
Eliminate redundant references

The following 4 tips took me 3 years of writing to collect, but will only take you 2 minutes to learn. Your writing will be better forever.

Refuse to use the word โ€œthing.โ€

Each thing can be described in more detail. When we donโ€™t weโ€™re just being lazy. Donโ€™t drown the cake in frosting to avoid baking a new one.

Let a device be a device, a trait be a trait, a feeling be a feeling.

Before: โ€œThis is the greatest thing my parents taught me.โ€

After: โ€œThis is the greatest lesson my parents taught me.โ€

No brackets.

Like โ€œthing,โ€ parentheses only weaken what you actually want to say. If you want to say it, say it. If not, donโ€™t.

Whether itโ€™s the brackets that are unnecessary or whatโ€™s in them is for you to decide. But one of the two is. At least 99% of the time.

Probability is on your side when you ditch them.

Before: โ€œYou must pass a (ridiculously hard) course.โ€

After: โ€œYou must pass a ridiculously hard course.โ€

Fewer prepositions.

Many of us need to free up time these days. But time doesnโ€™t go anywhere on its own. Not up. Not down. You donโ€™t have to pull it. You take it. Or make it.

Donโ€™t free up time. Make time. Donโ€™t move out. Just move. You wonโ€™t miss out on the concert. Youโ€™ll miss it.

Sometimes we even add two unnecessary prepositions to one verb.

Before: โ€œHe wants to meet up with Sarah in the morning.โ€

After: โ€œHe wants to meet Sarah in the morning.โ€

Eliminate redundant references.

The reader arrived from your last sentence. Sheโ€™ll remember it. Donโ€™t begin the next one with a preposition or injection.

โ€œSoโ€ doesnโ€™t say so much, โ€œas beforeโ€ breaks my flow, โ€œorโ€ repeats the obvious alternative. โ€œWellโ€ means youโ€™re not done thinking, well, take more time to write.

Never reference the end of your previous sentence at the beginning of the next one.

Before: โ€œWriting improves your thinking. With this in mind, I suggest you write daily.โ€

After: โ€œWriting improves your thinking. I suggest you write daily.โ€

Weโ€™ve known what makes good writing for almost 2,000 years. Often, it takes just a few seconds to improve a sentence. If you want to write a book, thatโ€™s still a lot of seconds.

Four tips, two minutes of learning, but a lifetime of discipline to apply them.


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