

Enset (False Banana)

 Before you start... Keep this in mind:

I lack formal education in botany and have not conducted any research in the field. However, growing up in my native area where the ‘Warqee’ (Enset/False Banana) thrives, I've gained familiarity with it. Despite this, it's uncommon for anyone to accurately announce its significance. Therefore, I've been compelled to share insights based on my limited reading and personal knowledge. My apologies to botanists for any inaccuracies.

Enset also known as the false banana or ensete, is a genus of perennial plants native to Ethiopia. There are several types of enset, each with its own characteristics and uses. Some common types include:

These are just a few examples of the types of enset plants. Each type may have variations in terms of size, shape, and utility, but they are all generally cultivated for their starchy pseudo-stems, which serve as a staple food source in Ethiopia.

The genus Enset contains several species, but the exact number can vary depending on taxonomic classification and ongoing research. As of my last update in January 2022, there are around 10 recognized species within the genus Enset. These include:

1. Ensete ventricosum

2. Ensete edule

3. Ensete gilletii

4. Ensete homblei

5. Ensete perrieri

6. Ensete superbum

7. Ensete glaucum

8. Ensete lasiocarpum

9. Ensete livingstonianum

10. Ensete schweinfurthii



Let's delve into each type of Enset with more detail:

1.    Ensete ventricosum:

§  Description: Ensete ventricosum, also known as the Ethiopian banana or false banana, is a species native to Ethiopia. It is characterized by its large, broad leaves and tall, slender pseudo-stem. The pseudo-stem stores starch and is harvested for making a traditional Ethiopian food known as "kocho."

§  Cultivation and Use: Ensete ventricosum is widely cultivated in Ethiopia, where it plays a crucial role in the local diet. The pseudo-stem is harvested, fermented, and then ground into a paste to make kocho. Additionally, the fibers from the leaves are used for various purposes, including making ropes, baskets, and traditional clothing.

§  Importance: Ensete ventricosum is considered a staple food crop in Ethiopia, particularly in regions where other crops may not thrive. It serves as a source of carbohydrates and nutrients for many communities, contributing to food security.


2.   Ensete edule:

§  Description: Ensete edule, also known as the snow banana or Ethiopian banana, is closely related to Ensete ventricosum. It shares similar characteristics, such as large, broad leaves and a tall pseudo-stem.

§  Cultivation and Use: Like Ensete ventricosum, Ensete edule is primarily cultivated in Ethiopia for its edible pseudo-stem. It is harvested and processed into food products such as kocho. The leaves also provide fibers for various traditional crafts.

§  Significance: Ensete edule contributes to the food security and cultural heritage of Ethiopia, particularly in regions where it is a major dietary staple.


3.   Ensete gilletii:

§  Description: Ensete gilletii is another species of Enset native to Ethiopia. It shares similarities with Ensete ventricosum in terms of appearance and growth habits.

§  Cultivation and Use: Ensete gilletii is cultivated for both food and fiber production. Its pseudo-stem is harvested for making traditional foods like kocho, while the leaves provide fibers for weaving and other crafts.

§  Role: Ensete gilletii plays a vital role in the agricultural and cultural practices of Ethiopian communities, contributing to food security and livelihoods.

4.   Ensete homblei:

§  Description: Ensete homblei is an endemic species of Enset found in Ethiopia. It shares similar characteristics with other Ensete species, including large leaves and a sturdy pseudo-stem.

§  Cultivation and Use: Ensete homblei is cultivated primarily for food and fiber production. Its pseudo-stem is harvested for making traditional foods like kocho, and the leaves are used for weaving and other crafts.

§  Importance: Like other Ensete species, Ensete homblei contributes to food security and cultural practices in Ethiopia, particularly in regions where it is grown.


5.   Ensete perrieri:

§  Description: Ensete perrieri is another species native to Ethiopia. It is similar in appearance to other Ensete species, with large leaves and a pseudo-stem that stores starch.

§  Cultivation and Use: Ensete perrieri is cultivated for food and fiber production, similar to other Ensete species. Its pseudo-stem is harvested and processed into traditional foods, while the leaves provide fibers for various crafts.

§  Role: Ensete perrieri contributes to the agricultural diversity and food security of Ethiopian communities, particularly in areas where it is cultivated.


6.   Ensete superbum:

§  Description: Ensete superbum, also known as the wild banana, is native to India. It is primarily grown for ornamental purposes due to its attractive foliage and large flowers.

§  Cultivation: Ensete superbum is cultivated as an ornamental plant in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide.

§  Significance: While not cultivated for food or fiber production like Ethiopian Ensete species, Ensete superbum adds beauty to gardens and landscapes with its striking appearance.


7.   Ensete glaucum:

§  Description: Ensete glaucum is found in Madagascar and is known for its blue-green foliage.

§  Cultivation: Ensete glaucum is grown ornamentally in tropical and subtropical regions for its attractive appearance.

§  Use: While not typically cultivated for food or fiber, Ensete glaucum adds aesthetic value to gardens and landscapes.

8.   Ensete lasiocarpum:

§  Description: Ensete lasiocarpum, also known as the hairy-fruited enset, is found in parts of East Africa, including Ethiopia and Tanzania. It produces edible fruits and is cultivated for food and fiber production.

§  Cultivation and Use: Ensete lasiocarpum is cultivated for its fruits, which are edible. Additionally, the plant provides fibers from its leaves for weaving and other crafts.

§  Significance: This species contributes to both food security and traditional craftsmanship in regions where it is cultivated.


9.   Ensete livingstonianum:

§  Description: Ensete livingstonianum is found in tropical Africa and is grown for ornamental purposes. It has large, attractive leaves and ornamental flowers.

§  Cultivation: Ensete livingstonianum is cultivated as an ornamental plant in tropical regions for its aesthetic value.

§  Use: While not cultivated for food or fiber production, it enhances the beauty of gardens and landscapes with its striking appearance.


10.  Ensete schweinfurthii:

§  Description: Ensete schweinfurthii is another species found in tropical Africa. It is primarily grown for its ornamental value, featuring large leaves and attractive flowers.

§  Cultivation: Ensete schweinfurthii is cultivated as an ornamental plant in tropical regions for its aesthetic appeal.

§  Significance: While not utilized for food or fiber, Ensete schweinfurthii enhances the visual appeal of gardens and landscapes.


These descriptions provide an overview of the remaining Enset species, highlighting their characteristics, cultivation, and significance.

 Top 5 Countries Where Enset Food is Commonly Known

Enset food is primarily known and commonly consumed in Ethiopia, where it plays a significant role in the local diet and culture. However, it is also consumed to a lesser extent in neighboring countries and regions where Enset cultivation is practiced. The top five countries where Enset food is commonly known include:

1.     Ethiopia: Enset is a staple food crop in Ethiopia, particularly in the southern and southwestern regions of the country. It is used to make various traditional dishes such as kocho, bulla, and amicho.

2.    Kenya: Enset cultivation and consumption are found in some parts of Kenya, particularly in areas bordering Ethiopia, such as the western regions of the country.

3.    Uganda: Enset is also cultivated and consumed in certain regions of Uganda, primarily in the eastern and northeastern parts of the country.

4.    Tanzania: Enset cultivation and consumption are known in parts of Tanzania, particularly in areas bordering Kenya and Ethiopia, such as the northern regions of the country.

5.    South Sudan: Enset food is consumed to a lesser extent in certain regions of South Sudan, particularly in areas bordering Ethiopia and Uganda.

While Enset food is most commonly associated with Ethiopia, its consumption extends to neighboring countries where similar agroecological conditions support its cultivation and use in traditional cuisines.

Reputable sources:

1.    Botanical textbooks and reference materials:

ü  Wide range of botanical textbooks and reference materials through academic publishers

-       Cambridge University Press,

-       Oxford University Press,

-       Wiley and etc.

2.   Academic journals:  Some prominent publishers include:

ü  Elsevier: [ScienceDirect] (https://www.sciencedirect.com/)

ü  Springer Nature: [SpringerLink] (https://link.springer.com/)

ü  Wiley: [Wiley Online Library] (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/)

ü  Taylor & Francis: [Taylor & Francis Online] (https://www.tandfonline.com/)

3.   Publications from agricultural research institutions:

ü  International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT):

-       [ICRISAT Publications] (https://www.icrisat.org/publications/)

ü  International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI):

-       [IFPRI Publications] (https://www.ifpri.org/publications)

ü  Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO):

-       [FAO Publications] (http://www.fao.org/publications/en/)

4.   Ethnographic studies and anthropological research: 

ü  JSTOR: [JSTOR] (https://www.jstor.org/)

ü  Project MUSE: [Project MUSE] (https://about.muse.jhu.edu/)

ü  Google Scholar: [Google Scholar] (https://scholar.google.com/) 


Af-walaloo sirba durii

Weedduu Jaalalaa Qeerroofi Qarree Durii

(Baaccuufi Gammachuu) akka namfakkiitti.
"Ani hinaamu Sambataani
Muka haamtuu kootu cabee
Ani hintaa'u nan badaani
Ergan Baaccuukoo dhabee
Adaamittan aara aarsaa
Jawween baargamaa baroodde
Balalii akka Waaqa caamsaa
Xanneen jaalalaa na dhoofte
Gumarii manaa gadii
Tulluu Diimtuuttan galaa
Butamii manaa bayi
Lixa biiftuu galgalaa
Ashaakiltii muka soolee
Gowwaan mukaa xoqonuudhaa
Barbaachakeen laga oole
Akka kormaa bosonuudhaa!" jedha. Qarree naanna'ee weeddisa. Baaccuun hubboo butattee weeddisaa laga xoph jetti.
"Gammachuu bitaachakoo
Tiifuu keessa aramanii
Haammadhu cinaachakoo
Siifuu shan na dhaananii
Yoo mana ijaarratani
Yaa mana Dhaabii Suntee
Yoo nama jaallatani
Yaa magaal gaarii bultee?
Bishaan waraabbata buunee
Hubboon cabee laga teenyaa
Ijaan waljaalala quufnee ❤
Koottu karaa mana keenyaa!" jetti bishaan waraabde afaan hubboo bira dabarsitee gadi naqaa. Gammeen duruu laga oole. Ammammoo bira gaye.😁
"Manni keessan haajigu
Situ ijaarrata maleessaa
Warri keessan na jibbu
Situ na jaallata maleessa
Itichaan biilaa biddiiqaa
Oshoon darbuu biyya dhoowwee
Imimmaan dhiiraa giddiidha
Otoon arguun dhiiga boowe" jedhaan ededa bishaaniirra taa'ee.
"Kan laga yaa'u bishaanii
Kan bobookkisu dhagaadha
Kan narra yaa'u imimmaani
Kan na boochisu garaadha 😥
Dabballee migira Taakkuu
Shimalli Roggee dammeessee
Takkallee na bira dhaaphu
Sumaafan onnee madeessee❣️" jettiin ija isaa keessa ilaaltee hanga quufuu dadhabdutti.
"Abbayyii karaa Waraabuu
Caboo buuna ganda adaadaa
Akkamiin garaa jabaatuu
Atoo garaa nama raaftaa? 🤔 jedha
Osoman qotee qotee
Qamadii malee hinqotuu
Osoman obsee obsee
Balalii ijakee hinobsu" jedha. Haala kanaan qilleensi jaalalaa walakkaa isaaniitii bubbisaa turee ibidda jaalalaa qabsiisaa osoo jiruu Haati Baaccuu quqqufa'aa qarreedhaa gadi ba'an.
Barreessaa: Garasuu Irranaa



Makmaaksa Saree

Saroonni durii kun makmaaksa hin galchitu. Kan ammaa dutuu sodaatti. Guyaa tokko sareen hannaaf ganda dhaqxe. Amala manatti ishee baretu gandaan dhaqe. Qe'ee adiyyoo argattee balbalaan seentee boroon baate. Waan manni qabu hunda to'atte. Hamma dandeessu nyaattee isa hafe balleessite. Waan garaanshee yaade hunda milkiin xumuruusheef gammaddus, dhumarratti waan hin eegiintu ishee mudate. Abbaa manaatu itti dhufe. Dafee cufaa balbalaa gadi deebise. Amma egaa lafa seenuu barbaadde. Laftis gadi ishee fudhachuu dide; waaqnis ol fudhachuu dide. Lamaanuu garaa itti jabaatan.

Balbalaa hanga diinqaatti manni babbadeera. Aannan gadi naqame. Qodaa danuutu caccabe. Mi'a manaa meeqatu fuunfatame. Walumaa galatti manni kabaja dhebe. Aariin abbaa manichaa ishee irratti boba'aa jira. Tu'us lubbuu baasee harka of xureessuu caalaa waan tokko murteesse. Waan isheen  bara jiraattu hunda ittiin saalfattu, godaannisa itti tolchuu yaade. Adabbii balleessaa ishee madaalu ta'uu baatus saroonni waarri hafan akka irraa barataniif jedhee eegee quum'ootti (ol-maxxansee) irraa kute. Sana booda ulaa banee gadi dhiise.

Eegee kutamuun fafa. Kanaa mannaa baatee gala dhabuu wayya ture. Garuu lubbuu oolfachuuf amma kotteenshee danda'e xaarteetti. Ximbiriirtee qe'ee baatetti deebite. Mana warrashee geenyaan gaaffiin itti baay'ate. Du'a ooluun waan tokko. Ta'us eegeen hin jiru. Hunduu waanuma eegeeshee raaja. Maaltu akka ishee mudate baruuf hundi gaaffii baay'ifnaan akkana jettee makmaate: 

"Anis hin hafne; Mannis hin hafne. Iddoodhaanin gahe; iddoodhumaan na gahani" jette jedhama.

What I mean is: "Kofal laughs at herself" 

Narrated by: Woluman Urgesa
Photo Credit: Generated by AI


Haasaa Maanguddoota Handaara Keenyaa (kutaa 2ffaa)

Haasaa Maanguddoota Handaara Keenyaa (kutaa 2ffaa)

1. "Yaa Laalo sila naaf gootanii,
Harkaan qolataa 🤺🤺
Lukaan baqataa...!" 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
jedhe Dammaqaa Lataa (Abbaa Muluu)
2. Isin isinuma!"🕺 jedhe Abdiisaa Margaa/Abbaa Mararaa.
3. "Asis garagali; achis garagali; qe'eenoo kankeetii!" 😁 jedhe Abdiisaa Margaa/Abbaa Mararaa.
4. 🥬 "Raafuu intala namaatuu nyaadheen galee, kaasi na duraa!"😁 jedhe Abbaan Mararaa (Abdiisaa Margaa)
5. "Ittuma siqi Wayyeessaa yaa kormakoo!" 🧙‍♂️ jedhe Abbaan Furgaasaa /Xuurii Qalbeessaa/
6. "Ilaa inni fardakoo nyaate isa kana!"🤔 jedhe Waaqumaa Gurmeessaa (Abbaa Lassee)
7. "Yaa gooftotakoo ishii kanammoo Abbaa Daaleetu isinitti dabale" 🧙‍♂️ jedhe Abbaan Furgaasaa/ Xuurii Qalbeessaa/
8. "Irroo yaa abbaa Xurunaa
Itti beekta durumaa!" 😐 jedhe Xurunaa Irreensoo (Abbaa Booraa)
9. "Irranaatu jedhemoo isa irranaatu jedhe?" jedhe Abbaan Mikkir.
10. 🐃 "Booqiteen omaa si finciluu didde mitii Abbaa Addunnaa?" Jedhe Dhiyanaa Dabalaa(Abbaa Cirrii)
11. "Omaa shish na hingoonee, buqqurii namatti qabi Gaddisee" jedhe Abbaan Addunnaa ( Itichaa Bifeessaa)
12. “Uffata akka abbaatti hodhu" 🤠 jedhe Ulfaataa Hirphasaa (Abbaa Gaatoo)
13. "Durattoo wayiifii, ammammoo maaliifi?"😕 jedhe Abbaan Taliiloo (Tolawaaq Magarsaa)
14. Duruu nan tolchee reenfatti fokkoruu!" jedhe Alamuu Injiguu (Abbaa Tarrafaa)
15. "Sagal sagal dhugnee nu qaqqabi!" Jedhe Dabaree Miidhaksaa.
16. "Isa qabuun 'dhabe' hinjedhani; hiyyeessaan 'dadhabe' hinjedhani; 🥺
qotee qabatee karra warra Abbaa Firaa, Firoomsaa duraa nama hindhabani; gooroo Laaloo taa'aniimmoo jecha hindhabani!"
Haadha Qophee/ Doshoo
17. "Eeguma Abbaa Booqee dideeyyuu, Waaqni hincaamu!" 🤠 jedhe Shallamaa Tasammaa (Abbaa Ayyalaa)
18. “Baddeetta yaa gadhittii, saanikee Ulaa Lubbuu geesse!" 😁 jette Dasii Gurmeessaa (Haadha Boruu)
19. "Hinwayyooftaa sila yaa Araarsaa!"😁 jette Kitaabee Dhiyanaa (Haadha Abbabaa)

Oofan (Sirna boo'ichaa)

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