
Vocabulary (IT-Context)

Glossary [IT-Contex]

802.1 x protocol

[noun] A network authentication protocol that opens ports for network access when an organization authenticates a user's identity and authorizes them for access to the network.


a lot on your plate

[idiom] Expression that means somebody has a lot of things to do or to think about.


[noun] The process used to hide all but the relevant data about an object in order to reduce complexity and increase efficiency.


[adjective] Can be viewed/edited easily.


[noun] When an individual or department experiences consequences for their performance or actions.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

[proper noun] A cloud computing service offered by Amazon.


[adjective] A feature that prevents fraudulent action from happening.


[adjective] Designed to detect and destroy computer viruses.


[noun] A program that performs a specific function.


[noun] The attitude a person has toward a project or activity.

as it is

[phrase] In the current state or situation.


[verb] To tell someone with confidence that something is true.


[noun] An official inspection of an organization's accounts or procedures. These are typically carried out by an external audit company.


[verb] To prove the identity of a person or device.



[noun] A piece of software that is invisible to the end user.


[noun] The main support structure of an organization.


[noun] A stored copy of digital data.

bad practice

[noun] An undesirable or negative way of operation or behavior.

binary code

[noun] A system using the digits 0 and 1 to represent a letter, digit, or other character in a computer or other electronic device.


[verb] To stop something from happening.


[verb] To make something become unclear or less distinct.


[noun] The part of a computer network that has the least bandwidth available.

Boundary value analysis

[noun] A software testing technique in which tests are designed to include representatives of boundary values in a range.


[noun] A weakness in a security system's defences.


[noun] A failure in a system.

Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) protection

[proper noun] A set of security measures for Spanning Tree Protocol-aware devices used for increasing this protocol's stability and security.


[noun] A set of instructions relating to a task.

built-in function

[noun] Something which is already defined in a program or programming framework with a set of statements.

burning issue

[phrase] An issue that is very important and cannot be ignored.

but to no avail

[phrase] The actions were unsuccessful.


camel case

[noun] When multiple words are used to form a variable, camel case joins those words together, without any white space, and indicates the start of each new word with an upper-case letter, e.g. Simple Variable (see also snake case).

canโ€™t get a word in edgeways

[idiom] Unable to speak because somebody else is speaking.


[noun] The "negative energy" within the project environment team, or a measurement of how many customers stop using a product.


[noun] A secret way of writing so that others cannot read the message.


[verb] To make clear.


[noun] A part of a programming language used for defining objects, providing initial values for states and implementations of behavior.


[verb] To divide things into groups according to their type.

CLNP/CLNS protocol

[noun] A legacy addressing protocol developed by ISO.

CLNP/CLNS protocol

[noun] A legacy addressing protocol developed by ISO. Nowdays it's used only to implement ISI routing protocols, not for addressing hosts.


[noun] A computer environment that offers high scalability and accessibility.

cloud computing

[noun] The delivery of on-demand services and resources which are accessed remotely over the Internet.

code editor

[noun] Text-editing software used for editing the source code of computer programs.

come to light

[idiom] Become known to the public.

come up with

[verb] To suggest or think of something.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

[proper noun] A way of interacting with a computer by using text input commands and receiving text output.


[noun] An operation which saves the latest changes of the source code to the repository.


[noun] A software oriented toward converting source code written in a programming language into machine code.


[noun] Following a set of rules or agreements.


[noun] The settings for a computer program.

connection pool size

[noun] The number of connections that can be simultaneously created to connect to a database.


[noun] A set of guidelines for a specific programming language that recommend programming style, practices, and methods for each aspect of a program written in that language.


[noun] Action taken to prevent something unwanted.

cross-site scripting

[noun] A type of security vulnerability found in some web applications.

crypto currency

[noun] A digital currency that has no physical form.


[noun] The secure communications techniques that allow only the sender and intended recipient of a message to view its contents.

customer advocate

[noun] A person who tries to find out more about a company's customers and their needs in order to offer a product/service which meets their expectations.

customer friction

[noun] A moment in the user experience that stops a customer from buying or seeing the value of a product.

cyber attack

[noun] A set of unauthorized hostile actions toward a computer system.


data disclosure

[noun] The sharing of information that is considered relevant to a particular situation.

data redundancy

[noun] A condition created within a database or data storage technology in which the same piece of data is held in two separate places.


[verb] Make a coded message readable.

def statement

[noun] The keyword for defining a function.

deny policy

[noun] A firewall security policy that prevents specific network traffic defined in it.


[noun] A functionality, library, or piece of code that's essential for a different part of the code to work.

deploy a website

[phrase] The process of publishing the content of a website to the Internet.


[noun] Customers who give feedback stating they are unhappy with a particular brand or have had a negative user experience.


[noun] An appliance that is a computer system or a part of one.


[noun] A protocol used in computer networking to dynamically provide end systems with confguration.

diagnostic problem

[noun] An issue that occurs in the diagnostic stage of software development.


[noun] A propietary feature developed by Cisco that allows the creation and removal of dynamic, secure tunnels between routers on-demand.

do the trick

[idiom] Used when something achieves the desired result.

Domain Name System (DNS)

[proper noun] A hierarchical system used for resolving computers' human friendly names to numerical network addresses.

dynamically typed language

[noun] A high-level programming language where the type of variable is checked during runtime, such as Python or JavaScript.



[adjective] A fixed internal part of something.


[noun] A technique that allows the creator of a class to restrict what other programmers can do with it.


[verb] Make a message unreadable with a code.


[noun] A person who is intended to make use of something once it is completed.

endpoint licensing

[noun] A licensing scheme for software installed on end-user computers.


[verb] Make something better.

Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)

[proper noun] An interior gateway routing protocol developed by Cisco.


[noun] The most popular protocol covering the rules of communication for computers inside one network.

evaluation module

[noun] A step in which a project is assessed as systematically and objectively possible.

Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)

[noun] Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) is an authentication framework frequently used in wireless networks and point-to-point connections. It provides some common functions and negotiation of authentication methods called EAP methods.



[noun] A security alert that wrongly indicates malicious activity.


[noun] Information discovered as a result of an investigation.


[noun] A system focused on security that controls incoming and outgoing traffic.


[noun] A piece of software that is visible to the end user.


[noun] A piece of software code that defines how to do something and can be reused.

functional regression

[noun] A version of regression analysis when responses or covariates include functional data.


[noun] The purpose which something is designed for.


get a grasp of something

[idiom] To get a good and proper understanding of something.

global issue

[noun] A type of problem with a service or application which negatively impacts many users in various countries.

go the extra mile

[idiom] Expression that means somebody makes an extra effort to complete a task more thoroughly.


[noun] Granularity refers to how much or how little a system is composed of various parts. A system with a lot of granularity is made up of many different parts, while a system with little granularity is made up of very few parts.


[verb] To promise something will be done or happen.



[verb] The process of finding and exploiting weaknesses in a computer system.


[noun] A person focused on finding and exploiting weaknesses in a computer system.

hard to crack

[idiom] Expression that means something that is difficult to understand, or a problem that is not easy to solve.

high-level programming language

[noun] A language that enables development of a program in a more user-friendly programming context and is generally independent of the computer's hardware architecture.

hit the headlines

[idiom] To get a lot of attention from the media.

Human Resources (HR)

[noun] The department of a company that deals with the hiring, administration, and training of staff.



[verb] To put something into action such as new policies.

in the long run

[idiom] Expression that talks about a result that wonโ€™t happen immediately, but much later in the future.

incremental value delivery

[noun] Incremental Delivery means breaking large projects into the smallest possible units, which you release to your customers as soon as they are complete. By releasing small additions of value, you get customer feedback early and at every stage.


[noun] The physical and organizational systems that help a business to run.

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

[noun] A form of cloud computing that provides virtualized computing resources over the internet.


[noun] A process used to create classes that are built upon existing classes, to specify a new implementation while maintaining the same behaviors.


[noun] Any realized variation of an object.


[adjective] Not enough, inadequate.


[adjective] Not broken or damaged.


[noun] The process of bringing together various subsystems to create a unified system.

Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS)

[proper noun] An interior gateway routing protocol developed by the ISO organization and used mostly by ISPs.


[noun] A computer program that executes code written in a programming language and does not require compilation.

IP address

[noun] An ID given to every device connected to a network.

IPv4 network

[noun] A network that uses IPv4 as its addressing protocol (i. e. the Internet).



[proper noun] A general-purpose programming language that can run on any system.


[proper noun] A scripting programming language most commonly used on websites.


keep in mind

[idiom] Expression that means you should think about something before you act.


[noun] The central component of most operating systems.


[noun] A computer program that records every key pressed on a keyboard, and is normally used to get access to passwords and other confidential information.



[noun] A block of code that can be passed as an argument to a function call.

last but not least

[idiom] Expression that means the last thing mentioned on the list is just as important as any of the things mentioned before it.


[noun] A problem taken to a law court by an ordinary person or an organization.

layer 2 loop

[noun] A network anomaly usually caused by human error that seriously disrupts normal operations of every device connected to it.


[noun] Any software that has been around for a long period of time, and may or may not still be in use.


[adjective] Destructive or harmful.

life cycle

[noun] All the changes that happen to something.


[noun] A tool that analyzes source code looking for errors and potential problems.

Local Area Network (LAN)

[proper noun] A network under one administration usually covering small geographical area.

local issue

[noun] An issue that concerns a large group of users within the same region (e.g. all users who experience it are from the same country).


[noun] A record of a conversation or action, for example, the conversation between a customer support agent and a customer, or the record of the actions an application performs.


machine code

[noun] Binary code: a language composed of zeros and ones. A translation of source code that computers can understand.

maintenance window

[noun] A timeframe that usually covers several hours and is used by IT personnel to do tasks that will cause or pose a risk of services downtime.


[adjective] Wanting to do harm.


[noun] Software that is designed to do something that the user doesn't want.

MD5 hash

[noun] An effect of the mathematical function MD5 operation.

meet the minimum

[idiom] Expression that means to do the least amount of work required, and no more.


[noun/verb] The process of combining the various versions of a file or folder.

Minimal Viable Product (MVP)

[noun] A version of a product with enough basic features to be usable for early customers who then provide feedback to help the development of the product.


[adjective] Copied or duplicated exactly.


[noun] When two people do not understand each other correctly.

mitigate risks

[phrase] To reduce the chances of something bad happening.

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

[noun] The guaranteed total revenue generated by your business from all the active subscriptions in a particular month.



[noun] A set of signs that are used to identify and refer to objects of various kinds.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

[noun] An NPS survey is a key indicator of customer satisfaction.

network convergence

[noun] When one company provides voice, video, and data services, all inside the same network. Customers can have all their needs met by the same network, and do not need to look for alternatives. This allows them to focus on other tasks, such as growing their business.

network topology

[noun] How the elements of a network are arranged, or the structure of a network.


object code

[noun] The product of a compiler. A sequence of statements or instructions in a computer language.

Object Oriented Programming

[noun/verb] A computer programming model that organizes software design around data or objects, rather than functions and logic.


[adjective] No longer produced or used.

on a roll

[idiom] Expression that means someone is experiencing a period of success or good luck, or perhaps they have done several things that ended well or made a positive impact.

on our end

[phrase] Phrase that means as far as we are concerned.


[adjective] Already existing.


[adjective] At any time when someone wants or needs something.


[noun] The process of orienting and training a new employee.

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) areas

[noun] Routing protocol feature that provides prefix grouping in order to make routing processes more efficient.

open source

[noun] Source code that is free and open. Anybody can use it and modify it.

OSPFv2 protocol

[noun] The most popular interior gateway routing protocol for IPv4 that scales very well.


[noun] A period of time when a service or piece of equipment is not available to use.


[noun] Result.



[noun] A unit of organizing the computer data that is used for its transportation. It is labelled with addressing information that allows routers to redirect it towards the destination.


[noun] A text phrase that is used for authentication of an individual when accessing a computer system.

password policy

[noun] A set of rules which are meant to guide and encourage users to create strong passwords and keep those passwords safe.


[noun] A patch is a set of changes to a computer program designed to update, fix, or improve it, for example, fixing security vulnerabilities.

penetration test

[noun] A set of actions intended to find weakneses in a computer system.


[adjective] Sending messages to somebody to try to make them give up sensitive information.

PKI Infrastructure

[noun] A set of roles, policies, hardware, software and procedures needed to create, manage, distribute, use, store and revoke digital certificates and manage public-key encryption.

Platform as a service (PaaS)

[noun] A cloud computing model where a third-party provider delivers hardware and software tools to users over the internet.


[noun] A concept in programming that refers to the ability of a variable, function, or object to take on multiple forms.

pre-shared key

[noun] A shared secret which was previously shared between the two parties using some secure channel before it needs to be used.

prefix aggregation

[noun] Combining many IP addresses into one summary IP address.


[adjective] Need quick or immediate action.

proprietary software

[noun] Software that is owned by a private individual or organization.


[noun] A common set of rules.


[noun] The first version of a device or application, from which other versions are developed.

put a finger on something

[idiom] To discover an exact reason for a problem or issue.


[proper noun] An interpreted high-level, general-purpose programming language.


QA team

[noun] A group who approves and signs off on quality, efficacy, and performance, consisting of a few members working to verify code created by a large number of developers.


Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)

[proper noun] A set of rules followed by the ethernet switches used to prevent layer 2 loops from happening. It's a faster version of a legacy protocol.


[noun] In IT, redundancy is when critical parts of a system are multiplied, in order to prevent the infrastructure from crashing. If one part of it crashes, the duplicate part will take over, and the user will not notice a change in the performance of the system.


[noun] The process of introducing changes to the project/program without changing its functionality very much.

regression testing

[noun] Re-running functional and non-functional tests to ensure that previously developed and tested software still performs after a change.


[noun] A person or organization appointed by a government to control an area of activity such as banking or industry (using rules and regulations).


[adjective] Not enthusiastic about something.

remote access

[noun] The ability to access another person's computer from a different location.

remote repo

[noun] A version of your project that is hosted on the Internet or network somewhere. You can have several of them, each of which generally is either read-only or read/write for you.


[verb] To reproduce; make an exact copy of something.


[noun] A central file storage location.

Research & Development (R&D)

[proper noun] The department in an organization that is responsible for creating and testing new products and ideas.


[adjective] Do something in the opposite way.


[noun] A simple, but not easily scalable, distance vector, interior gateway routing protocol.

risk assessment

[noun] A process that involves evaluating the potential risks that could happen during a project or in a workplace.


[noun] A structured plan to achieve an objective.

root bridge

[noun] A special function that is played by one of the Spanning Tree Protocol aware devices.

root guard

[noun] A security measure for Spanning Tree Protocol-aware devices used for increasing its stability.


[noun] A networking device used for sending packets towards their destination.


[proper noun] A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity.

run out of

[verb] To finish a supply of something.

run something past someone

[idiom] Tell someone of an intended plan so they can give an opinion.



[noun] An isolated computer environment where potentially harmful incidents are allowed to happen.


[noun] A tool for experimenting with the code in a safe manner, without making changes to the live version.


[noun] The ability to easily increase the size or scale of a system.


[noun] Functions and features that characterize a product or service.

scope creep

[noun] A term used when a project's original scope (objective) changes or goes over what was originally intended.


[noun] A temporary transfer of an employee from their normal position to another project or department.

secret sauce

[noun] A unique and secret ingredient that explains why a product is so popular.


[noun] When a variable declared within a certain scope has the same name as a variable declared in an outer scope.

Shortest Path Faster (SPF) algorithm

[noun] A mathematical function used by link-state routing protocols for selecting the optimal path to every destination.

signup flow

[noun] The first experience in a sofware system offered to a user in order to register.

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) trap

[proper noun] A message sent by an SNMP monitored system to management station, usually informing of an important event.

snake case

[noun] Snake case joins two or more words together with an underscore to create a single word, e.g. simple_variable (see also camel case).


[noun] A small region of re-usable source code, machine code, or text. Brief extracts of text or speech, often a quotable passage.

Software as a service (SaaS)

[noun] A method of software delivery and licensing in which software is accessed online via a subscription, rather than bought and installed on individual computers.

source code

[noun] The result of languages created and used by programmers.

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)

[proper noun] A set of rules followed by the ethernet switches used to prevent layer 2 loops from happening.

SPF algorithm

[noun] A mathematical algorithm used in OSPF routing protocol for optimization.


[noun] A development team will break down large projects into manageable pieces and work to complete a set amount of work in a short period of time. This is known as a sprint.


[noun] Software with malicious behavior that aims to gather information about a person or organization and send it to another entity in a way that harms them.

static routing

[noun] A way to provide routers with routing information by issuing the commands manually.

Subject Matter Expert (SME)

[noun] A person with in-depth knowledge of a particular area of work, who gives advice to people who lack this knowledge.

supplier evaluation

[noun] The process of analyzing and approving potential suppliers.

supply chain

[noun] All the businesses and contributors involved in creating a product.

support contract

[noun] A contract which states that one company will supply support services to another company.


tackle something

[verb] To make an efffort to solve a problem or complete a difficult task.


[verb] Interfere with something in order to cause damage or make unauthorized alterations.

team player

[noun] A person who values colleagues and plays or works well in a group.

the big picture

[idiom] The overall idea or concept (not the specific details).

the bulk of something

[phrase] The majority of something.

thereโ€™s no harm in doing something

[idiom] Used to say that doing a certain thing will not cause problems.

threat actor

[noun] An individual or a group of people that have a hostile attitude toward a computer system.


[noun] A timespan within which a desired action can happen.

to be on the same page

[idiom] To agree with another person about a decision.

to be on the same wavelength

[idiom] When two or more people share a similar understanding of something, often used with humor. When they work well together, often involving the same thought process or opinions on something.

to cool down

[phrase] Phrase that means to become calm.

to cut corners

[idiom] This means that somebody is trying to do something faster by ignoring some important things. You can do the job faster, but there will be problems later.

to escalate a case

[phrase] To send a customer's issue to the next level of support.

to keep posted

[idiom] To keep someone aware of any new developments.

to slip your mind

[phrase] To forget about something that you were expected to remember.

Total Addressable Market

[noun] Term that is used to describe the revenue opportunity available for a product or service.


[verb] Analyze and solve a problem.



[proper noun] A Linux distribution based on Debian and composed mostly of free and open-source software.


[verb] To reduce the effectiveness of something, sometimes gradually and with obstructive intention.


[proper noun] A family of multitasking, multi-user computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix.


[verb] To encourage someone strongly to do something.

UTP cables

[noun] Unshielded Twisted Pair cable, a low-cost cable used in networks.


[noun] User experience. This is the personal experience that a user has when using a product's interface.



[noun] Something that can vary, can be changed or adapted. A feature or characteristic that is not fixed or consistent with a pattern.


[noun] A company or manufacturer that sells a product or service.


[verb] To check that something is true or correct.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

[noun] Private network built on top of public network to allow secure connections.


[noun] A piece of code that can copy itself and perform unwanted actions on a person's computer.


[noun] A weakness in a computer system.



[noun] Common name for a wireless network.

Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)

[noun] A network that consists of at least one access point device and allows wireless connections.




zero-day exploit

[noun] A vulnerability not widely known to the public.

Source: CISCO Networking Academy [https://www.netacad.com]


Logo Maker

Tips to Download and Use Logo Maker:

Here are some of the best logo maker software options you can download for Windows:

1. Canva (Web-Based)

  • Description: Canva is an easy-to-use tool for creating logos, graphics, and more. It offers a free and paid version with thousands of templates.
  • How to Access: Go to canva.com or download the desktop app.
  • Features: Drag-and-drop editor, templates, fonts, and custom export options.
  • Cost: Free with premium options.

2. Adobe Illustrator

  • Description: Adobe Illustrator is a professional graphic design software for creating logos and vector graphics.
  • How to Download: Visit adobe.com and download the desktop version.
  • Features: Industry-standard tool, precise vector creation, and extensive design features.
  • Cost: Paid (Free trial available).

3. CorelDRAW Graphics Suite

  • Description: A powerful vector graphic design tool for logos and illustrations.
  • How to Download: Go to coreldraw.com.
  • Features: Logo creation, vector editing, templates, and advanced tools.
  • Cost: Paid (Free trial available).

4. Inkscape (Free and Open Source)

  • Description: A free vector graphic editor suitable for creating logos and illustrations.
  • How to Download: Visit inkscape.org and download for Windows.
  • Features: Vector editing, customizable tools, and text support.
  • Cost: Free.

5. LogoMaker by Jetta Designs

  • Description: User-friendly software for quick and simple logo creation.
  • How to Download: Search "LogoMaker software for Windows" online or visit trusted sources like Softpedia or CNET.
  • Features: Templates, symbols, fonts, and customization options.
  • Cost: Free with paid options.

6. AAA Logo

  • Description: Software for creating professional-looking logos in minutes.
  • How to Download: Visit aaalogo.com.
  • Features: Logo templates, shapes, and vector tools.
  • Cost: Free trial available.

How to Download & Install:

  1. Visit the software's official website.
  2. Look for a Download or Free Trial button.
  3. Download the software for Windows.
  4. Run the installer and follow on-screen instructions. 




It is said that there was once a strong relationship between the Frogs and the Birds. One day, Frog told them that she wished to fly in the sky with the birds. They assured her they would do what they could to help her.

"So, as you two hold this stick on either side, I'll bite the middle of it, and we'll continue flying," she said. As soon as they agreed, they took off. After a few minutes, Frog looked down and felt very happy.

Very surprised to see a frog in the sky, other birds came flying and asked, "How did this happen? Who came up with the idea?" They directed their question to the two birds.

Frog, unable to resist her pride, interrupted the two birds and said, "It was me!" The moment she spoke, she lost her grip and fell to the ground.

Moral: Over-Pride leads to failure!

Source: Tales from an old man's speech.

Image: AI generated


Anummaa/Of-tuulummaa (Over-Pride)

Bartokko allaattiiwwaniifi Raacha gidduutti hariiroo cimaan uumamee ture jedhu. Gaaf tokko Raachi Risaawwan waliin samii keessa balali'uuf akka hawwite isaanitti himte. Isaanis waan danda'aniin akka ishee gargaaran itti himan. "Egaa isin lamaan ulee qalloo kana garanaa garasiin qabdanii akka jirtanitti, animmoo gidduu isaa ciniineen balalii itti fufna" ittiin jette. Akkuma walii galanitti balalii eegalan. Daqiiqaa muraasa booddee Raachis samii keessa ol fagaatttee waan hunda gadi ilaaluun miira inni namaaf kennu ilaaltee hedduu gammadde. Raacha samii keessatti arguu isaaniitti baay'ee kan dinqisiifatan allaattiiwwan biroo balali'aa dhufanii  "Akkamitti waanti kun isiniif milkaa'e? Eenyutu yaada kana fide?" jedhanii gaafatan. Raachis allaattota lamaan ishee baatanii jiran dubbii saamtee "Anadha" jette. Battaluma sanattis lafatti kufte.

Safuu: Anummaan kufaatii fida.
Madda: Oduu durii haasawaa Jaarsaa irraa

Image: Generated by AI 


How to Activate Windows/Office?

Steps to Activate Windows/Office?

Step1: Open windows PowerShell (Run as Adminstrator)

Step2: Write the following command

irm https://get.activated.win |iex or irm https://massgrave.dev/get |iex

Step3: Hit Enter

You will automatically proceed to CMD where menu options available.

Step4:  Hit number 4 on keyboard to choose option [4] Online KMS

Step5: Choose options you want to activate by hitting numbers on keyboard

Step6: Check if Water Mark is removed or not

Step7: buymeacoffee.com/waliin.tech.space



Oofan (Sirna boo'ichaa)

Oofan: Sirna boo'icha hawaasa Oromoo dhiichisaan dabaalame

Fardaan oofaa yoo himamu

Madda suuraa,

Olaanii Ita'aa

Oofaniin aadaa sirna booโ€™ichaa giddugala Oromiyaa hawaasa Oromoo naannawa Maccaa, Sadeen Liibanii fi naannawaa sanatti beekamudha.

Oofaniin nama hundaaf hin jedhamu; gaafa namni guddaan hawaasa biratti jaalatamu boqotee fi namni mararaan tasa lubbuun darbe jedhama.

Artist Hacaaluu Hundeessaa wallee maqaan albamasaa dhumaa, โ€˜Maal Maallisaaโ€™ ittiin moggaโ€™e keessatti โ€˜Oofanโ€™ jechuun walliseera.

Amma amma garuu sababa aadaafi amantiilee birattis fudhatama dhabaa dhufeef irraanfatamaa kan jiru fakkaata.

Oofan yoomii fi eenyuuf jedhama? Haala kamiin jedhama? Kaan biratti ilaalcha akkamii qaba? Ammammoo sadarkaa maaliirra jira?

Dhimma kanarratti BBCโ€™n ogeessa aadaa Gaashaaw Tasammaa waliin turtii taasiseera. Gaashaaw Godina Kibba-Lixa Shawaa, aanaa Ammayyaatti qorataa seenaa kan turan yoo taโ€™u, ofiinis sirna oofanii irratti hirmaachaa akka turan dubbatu.

Walaloo fi raawwii Oofanii

Oofaniin gaafa namni duโ€™e otoo hin taane gaafa reeffi awwaalamu waltajjii booโ€™ichaa itti firoonnii fi aanteen argaman irratti raawwata. Jechichis, reeffa qeโ€™ee isaatii baasanii oofaa yookaan deemsisaa gara bakka awwaalchaatti geessuu agarsiisa, jedhu Gaashaw.

Maanguddoofi gaโ€™eessaaf akkasumas mararaa yookaan marartuun tasa yoo boqotan oofaniin ni jedhamu. Oladeemaan fuudha gahe, kan kaadhimmate yoo akka tasaa duโ€™ees oofaniin ni jedhamaaf.

Oofaniin dhiiraafi dubartiif kan jedhamu yoo taโ€™u, daaโ€™immaniif garuu hin jedhamu. Oofaniin afoosha umurii buโ€™uureffachuudhaan hundaaโ€™een kan raawwatu yoo taโ€™u, dargaggeessis taโ€™ee gaโ€™eessi yeroo barbaachisaa taโ€™etti gurmii qabuun baโ€™ee oofanii bareecha.

โ€œAkka namni imimmaan buusu, akka namni garaansaa raafamu, akka namni [warreen sirna booโ€™ichaarratti argaman] gootummaa, dilbii, seenaa nama duโ€™ee sana yaadatu,โ€ taasisuudha jechuun kayyoo oofanii himu Obbo Gaashaw.

Oofaniin lafoofi fardeeniin yookaan gaangoodhaanis ni jedhama. Warri lafoo akka umurii isaaniitti namoota 30 hanga 50 taโ€™aniin toora galuudhaan.

Nama fuulduraa isaan dursu yookaan baasu hordofuun, jalaa qabaa oofan jedhu. Abbumti arge oofanii hin baasu yookaan hin dursu. Namni dursu sun sagalee kiilolee qabaachuu fi siโ€™ataa taโ€™uu isaatiin filatama.

Warri fardeen yookaan gaangoo yaabbachuun oofan jedhan ammoo, ni saggaarsisu malee hin gulufsiisan. Fardeen gaafas yaabbatamanis filatamaniitu; sangaa fardaati.

Koorichaan isaan gaafas fayyadaman kan guyyaa kaaniirraa addadha. Meeshaaleen akka bakara yookaan Eeboo, meeshaan waraanaas ni qabatamu.

โ€œAkka feetee miti, hiriira qaba. Tartiiba yookaan sarara dhiichisaa qaba. Akki itti miilli fuudhamu, akka itti gaโ€™eessi gateettiidhaan walqabuun miilli, miirri, waliin sochoโ€™uun oofanii jedhanโ€ miira namootaa qabuun xiyyeeffannoo guddaan akka hordofamu himu qorataan aadaaf seenaa Gaashaw.

โ€œYeroo tokko tokko namoota iddoo biraatii gara kana dhufan, akka shubbisa Shawaatti ilaalama [fudhatama],โ€ jechuun ibsu qorataan kun.

Yeroo nama du'ee seenaa himamu

Madda suuraa,

Olaanii Ita'aa

Walaloo Oofanii

Hacaaluun wallee isaa keessatti sagalee kottee fardeeniitiin eegaluun โ€˜Oofan, oofanโ€ฆโ€™ jechaa akka kanaan gadiin welliseera.

Haadha biyyaaโ€ฆ.. Oofan

Abbaa biyyaaโ€ฆ.. Oofan

Barataakooโ€ฆ.. Oofan

Barattuukooโ€ฆ.. Oofan

Qotee bulaaโ€ฆ.. Oofan

Sababa sirbichi walaloo โ€˜oofaniiโ€™ garaa nama raasuun eegaleef, walaloo boodarra dhufanirraa hubachuun ni dandaโ€™ama.

Kaleessaa hanga harโ€™aatti gaddaafi caba akka sabaatti turaniifi jiran kaasuun โ€˜Maal Maallisaa?โ€ jechuun gaafata wellichi.

Artistichi sababoota kanaa gaditti walaloo sirbichaa keessatti ibsamaniin gaddasaa โ€˜oofan, oofanโ€™ jechuun ibsateera!

Karaa baayโ€™ee qabnaa, yoom nu dhibee karaan irra deemnu,

Silaa inuma deemna, numa deemna, maaliif galman geenyu,

Karaat nu qabemoo garaadhalaa, maaf gahuu dadhabnee,

Duuneet gumaa dhabnee laammiikoo, ammahoo nuu gamee,

Roorroon nut hammaattee ammahoo nuu gamee,... jechuun weellisa.

Yeroo oofaan himamu

Madda suuraa,

Olaanii Itaa'aa

Haallii fi ariitiin ittiin oofaniin jedhamu kan maanguddoo fi gaโ€™eessaa gar gar taโ€™uu kan kaasu, Gaashaaw walaloo Oofanii kan hawaasa keessa jiru akkanaan himaniiru.

Namni baasu Gareedhaan kan jalaa qaban:

Oofaan Oofan Oofaan Oofan

Oofaa soolee Oofaan Oofan

Oofaan oolee Oofaan Oofan

Oofaan muka gamaa Oofaan Oofan

Oofaan yaa waleensuu Oofaan Oofan

Oofaan Abbaa Gadaa Oofaan Oofan

Oofaan mulโ€™ataakoo Oofaan Oofan

Oofaan ya bareedduu Oofaan Oofan

Abbaa reโ€™ee Oofaan Oofan

Reโ€™een dhaltee Oofaan Oofan

Yaa gaariikoo Oofaan Oofan

Abbaa qeโ€™ee Oofaan Oofan

Qeโ€™een baddee Oofaan Oofan

Gaafa lolaa Oofaan Oofan

Lolatโ€™ erguu Oofaan Oofan

Gaafa tolaa Oofaan Oofan

Tolatโ€™ erguu Oofaan Oofan

Oofanii abbumti arge hin jedhu, โ€œabbaan feโ€™e [arge] oofanii hin jedhu [hin baasu]. Sagalee bareedaadhaan jedhama.

Sagaleen kiiloleen barbaadamee, wellisaan sirba baasuu fi nama walaloo walaleessuu [dandaโ€™u], gichillaa namaa [kan] ennaa utaalu [miidhagu], meeshaan [ulee] inni mirmirsu kan irraa adeemu, dhankal dhankal jedhee utaalee, quphanee kaโ€™eeโ€ nama sirnicha bareechutu filatama jechuun ibsu Gaashaw.

Yeroo haala sochii qaama kana argan illee โ€˜eeboo natti darbachuufi, meeshaa natti dhukaasuufiโ€™ jedhanii namoonni dheessan illee akka jiran kaasu, namni kun.

Miira olaanaa keessa seenuudhaan qawwee [meeshaa waraanaa] dhukaasuufi alangaa qabataniin kan of rukutullee akka jiru himu. Namoonni hiriira oofaniitiin ala jiran, yeroo oofaniin jedhamu sagalee dhageessisuun booโ€™uu baatanis, โ€œimimmaan keessaa fintiraata; keessaa burqa.

Namni miiratti galee kufu, namni miiratti galee namni biraa qabu jiraโ€ jechuun humna walaloo, yeedaloo fi sochiin qaamaa oofanii qabu himu qorataan kun.


Oofan yeroo himamu

Madda suuraa,

Olaanii Itaa'aa

Oofaniin yeroo jedhamutti, namni akka himuuf dursee muudamu yookaan ayyaantomu jira. Namni kun fardaan yookaan ammoo lafoodhaan himuu dandaโ€™a.

Himinsi kutaalee Oromiyaa biroo keessattis kan beekamu yoo taโ€™u namoota hawaasa keessatti seenaa guddaa qaban, ajjeesaa faacha qabu, namni biyyaaf duule yookaan lole, oladeemaan yookaan mararaan yoo tasa duโ€™e himamaaf.

Hiriyoonni nama lubbuun darbee seenaa, gootummaa, oolmaa nama duโ€™ee kaasuun himuuf. Dirree keessa fooggalanii, garmaamanii miira xiiqii fi gootummaatiin himu.

Ennaa namni tokko himu kaan ammoo โ€˜dhugumaโ€™ jechaa waan jedhame mirkaneessaa jalaa qabu. Yeroo baayโ€™ee eeboo yookaan ulee shilootii mirmirsaa, bakka hayyamamutti meeshaa waraanaa illee dhukaasaa himama.

Ajjeesaa yoo taโ€™emmoo faachisaa agarsiifamaa ittiin himama. Gaafa namni sun awwaalamus awwaalcha saarra dhaabuuf.

Waltajjii oofanii irrattis namni himu, walaloo oofanii garaa nama raasu erga dhagaโ€™ee miiraan machaaโ€™eebooda battala utaalee himinsa eegala.

Abbaa mana qorqoorroo

Abbaa birriin boqqoolloo

Gaafa lolaa, Gaafa tolaa

Qoonqoon biyyee nyaattekaa

Qoonqoon biyyee dhugdekaa

Gooftaa cooma corroqaa/ giiftii daadhiin taliilaa [dubartiif]

Hudhaa waan daraaru hin beekne,

Duudaa waan dhalu hin beekne [mararaadhaaf]

Gindiin caccabekaa

Giddiitu qabekaa! Jechuun miira seenaa nama lubbuun darbee kaasee lubbuu itti hora.

Boo'icha 'akka dhiichisa Shawaatti ilaalamu'

โ€œWarra Dirree Incinnii, [hawaasa] Caboo, warra Tuulamaaโ€ biratti oofaniin gaangoo yookaan fardeen dheerinaan walgitaniin akka jedhamu kaasu qoratichi.

Waltajjii oofanii irratti, miโ€™a fardeenii gaafa cidhaa feโ€™ataniin otoo hin taane wantoota gadda ibsaniin miidhagfamu. Gaangeen, fardi yeroo saggaaru โ€œrukuttaa noottaa sana fakkaataโ€ jechuun ibsu qorataan seenaaf aadaa kun.

Naannoo Sadeen Liibanitti ammoo irra caalmaa lafoodhaan jedhama. Namoonni akka umrii isaaniitti hiriiranii gateettiidhaan walqabuun uleefi eeboo qabachuun wal hordofaa miilaan lafa dhiitaa sagalee garaa nama nyaatuun โ€˜oofaan oofan, oofaan oofanโ€ฆโ€™ jechuun laphee nama raasu.

Waltajjiin oofaniin irratti jedhamu qeโ€™eedhuma nama lubbuun darbeetti gaaddisa guddaa jalatti kan raawwatu yoo taโ€™u ogummaa, gootummaafi seenaan nama duโ€™ee irratti walaloo garaa nama raasuun nama boochisudha.

Otoo akka ammaa suurri guddifamee guyyaa booโ€™ichaa kaaโ€™amuu hin jalqabiin, meeshaaleen namni sun itti fayyadamaa ture kan akka uffannaa, waancaafaa, eeboo, namni duโ€™e mararaa yoo taโ€™e ammoo waan inni ittiin tolu, ittiin lolutu agarsiifama.

Sochiin qaamaa, walaloofi yeedaloo oofanii hooโ€™isu ammoo miira namaa gara dhiichisaatti geessa. Namoonni bakka biraatii dhufanii sirna awwaalchaa irratti hirmaatanis akkuma dhiichisa shawaatti akka ilaalanfaa muuxannoo isaanii yaadachiisu namni kun.

Amma maalirra jira?

Sirna booโ€™ichaa, oofanii qofa otoo hin taane aadaan Oromoo ganamaa kaan illee sababoota babalโ€™achuu magaalaafi amantaalee gurguddoo biyya keenyaa irraa kan kaโ€™e akka hafaa deemaa jiran himu qorataan kun.

โ€œNamni baadiyyaarraa buqqaโ€™ee gara magaalota gara garaatti galuun jireenyasaa geggeessa.

''Duudhaan magaalaa kan inni booโ€™icha, cidha, gootummaa ittiin ibsatu kan ofiisaa yookaan kan aadaa ganamaa akka garraamummaaf gowwummaatti fudhata [ilaala].

''Akka boodatti hafaa, garraamummaa yookaan gowwummaatti ilaala. Nutumti oofanii dhiichisaa turree, gara magaalaatti deemnee gaafa booโ€™icha dhaqnu, warra katamee yookaan magaallee kana fakkaannee boonya.

Abbaan fedhe, yoo hiriyaan keenya duโ€™e amma oofanii hin dhiichisnu. Walaloosaa beeka, duudhaansaa na keessa jira, jara [maatii nama duโ€™ee] ilaalee booโ€™a malee,[aadaa ganamaatiin gadda hin ibsatan].

Aadaa sana gadi lakkifnee gara maagalaatti deemne mitii? Namni maal naan jedhaan jira, ennaa tokko tokkommoo daguunis jira; Ijoollumti waggaa kudhaniin dura gara magaalotaa deeman, โ€˜edaa oofaniin in jiraa?โ€™ jedhuโ€ jechuun haala aadaan booโ€™ichaa oofanii irra jiru ibsu Gaashaaw.

Ammayummaafi jireenya magaalaa hordofuun akkuma jirutti taโ€™ee amantaanis oofaniin akka irraanfatamuu fi hafuuf dhiibbaa akka godhu himu namni kun.

Amantaaleen โ€œduutumti mataansaa, booโ€™uudhumti sun, yoo akkanatti [faradoo] feete, yoo akkanatti [oofanii] dhiichiste akka nama Rabbiin nama sana [nama duโ€™e] dheekkamuu, akka [inni] jeennata hin galleettiโ€ waan ilaalaniif oofaniin hafaa, irraanfatamaa akka jiru himu.

โ€œNamni duโ€™ee amantaasaa maalinii?โ€ jedhamee erga gaafatamee booda, โ€œamantaa kan aadaa, kan ittiin dhalate sana [Waaqeffannaa] hin jijjiirre yoo taโ€™eโ€ oofaniin akka dhiichifamuufis kaasu.

Amantaalee biroo biratti garuu, sirni booโ€™ichaafi awwaalchaa oofaniin otoo hin taane duudhaadhuma mana amantaatiin akka geggeeffamus himaniiru namni kun.

Madda: Oofan: Sirna boo'icha hawaasa Oromoo dhiichisaafi seenaa himuun dabaalame - BBC News Afaan Oromoo

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