doctors in the world...
1. sunshine,
2. Rest,
3. Exercise,
4. diet,
5. Self-esteem
6. friends.
Keep them in all stages of your life and enjoy healthy life...
If you see the moon you will see the beauty of God.....
If you see the sun you will see the power of god..
If you look in the mirror, you will see God's best creation.
Believe it then.
We are all tourists, God is our travel agent who already made our itineraries, bookings and destinations...
Trust him and enjoy LIFE.
Life is just a journey!
Live today!!!!
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