
Habits That Need to be Stopped Now

Habits That Need to be Stopped Now

  1. Studying in bed - Your bed is made for sleeping, it is your comfort place. Try finding a new environment, other than your bed to study in and you're most likely to get more work done.
  2. Aimlessly scrolling through your social media accounts if it is of no benefit to you
  3. Stop drinking, smoking and doing drugs
  4. Avoid watching porn
  5. Stop letting people take advantage of your kindness
  6. Start learning how to say โ€œnoโ€
  7. Avoid leaving your deadlines tilโ€™ the last minute
  8. Stop โ€˜forgettingโ€™ to take your make-up off before going to sleep
  9. Avoid looking at your phone before going to sleep
  10. Avoid sleeping late
  11. Try not to doubt yourself too much
  12. Stop surrounding yourself with negative people
  13. Stop gossiping
  14. Stop slandering
  15. Don't stick your nose in other peopleโ€™s business
  16. Stop making every aspect of your life public - nobody wants to see what you ate for breakfast
  17. Don't lie because youโ€™re afraid to hurt the other personโ€™s feelings. Speak the truth.
  18. Don't skip meals
  19. Stop snacking when youโ€™re not hungry
  20. Stop overspending and start saving money
  21. Try to avoid watching too much TV
  22. Start using your time wisely
  23. Stop forgetting to wear sun-screen on a warm day
  24. Stop pondering about the past and start focusing on the present
  25. Stop procrastinating
  26. Stop forgetting to COMMENT a post after reading it
Source: https://qr.ae/psEWtg

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