
Do's and Don'ts of a Group Discussion #1

Do's of a Group Discussion

1. Introduce yourself to the group. Be specific and brief. In most cases, it suffices to mention your name, institution and academic stream.

2. Take your seat as directed by the interviewer, and sit attentively.

3. Listen carefully to the topic being proposed for discussion. You may ask for it to be repeated, if you need clarification, but be clear.

4. Carry a piece of paper and a pencil to note down the theme and main talking points. Make a note of only those points, which you would like to build your discussion on.

Avoid writing long essay-like sentences on the paper as

the interviewer may not like it.

5. Conceptualise your approach and ideas by jotting down a few points, but do it quickly.

6. Once ready, take the lead to speak first, provided that no other candidate has already begun talking.

7. If you get the chance to begin first, start with saying, "May I start with the permission of the chair and the group?", and then continue.

8. Be brief and analytical in whatever you say.

9. During the discussion, address your group members, and not the chair (the interviewers), making eye contact with all.

10. It's best to speak for a short while at first (say for 1 to 1 1/2 minute), and then take the opportunity later to add some critical points after a few others have spoken.

11. Allow others to speak without any interruption. If necessary, intervene to convince the others to allow the speaker to express his or her views.

12. Try to exhibit your leadership quality by taking the lead in settling a point under discussion, that is being disputed by others.

13. Exhibit your team spirit by co-operating with others during the discussion. Be ready to summarize the main discussed points in your own words at the end. This can be best done by jotting down the points on the paper. So, continue to pay attention to what the others are saying till the end of the discussion.

14. Thank the group members and the interviewers at the end.

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