
For people who make too many promises

Amazing creative!

Don't make too many promises, coz too much saying 'Yes' means saying 'No' in itself.

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yesyes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes
yes yesyes yes yes
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yes yes yesyes

For people who make too many promises


Humna Jaalala Dhugaa

Humna Jaalala Dhugaa ❤️

"Haati manaa kee erga duutee waggaa 15 ta'eera, Ati garuu hanga ammaa dubartii biraa hin fuudhin jirta. Maaliif hin fuutuu?" Jedhamee gaafatame. Innis," nama akka ishee hin arganne, hin jirus," jedhee deebiseef. Ammas " Maali akkamitti namni dhabamaa Dubartiin guutteemi!" jedhamnaan...

Mee yeroo tokko waan isheen jetten siif hima... Wal dhabnee itti aaren, 'sin barbaadu kan Kee na ga'ee narraa gara maatii keetti deebi'in' jedheenin, "tole" jettee deemtee.. achumaan. "Torban tokko booda baayyeen ishee yaade! Ishee fiduuf murteesseen gara mana maatii ishee dhaqe! Balbala rurukkute Kan naaf bante isheedha!"
Utaaltee morma kootti maramuun na hammachaa gurra kootti hasaasaa " Abbaan manaakoo hojiif lafa fagoo deemera, hanga inni deebi'utti carraa kanatti fayyadameen isin gaafachuu dhufe" jedheenin jira waan ta'eef maatii kootti homaa hin dubbatiin" naan jette. Qalbifattanii, Lamaanuu rakkina yerootiin sakaalamanii jaalalarraa adda hin kunne. Innis "aariikoo sababa godhattee na dhiistee deemte" hin jenne. Isheenis " har'a jaalalli dhumnaan na ari'e" jettee icciitii mana isaanii qilleensaaf hin kennine. Jaalalli dhugaan akkana.


Gaafan si waliin jiraadhu

 Gaafan si waliin jiraadhu

Aangoo Waaqaa narra keessa
Na hunukuree na fageessa
Tolan sii ulfaa'a
Ammuman sii da'a!
Ammuman siif du'a
Ammuman siif ka'a!
Ammuma na hiita
Ammuma na hiikta
Amma na gadhiistee
Amma natti fiigda
Amma na dhukkubda
Amma na utubda
Amman siif dhibama
Amman siin dhiqama
Amma mirga baatta
Ammuma dirqama.
Amma na deemsifta
Amma na deebifta
Amma nyaadheen amma sooma
Ama qarameen amma dooma
Amma jiraadheen amma du'a
Amma muudameen amma bu'a
Hin argamnee na laalchista
Hin yaadamnee na yaachisata
Hin nyaatamnee na nyaachista
Hin baatamnee na baachista
Garuu maaliif
Gola Waaqaaf lafaa hunda na laalchista?
Dhugaa natti laattee dubbii na doorsista?


Balcha Safo (Abbaa Nabsoo)

Dejazmach Balcha Aba Nefso

Dejazmach Balcha Safo (1863 - 6 November 1936), popularly referred to by his "horse-name" Balcha Aba Nefso, was an accomplished Ethiopian military commander, who served in both the First and Second Italo-Ethiopian Wars.

Although he came from a non-aristocratic background, he was made a dejazmach. Balcha also became a provincial Governor (Shum), and eventually became a key member of the conservative provincial elite who, in the 1920s, were often at odds with the modernizing reforms and rising power of the Regent, Ras Tafari Makonnen (later Emperor Haile Selassie I).

Tafari would force Dejazmach Balcha into retirement, albeit an honorable one, in 1928, from which he would emerge in 1935 to fight the Fascist invaders, by whom he was killed in 1936.

Early Life

Balcha was found on a battlefield in Gurage land after having been emasculated, which at the time was the usual fate of defeated soldiers. He came to the notice of Emperor Menelik II, who brought him back to Addis Ababa where Balcha was educated.

Balcha is believed to be of Oromo descent; 'Balcha' means 'taming, assimilating or making familiar with' in Afaan Oromo. But there are also many Gurage people who use Oromo names because of their geographical assimilation with the Oromo.

He distinguished himself at the imperial court and showed particular skill in military exercises and theory. He made his reputation, according to oral tradition, in the Battle of Mek'ele, and later at the Battle of Adwa (March 1, 1896) and was rewarded with elevation to the aristocratic status of dejazmach.

From 1898 to 1908, Balcha was Shum of Sidamo province. After the death of Dejazmach Yilma Makonnen in 1907, he became the Shum of Harar from 1910 to 1914. From 1917 to 1928, he again served as Shum of Sidamo.

Conflict with Haile Selassie

Soon after becoming king in 1928, Nigus Taffari recieved yet another challenge from the forces of conservatism. Dejazmatch Balcha Saffo, had briefly succeeded Dejazmatch Yilma Makonnen as governor of Harrar, but upon his replacement by the then Dejazmatch Taffari in 1910, he had been appointed Governor of the wealthy gold, ivory and coffee producing province of Sidamo.

Now he arrived in Addis Ababa from Sidamo with a very large number of well armed men. He had repeatedly refused the summons of the new King to come to the Capital, and only obeyed now because he had recieced a summons from the Empress.

Dejazmatch Balcha and his army encamped at Nifas Silk, just outside the city, and the presence of Balcha's large Army was regarded as being a direct challenge to the king, in support of the Empress and the conservatives she supported.

On the second evening after his arrival, Dejazmatch Balcha and his leading officers were invited by King Taffari to come to the Imperial Palace for dinner. They arrived to find a fine feast prepared for them, and much to drink.

As the evening wore on, and Balcha's officers grew more and more intoxicated, they also grew more and more insulting to the king and his supporters as they sang songs as was customary.

When the Dejazmatch and his followers finally returned to Nifas Silk, they were stunned to find that his entire army had vanished. While they had been eating and drinking at the palace, Ras Kassa Hailu and several other officials had arrived at Nifas Silk with a bag of Silver Maria Theresa Thallers, and another bag of whips.

They announced to Balcha's army that a new governor, Ras Birru, had been appointed for Sidamo and that they were to report to him at once.

They were instructed to immediately accept payment in the silver coins, surrender their weapons and go home. The bag of whips was left in clear view to show what would happen to anyone who did not obey.

Within a short time, the soldiers had surrendered their weapons, recieved their payment and were headed back to their farms and families in the south. When Dejazmatch Balcha realized what had happened he fled to the Raguel Church on Mt. Entoto and rang the bell, a traditional plea for royal mercy in Ethiopia that monarchs were required to honor.

The King confined Balcha to a monastery, but did not punish him further.


When Italy invaded in the Second Italo-Abyssinian War, Balcha Safo came out of retirement to fight against the Italians. Major Mesfin Seleshi, an agent of the imperial government in exile who was coordinating resistance in occupied Ethiopia, writes of his fate in a letter to Haile Selassie I thus:

"The enemy went as far as Gurage, where his Excellency Dejazmatch Balcha lives, and campaigned against him. The people betrayed him, and all his men were annihilated. He and two of his servants, three people all together, were surrounded. A white man came to him and asked, are you Dejazmatch Balcha? When he said yes I am, the white man said, surrender your arms, and untie your pistol [belt]. Dejazmatch Balcha said, 'I am not here to surrender my arms', and he killed the white man; then, he and his two servants died instantly without having much suffering."

Source: Balcha Safo — allaboutETHIO

Fitawrari Habte Giorgis Dinagde


Fitawrari Habte Giorgis Dinagde

Fitawrari Habte-Giorgis was known for being a wise statesman who played a vital role in Ethiopian politics.

It is true to say that it was because of his influence that Lij Iyasu was replaced by Tefferi Mekonen (Haileselassie I).

Had he not been loyal to Emperor Menelik, he had the power and influence to crown himself after the overthrow of Lij Iyasu.

Fitawrari Habte Giorgis Dinagde (1851 - 12 December 1926) was an Ethiopian military commander and government official, who, among several other posts, served as President of the Council of Ministers and as Minister of War during the reigns of Menelik II, Iyasu V, Zewditu I and Haile Selassie.

Early Life

Habte Giyorgis was a member of the Chebo people, in a mixed Oromo and Gurage family, in the Lake Dandii district.

He also had ancestry from Jibat and Macha in Shewa, situated in the present-day Oromia Region in central Ethiopia.

The name dinagde means wealth in the Oromo language.

Habte Giyorgis was a young man when he was captured by the forces of Menelik, then-King of Shewa, during one of Menelik's campaigns to re-establish Ethiopian rule (under Shewan administration) over southern territories that had, over the previous centuries, drifted out of the control of the Ethiopian Empire.

Military Career

Habte Giyorgis played a leading role in several important battles of Ethiopian history. He participated in many battles, including the Battle of Adwa.

Political Potentiate

However, he grew to become a skilled military leader and statesman.

He was also a central figure in the coup which removed Taitu from power during the period of Menelik II's incapacitation as well as the 1916 coup which deposed Iyasu V and put Empress Zewditu in power.

From 1909 to 1927, Habte Giyorgis was Chief Minister (equivalent to the late title of Prime Minister) of the Council of Ministers to the Emperor of Ethiopia.

He was an important figure in the Ethiopian Empire often cited for his great skills as military commander and judiciary.

Fitawrari Habte-Giorgis was known for being a wise statesman who played a vital role in Ethiopian politics.

It is true to say that it was because of his influence that Lij Iyasu was replaced by Tefferi Mekonen (Haileselassie I). Had he not been loyal to Emperor Menelik, he had the power and influence to crown himself after the overthrow of Lij Iyasu.

Source:  Habte Giorgis/Giyorgis — allaboutETHIO




Malli Maaliree?

Xalayaa barreesseen 

saphaliisa dhabe 

Allaattiitti erguuf 

amanuun dadhabe


Balali'ee dhufuuf 

lafatu halaala

Uu'uu jedhee iyyuuf 

namatu na laala.


Malli maaliree?


Image Editor Online

 Best websites to edit an image

There are many excellent websites available for image editing. Here are a few popular options:

  1. Pixlr (https://pixlr.com/editor/): Pixlr is a powerful online image editor that offers a range of features similar to professional software. It provides tools for cropping, resizing, retouching, adding text and overlays, and applying various filters and effects. Pixlr also has a user-friendly interface.

  2. Fotor (https://www.fotor.com/): Fotor is an intuitive online photo editing tool that offers a wide variety of features. It allows you to adjust colors, exposure, sharpness, and apply filters and effects. Fotor also provides templates for creating collages and designs.

  3. BeFunky (https://www.befunky.com/): BeFunky offers a user-friendly online photo editor with a range of tools and effects. It enables you to resize, crop, and enhance images, apply filters and overlays, add text and graphics, and create collages.

  4. Canva (https://www.canva.com/): Canva is a versatile design platform that allows you to edit images, create graphics, and design various visual content. It offers a wide selection of editing tools, filters, effects, and templates. Canva is particularly useful for creating social media graphics and marketing materials.

  5. LunaPic (https://www.lunapic.com/): LunaPic is an online photo editing tool that offers a variety of features. It allows you to resize, crop, and retouch images, apply filters and effects, add animations, and create collages. LunaPic also provides some unique editing options, such as the ability to remove backgrounds or create transparent images.

  1. Photopea (https://www.photopea.com/): Photopea is a powerful online image editor that closely mimics the interface and functionality of Adobe Photoshop. It supports a wide range of file formats and offers advanced tools for editing, retouching, and designing images.

  2. iPiccy (https://ipiccy.com/): iPiccy is a user-friendly online photo editing tool that provides a variety of features. It allows you to perform basic edits like cropping and resizing, as well as more advanced adjustments such as color correction, retouching, and adding effects.

  3. FotoJet (https://www.fotojet.com/): FotoJet is an online tool that offers a range of features for photo editing, graphic design, and collage creation. It provides templates, filters, and effects, making it easy to enhance and transform your images.

  4. Ribbet (https://www.ribbet.com/): Ribbet is an online photo editor with a simple and intuitive interface. It offers tools for basic edits, filters, effects, and collage creation. Ribbet also integrates with various social media platforms, allowing you to directly edit and share your images.

  5. PhotoScape Online (https://www.photoscape.org/ps/main/index.php): PhotoScape Online is the web version of the popular PhotoScape software. It offers a range of features such as cropping, resizing, color adjustment, and filters. PhotoScape Online also provides tools for creating animated GIFs and combining multiple photos into a single image.

  1. PicMonkey (https://www.picmonkey.com/): PicMonkey is an online photo editor that offers a range of features for editing and enhancing images. It provides tools for cropping, resizing, retouching, applying filters and effects, and adding text and graphics.

  2. Sumopaint (https://www.sumopaint.com/): Sumopaint is a browser-based image editing tool that offers a wide range of features for creating and editing images. It has a user-friendly interface and provides tools for drawing, painting, retouching, and applying filters and effects.

  3. iLoveIMG (https://www.iloveimg.com/): iLoveIMG is an online image editing platform that offers various tools for editing and optimizing images. It allows you to resize, crop, compress, and convert images, as well as perform bulk editing tasks.

  4. Online Image Editor (https://www.online-image-editor.com/): Online Image Editor is a simple yet effective online tool for basic image editing. It provides features for cropping, resizing, rotating, adjusting colors, and adding text and shapes to images.

  5. Phixr (https://www.phixr.com/): Phixr is an online photo editor that offers a range of editing tools and effects. It allows you to perform basic edits, apply filters, add text and stickers, and create collages. 

  6. LunaPic (https://www.lunapic.com/): LunaPic is a web-based image editing tool that offers a variety of features. It provides options for basic edits, filters, effects, animations, and creating collages. LunaPic also allows you to remove backgrounds from images or create transparent images.

  7. piZap (https://www.pizap.com/): piZap is an online photo editor and collage maker that offers a range of editing tools and effects. It provides features for cropping, resizing, retouching, adding text and stickers, as well as various filters and effects.

  8. Crello (https://www.crello.com/): Crello is a design platform that allows you to edit images and create visual content. It offers a variety of templates, graphics, and editing tools for photo editing, design projects, social media posts, and more.

  9. FotoFlexer (https://fotoflexer.com/): FotoFlexer is an online image editing tool that offers a range of features. It provides options for basic edits, effects, retouching, and adding text and shapes. FotoFlexer also supports layers, allowing for more advanced editing capabilities.

  10. Kapwing (https://www.kapwing.com/): Kapwing is a multimedia editing platform that offers various tools for image and video editing. It provides features for resizing, cropping, adding text and overlays, as well as creating memes and collages.


Never Give Up!

Rakkinni waa lamaa

lachuu namaa gama 


kopheen si qabuu

hamileen si cabuu


yoo kopheen si qabde  -baafattee darbita 

yoo hamileen si cabde -akkamiin fayyita?

                                    -lubbuukee sarbitaa?

                                    -Addunyaa balfitaa?

                                    -dhabamuu hawwitaa?



Arabica Vs Robusta

𝟓 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚

Arabica and Robusta are two of the most widely cultivated species of coffee beans, and they have several key differences. Here are five important distinctions between Arabica and Robusta coffee beans: 👉
1. Flavor Profile:
- Arabica: Arabica beans are known for their more complex and nuanced flavor profiles. They often have a wider range of flavors, including floral, fruity, and acidic notes. Arabica coffee is generally considered to have a milder, smoother taste with a well-balanced acidity.
- Robusta: Robusta beans tend to have a stronger, harsher, and more bitter taste compared to Arabica. They often feature earthy, woody, or nutty flavors and are noted for their high caffeine content. Robusta coffee can be described as more robust but less nuanced in flavor.
2. Caffeine Content:
- Arabica: Arabica coffee beans typically contain less caffeine than Robusta beans. Arabica coffee generally has about 1-1.5% caffeine content.
- Robusta: Robusta beans are known for their higher caffeine content, averaging around 2.2-2.7%. This higher caffeine level contributes to their more bitter taste.

3. Growing Conditions:
- Arabica: Arabica coffee plants thrive at higher altitudes, typically between 2,000 to 6,000 feet (600 to 1,800 meters) above sea level. They require cooler temperatures and more specific growing conditions, making them more susceptible to pests and diseases.
- Robusta: Robusta coffee plants are hardier and can grow at lower altitudes, often ranging from sea level to 2,000 feet (0 to 600 meters). They are more disease-resistant and can tolerate higher temperatures.

4. Bean Shape:
- Arabica: Arabica coffee beans are oval-shaped with a curved crease on one side. They have a smoother appearance and are often considered more aesthetically pleasing.
- Robusta: Robusta beans are more round and have a straighter, flatter crease on one side. They tend to look less uniform and are considered less attractive.

5. Geographic Distribution:
- Arabica: Arabica coffee is typically grown in higher-altitude regions with milder climates. It is often associated with countries like Ethiopia, Colombia, Kenya, and Brazil.
- Robusta: Robusta coffee is primarily grown in lower-altitude regions with warmer climates. Major Robusta-producing countries include Vietnam, Uganda, and parts of Southeast Asia.

𝐼𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑟𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑢𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑠, 𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑢𝑠!

Phone/Whatsapp/Telegram/Line: +84 789.818.828

Email: info@helenacoffee.vn



1. Honey is the only food in the world that doesn't spoil.

2. Bread is the first snack made by man. Bread is as old as mankind. All other snacks broke out from bread making.

3. Water is the only ingredient in cooking and in baking that is not bought when you are purchasing your ingredients. Water is also the only cooking and baking ingredient that is not even listed among the ingredients in a recipe.

4. You could survive only by drinking breast milk. Breast milk is the only single food that provides all the nutrients that our bodies need.

5. Hot dog is not made with dog, but rather it is made with ground pork, beef or poultry, or combination of them.

6. Avocados don't ripen on the tree. Avocados actually can't start ripening until they are disconnected from their stems.

7. Expiration dates on bottle water have nothing to do with the water. Water can't expire, but the plastic bottles will eventually start leaking chemicals into the water. It won't make the water harmful to drink, but it will make it taste less fresh.

8. French fries originated in Belgium not in France. They are only called French fries, because they are French cut.

9. White chocolate is not chocolate, its name is deceiving, because it doesn't have any components of regular chocolate. It is really just a mixture of sugar, milk, vanilla, lecithin and cocoa butter.

10. Cooking Oil is mostly named according to the ingredient it is made from.

11. Bread, biscuits and cakes are the three most popular snacks in the world.

12. Apples give you more energy than coffee.

13. Salt is the most used ingredient in cooking, while sugar is the most used ingredient in baking, but too much of them, is dangerous to our health.

14. Not eating before bed burn fat. If you eat an early dinner or skip dinner altogether, it increases the amount of fat a person burns while they are sleeping.

15. Cooking is an art, while baking is science.

Source:  Benny's kitchen

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